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Sep. 10, 2020: Meeting Minutes

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Sep. 10, 2020: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting

Location and Time

Highline College
District 9
2400 South 240th Street
Des Moines, WA 98198

Meeting Virtual Zoom meeting: 8:00 a.m.



Board of Trustees: Chair Sili Savusa, Vice Chair Sharmila Swenson, Dan Altmayer, Fred Mendoza, Bob Roegner present.

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Emily Lardner, John Mosby, Michael Pham, Aaron Reader, Danielle Slota, Tim Wrye present.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 8:01 a.m.

WPEA Contract, Summer Korst and Michael Pham

Counter proposal expected from WPEA on Sep 11

Proposal to match furlough schedule to exempt staff and to match

Trustee Altmayer asked when the vote is planned for.  Summer Korst noted that we need to have agreements by the end of the month.  Finalized contracts are due to OFM by October 1st.

Highline College FY2020-21 Operational Budget Review, Michael Pham

Trustee Altmayer asked for final budget report for 2019-20.  VP Pham noted that the preliminary close was presented in July, 2020 and the final close would be presented in October, 2020.  Noted that we were right on budget for the year.

Revenue versus projected expenditure shortfall is an expected ($3,474,755).  Additionally the Governor has noted we should plan for an additional 15% cut to our base which would be a projected shortfall of ($4,814,540) for a total projected shortfall of ($8,289,295).  Given the magnitude of the shortfall the College moved into budget reduction planning.

Formed a Budget Advisory Council with representatives from across campus including a student representative.  The purpose of the Council is to provide feedback on reduction planning.  The Council drafted a set of budget reduction principles which Executive Cabinet did adopt.  Principles include a commitment to closing the equity gap and increasing completion rates, the use of data to make informed decisions, and budget reductions being shared across campus.

Reviewed reduction targets for the first expected shortfall of $3.4mil

Requesting the Board to release up to $2.5mil from Board-designated reserve funds

Hoping to received up to $550k from GEER funds to contribute towards the shortfall

Trustee Swenson confirmed that the Board-designated reserve fund is currently $10mil

Exempt employee furlough plan includes 8 days of furlough for those employees earning more than $40k per year which is equivalent to a 3% salary reduction.  For employees earning less than $40k annually, the requirement is 4 furlough days.  The furlough days will follow a campus schedule.

Trustee Swenson voiced concerns for those employees already making under $40k.  Asked that we continue to consider this challenge and look for alternate ways to adjust the shortfall.  Trustee Swenson asked for clarity on the total savings from the furlough for employees making under $40k.  VP Pham noted that there are very few exempt employees making under $40k.  In regards to classified staff, there have been conversations about lessening the impact for those employees making smaller salaries however Budget Advisory Council supports reductions being shared across campus.  Dr. Mosby noted that he has received a number of messages from the campus community recognizing that furloughs were needed but asking that while employees making considerably less contribute to reductions, we keep their impact low.  VP Pham noted that the discussion in Advisory Council was in support of furloughs to preserve jobs.

Agreement reached with HCEA to reduction of faculty development funds for the academic year and a suspension of their COLA through March, 2021.

Projected enrollment is low due to pandemic and travel restrictions.

VP Pham noted that there is a strong focus on enrollment strategies right now as we recognize enrollment is critical in maintaining the budget so that we can continue to offer a high level of student services.

Noted that there are no major capital projects planned for 2020-21.  Six scheduled minor repair and renovation projects planned.

Trustee Altmayer noted that he is uncomfortable with the amount of time the Trustees had to review the Budget Book, asked that in future years a similar process is followed as to S&A budget with a presentation followed by action one month later.  Voiced concerns with approving a budget prior to WPEA and HCEA contracts being finalized.

Trustee Altmayer asked about case work being done within SBDC and Welcome Back Center.  Noted this may be an opportunity to look at budget reductions strategies by object rather than by employee classification.  Summer Korst commented that conversations have been had around reduction in services / case loads.  Executive Cabinet was tasked with reviewing the work load in their areas.  It was noted that the changing landscape under COVID-19 is challenging because for some their work load has dramatically increased.  Managers will be asked to look at work loads to determine if there are more opportunities for savings.

