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Jul, 28, 2022: Meeting Minutes

Home/Meeting 07-28-22, Meeting Minutes/Jul, 28, 2022: Meeting Minutes
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Jul, 28, 2022: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Summer Korst. Tim Wrye absent.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 8:08 a.m.

Discussion Topics

Preliminary fiscal budget review, Dr. Michael Pham – 25 minutes

Dr. Pham shared the FY2022-23 Preliminary General Budget 

Given the challenges that we are facing on the revenue side, why is the college asking for a budget that includes salary increase? Given everything we are facing with uncertainties and the impact those have on our employees, we are being cautiously optimistic while trying to avoid imposing major negative impacts on the employees at the college. 

Exstrom confirmed the current board reserve fund balance is $10M. Restrictions on this reserve are that 5% of general operating funds be set aside for this fund (though we are now upwards of 10% being contributed). The funds used to fund this balance come from unrestricted fund balances (running start and international). No restrictions on what the BoT choses to use these funds for. Asked Dr. Pham to estimate whether or not a future ask of board reserves is anticipated this year – Dr. Pham confirmed that he does not currently foresee coming back in 2022-23 however he does anticipate a future ask in 2023-24. 

Accreditation updates and MFR review, Dr. Emily Lardner – 10 minutes

Dr. Lardner shared the 2021.2.12 Highline MFS F20

Dr. Lardner shared the MFR 

Shared core themes of Access, Student Learning, and Community Relationships

Trustee Swenson noted the importance of the core themes being emphasized in the new MVV

This accreditation is required for us to receive federal funding to allow us to offer financial aid

Trustee Exstrom noted the need for continuity between MVV and MFR. Asked for clarification on the process of how we will continue to do that. Dr. Lardner commented that some things are non negotiable (student achievement, student access, and student learning – we must show two years of data). Some language used is measurable and some is not. Does not believe there is conflict in values but there may be conflict in origin. Key operational aspects needed to achieve accreditation need to be informing both the MVV and the MFR.

Reflections on 2021/22 institutional priorities, Announcement of 2022/23 institutional priorities, Dr. John R. Mosby – 35 minutes

Dr. Mosby presented the following: Institutional Priorities 2021-22, 2022-23

Themes identified in 2021/22 trustee self evaluations, identified areas for growth, Chair Bowman – 30 minutes

Policy – Would like to see more policy education for the board, starting with the accreditation 101 in September.

Community relations – Would like more opportunities for further understanding of what is going on in the community, example of Sound Transit (are we holding them accountable to how the community is being treated in the process?), Covid-19 vaccine clinics, etc. Request for Danielle to invite the trustees to anything and everything. Houseless community members and Public Safety, how can our work at the college help inform the conversation? How do we begin to understand the violence happening in the community? 

Work to build a playbook for new trustees stemming from the new SBCTC DEI guide for trustee onboarding

Review of action items to be voted on in General Session, Chair Bowman – 30 minutes

  1. action item a. Resolution 172-2022 pertaining to Small Business Development Center, StartZone, and SBDC 2022 funds
  2. action item b. Resolution 173-2022 pertaining to Small Business Development Center, StartZone, and SBDC 2023 funds
  3. action item c. Resolution 174-2022 pertaining to Highline College Mission, Vision, and Values
    1. Discussion with tri-chairs and presentation of Highline College MVV MockUp and Presentation  
    2. Trustee Exstrom noted concerns that the mission is still too long to be remembered by folks outside the team. Strong support for the vision and values to elaborate on a more concise mission statement. Would like to see a one sentence mission statement. 
    3. Trustee Swenson noted that everything in the mission statement belongs in the MVV but there is opportunity to move some of the language in the mission into the vision and values. Brought attention to South Puget Sound as a guidepost in accreditation and shared their mission statement as an example of brevity. Voiced concern that some of the items in the mission statement are still aspirational and may better belong in the vision. Would like to see the mission statement be focused on the outcome/top of the recipe, and the vision and values focus on the how we make it.
    4. Trustee Savusa shared that the language used in the mission feels institutional rather than something we can connect with. Would like to see more connection to the core themes identified in the MFR because those themes are our institution and needing guidance through equity.
    5. Trustee Bowman would like to see more student language in what we dream and invite in the vision statement.
    6. Dr. Mosby commented that we will schedule a meeting with the tri-chairs as a followup to partner in processing the feedback received today. Voiced he is committed to keeping the MVV with the EFSP Core Team and partnering to come to a final document that will be ready for vote in September.

