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Nov. 04, 2021: Study Session Agenda

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Nov. 04, 2021: Study Session Agenda

Board of Trustees


Highline College
District 9
Zoom meeting ID: 881 5695 9183
Passcode: Highline


8 a.m.


Call to order

Discussion Topics

First Quarter Financial Report, Dr. Pham

Review of Action Items to be voted on in General Session

Action item a.

Approval to file emergency rule changes to the Highline College Student Code of Conduct, Ay Saechao

Action item b.

Amendment to authorization of Student Debt Relief as outlined in the adopted FY2021-22 Operating Budget, Dr. Pham

Unscheduled business

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.