Trustee Swenson asked about marketing toward high school students and university bound students who may not have access to the education plans they originally had.  VP Reader shared that marketing boards have been placed along the drive-through line of the COVID-19 mobile testing site on campus specifically directed to these students as well as to our Veteran community, prof-tech students, etc.  Additionally noted was the collaborative calling campaign effort focused on Running Start, applied not enrolled and registered but not paid student.  Provided details on the new SignalVine texting campaign.  VP Gerstman noted a social media campaign directed toward students who were planning to attend a university this fall but were unable to.  Marketing efforts currently showcasing the cost savings in tuition at Highline versus a University.  Noted that these ads are targeted within South King County.

Trustee Roegner noted that we should not be comparing this year’s budget to the cuts in 2008.  The 2008 cuts were about money where as 2021 needs to be about job preservation.  He feels well informed and trusts Executive Cabinet to keep the fabric of what Highline College stands for together.

President Mosby noted the work being done with the local public school districts and the focus on developing a streamlined maneuver from local high schools to Highline.

Trustee Savusa mentioned that COVID-19 is something we all have to deal with and an opportunity to get out of our silos and work as a community.  It is an opportunity for behavior and service level change.

Trustee Altmayer confirmed a special meeting will be needed before October 1, 2020 to approve the WPEA contract.  Trustee Savusa asked if it is possible to delay the vote on the budget to that same meeting.  Trustee Mendoza noted that he has historically leaned on Trustee Altmayer to ask astute budget questions and expressed his gratitude.  Trustee Mendoza noted that this budget requires we look really hard at the effects of our budget on the entire community and thanked the Budget Advisory Council for their provided input.  He asked for clarification on the potential impacts of the WPEA contract as to whether or not it will drastically change the budget being voted on.  Noted that he feels comfortable voting today.  Trustee Swenson asked for clarification as to what happens if the WPEA contract is drastically different than expected and how that will effect the current budget plan if approved today.  VP Pham confirmed that the numbers are not contingent upon the WPEA contract.  Trustee Swenson noted that she would appreciate more time to review the budget next year but recommends the Board proceed with a vote in today’s meeting.  Trustee Altmayer noted that he too is comfortable voting today on the condition that a process be established for future years to allow more time for review.  The Highline College Board of Trustees agreed to proceed with a vote in general session.

Review of action items to be voted on in General Session

Action item a. Approval of the Highline College FY2020-21 Operating Budget

Study Session was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Sili Savusa, Vice Chair Sharmila Swenson, Dan Altmayer, Fred Mendoza, Bob Roegner present

Executive Cabinet: Danielle Slota, Josh Gerstman, Aaron Reader, Emily Lardner, John R. Mosby, Michael Pham, Summer Korst, Tim Wrye present

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 10:01 a.m.

Approval minutes

Approve minutes for the regular meeting of July 23, 2020 and the Special Meeting on August 13, 2020
Trustee Swenson moved to approve the minutes, Trustee Altmayer seconded the motion. The motion was passed, minutes approved.

Opportunity for public comment

Alex Feliciano – asked that the mailroom be mentioned in the Administrative Services board report submitted by VP Pham.

Standing Reports

Associated Students of Highline College, Thomas Bui

Introduced the new ASHC leaders.

  • President, Jarmaine Santos
  • Vice President, Hector Pina
  • Speaker of Caucus, Kayla Pezolano
WPEA, Tessa Bowen

Voiced that she felt her report from the July meeting was not heard around the topic of equity.  Spoke to the 2021-2023 contract being discussed in Olympia.  Noted no step increase, no COLAs  and statewide required furloughs equivalent to 48 days of work during the contract period.  Voiced that this budget will hurt union members and classified employees will need to seek employment outside of state positions.  Voiced that the cost of living continues to grow and classified staff are already financially challenged.  Noted that the state changes in conjunction with the college’s cuts may be equivalent to a 14% salary decrease for classified staff.  Asked HC BoT to advocate for WPEA at the state level.

Trustee Savusa expressed gratitude for the information and for continuing to hold the BoT accountable.

HCEA, Ben Thomas

Noted that HCEA supports WPEA employees 100% and advocated for the BoT to use their voices in Olympia to support WPEA.  Expressed gratitude for the BoT and Executive Cabinet.  Faculty feel seen and heard.  Ten week summer session went well and students are succeeding because of the support they are receiving from their faculty.  Part-time faculty reductions have occurred and advocated for avoiding laying-off adjunct faculty when possible.  Voiced concerns for our students that don’t have access to technology and thanked ITS for their continued efforts to serve our students and ensure they have what they need to be successful.  Expressed gratitude to Summer Korst and her Human Resources team for their continued efforts.  Thanked Dr. Mosby and VP Lardner for their continued willingness to listed to HCEA needs and their efforts in contract negotiations.