*Action item c. Resolution 174-2022 pertaining to Highline College Mission, Vision, and Values has been rescheduled for vote in September, 2022.

Executive Session pertaining to Highline College labor contracts

The Board, as and when deemed necessary, may call an Executive Session for appropriate purposes under the Open Meetings Act RCW 42.30.110.

Executive Session called to order at 10:20 a.m. for 10 minutes, extended by 5 minutes.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 10:30 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Summer Korst. Tim Wrye absent.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 10:46 a.m.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of June 9, 2022 and the special meeting of June 13, 2022

Trustee Savusa motioned to approve, Trustee Exstrom seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment


Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College – none
  • Washington Public Employees Association – none
  • Highline College Education Association – James Peyton

Spoke to the challenges and barriers our community continues to face in wages, childcare, education, etc. related to cost/format/support/access. In order to make Highline accessible and to reach community members with the message that we are accessible and how, we have a lot of work to do.

Contract negotiations are in the final phase, appreciate the extensive work done on both sides of the bargaining table. 

  • Faculty Senate – none
  • Highline College Foundation – Josh Gerstman

Thanked Chair Bowman for representing the board at the annual golf tournament. The Foundation will meet in retreat in the next month to discuss goal setting and planning for the future. Currently interviewing CPA firms to conduct the annual audit. 

Action items

  • Action item a: Resolution 172-2022 pertaining to Small Business Development Center, StartZone, and SBDC 2022 funds


  • Action item b: Resolution 173-2022 pertaining to Small Business Development Center, StartZone, and SBDC 2023 funds

Trustee Swenson motioned to approve, Trustee Exstrom seconded, motion passed unanimously

Area reports

  • Administrative Services: VP Dr. Michael Pham

Upcoming visit to Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia for recruitment. 

Trustee Exstrom asked that we continue to utilize data as we identify communities for international recruitment. 

  • Academic Affairs: VP Dr. Emily Lardner

Provided updates to Increasing Access and Community Partnerships section of her board report

  • ELCAP was able to secure a $100k grant to support refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan, new funds from the legislature that are relatively unresctriced.
  • On Jul 16, 2022, HC hosted a picnic for the NW Immigrant Rights project and their clients – the program provides services both to the broader community and our students.

Expressed gratitude to the bargaining team members for recent HCEA contract

  • Student Services: Interim VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn

Seconded the proposal for a future study session discussion/education on Campus View and COCM as well as the draft after hours matrix currently under development

Worker retraining program currently under review in response to recent audit that provided learning opportunities around supporting students moving forward and revising practices and procedures to ensure we are working with fidelity.

King County Promise – noted collaboration with Krystal Welch, Josh Gerstman, and Bruce Marvin. 

Financial aid working to develop a strategy for moving students through awareness, access, and funding with financial aid. Request for future event at Campus View with tour opportunity.

  • Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

Campus View has a new neighbor with Just Poké

SBDC has a microenterprise 5 year grant with the USDA that has allowed Bobby Butler to launch a demonstration plot with Living Well Kent to show techniques, what crops grow well, pest control, etc. 


President’s remarks

Expressed gratitude to the bargaining teams negotiating the HCEA contract. Recognized the hard but necessary work and expressed thanks.

Unscheduled business

New business


General Session was adjourned at 11:38 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from July 28, 2022, were approved and signed into record by Chair Bowman and President John R. Mosby on September 08, 2022