Faculty Senate, Sam Alkhalili

no comment

Highline College Foundation, Josh Gerstman

Expressed gratitude to Trustee Swenson as the new HC Foundation BoT liaison.  Shared that the cancellation of the spring gala shifted attention to the COVID-19 assistance campaign.  Expressed gratitude to the mailroom for their partnership in this campaign.  Virtual community engagement events coming this fall.  Hoping for a gala this spring but also researching what a virtual event could look like if that is needed.

Action item a.:

Approval of the Highline College FY2020-21 Operating Budget
Motion by, Vice Chair Swenson. Seconded by, Trustee Altmayer. Motion Passed.

Area reports

Administrative Services, VP Michael Pham

Thanked the BoT for approving the FY2020-21 Operating Budget.  Noted the continued focus on safety for the campus community from the current pandemic.

Academic Affairs, VP Emily Lardner, Ph.D.

Welcomed Dr. Lopez as the new Dean for Workforce Programs.  Expressed gratitude for the work and soul that her Division is contributing to Accreditation, Guided Pathways, Public Health Management, inclusive syllabus templates, student experiences, participation in a state-wide institute on racial equity and online teaching and a new team read being launched as outlined in her submitted area report.  Thanked the Marketing and Communications team for their flexibility and contributions to her team’s success.  Thanked Gabrielle Bachmeier for her efforts in the campus calling campaign to increase enrollment, Marco Lopez for his continued efforts with the budget and Raegan Copeland for her continued leadership with ctcLink.

Trustee Swenson welcomed Dr. Lopez to the Highline family.

Student Services, VP Aaron Reader

Noted that in addition to what was submitted in his area report that student services is currently focused on providing resources and support to current students in addition to prospective students.  The Student Services Support Center recently received a grant of $400k to support the food pantry giving us the opportunity to provide culturally relevant food in the pantry as well as innovative approaches to food delivery.  Acknowledged the Running Start team for their work to receive funds to help with book costs for their students.  Recognized CASE for their efforts to find students employment.

Institutional Advancement, VP Josh Gerstman

Communications and Marketing is partnering with faculty on Guided Pathways pages to create a streamlined and accessible online format for students.  Worked with Running Start on a targeted social media campaign as well as updates to the website.  Recognized the SBDC and StartZone for serving clients during the pandemic and thanked them for bringing in grant funding to support their efforts during challenging budget times.  Noted that they are currently operating off of grant funds rather than general funds.  Recognized that his team continues to work 100% while also working to build a cohesive team in support of the community while also balancing a physical office move.

Trustee Altmayer asked for an update on the naming of the Sound Transit station.  VP Gerstman noted that they have delayed their decisions amid the pandemic.  Expressed gratitude to the student leadership for advocating for Highline with Sound Transit.  Trustee Altmayer asked that any potential changes to the Sound Transit Board be reported to the HC BoT.  VP Gerstman thanked Sharika Ericksen for her continued partnership with statewide leadership and to his grants team for continuing to move Highline forward through their dedicated work.

President’s remarks

Dr. Mosby thanked the Board of Trustees for approving the FY2020-21 Operational Budget and for challenging and trusting campus leadership to continue to keep the Highline College Mission and Values in the drivers seat.

Offered a welcome to Dr. Lopez to the community.

Expressed gratitude to Executive Cabinet and the Board of Trustees for their support during recent time away from the office.  Thanked the campus community, particularly WPEA and HCEA, for their support during these weeks both professionally and personally.

Unscheduled business

Trustee Savusa acknowledged Trustee Roegner for his many years of service and for accepting her with love.  She thanked him for continuing to teach the trustees with grace and integrity.  Trustee Swenson offered appreciation for his ongoing thoughtfulness and years of service.  Trustee Mendoza thanked Trustee Roegner for his many years of city service in addition to his time with the Trustees.  Trustee Altmayer thanked Trustee Roegner for his wealth of experience, knowledge of governance and his relationship building in Olympia.  President Mosby offered gratitude his welcome to Highline and his continued advise and guidance.

Trustee Roegner expressed his gratitude for community building among campus employees.  He expressed appreciation for what Highline teaches each other.  He commented on his ten years with Highline as a learning and relationship building opportunity.  Trustee Roegner thanked President Mosby for his leadership and developing a strong team to lead Highline into the future.

General Session was adjourned at 11:14 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from September 10, 2020, were approved and signed into record by Chair Sili Savusa and President John R. Mosby on Nov. 12, 2020.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.