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Feb. 22, 2024: Administrative Services

2024-02-16T09:39:41+00:00 Print Page

Feb. 22, 2024: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

For the month of February 2024, I am requesting to forgo the standard area reporting format.  In its place, the Area Report for the Administrative Services Division will focus exclusively on the institutional financial/fiscal operations as follows:

  • The 2nd Quarter Financial Report is being provided for the Board to review. Overall, the College continues to see its financial position improving through the end of December 31, 2023.  Revenues are up in all categories compared to the same period last year, although expenses have also increased accordingly.  The College is cautiously optimistic about our financial operations for the remainder of the fiscal year, in meeting our fiscal targets.
  • The student fees proposal for FY2024-25 is being submitted for the Board to review. The student fees are proposed for the Board’s approval in the March 2024 meetings.  Most fees are carried forward from the current fiscal year with minimal changes, except where necessary to maintain financial sustainability and/or services to students.  Actual Board action to adopt the fees will be requested in March 2024.
  • The new comprehensive Safety & Transportation Management fee (STM) is the most significant fee request for FY2024-25. This new STM fee is being proposed to ensure continuing financial sustainability of the Public Safety Department, especially considering the increasing demand for security and safety services.  We have presented the STM fee proposal to the ASHC Council meeting on February 7th for feedback.  While some students had a concern with the fee increase for the part-time students, most expressed an understanding for a single fee, as well as supporting the need for additional resources to maintain infrastructure and enhance safety/security on campus.  Actual Board action to adopt the STM fee will be requested in March 2024.
  • While the new STM fee is applicable only to students, the College also plans to negotiate parking fee increases with our employees as well. Under the current state funding model, parking maintenance, repair, and other infrastructure enhancements must be paid by user fee (non-state funds).
  • The financial statement audit for FY2021-22 has been completed, with the State Auditor’s Office giving the College a CLEAN audit (no findings). A copy is being provided for the Board to review.
  • The College, however, did receive a management letter and an exit item as recommendations for improvement. Management letters and exit items are generally considered “minor” and are excluded from the actual financial audit report.  Nevertheless, the College takes these recommendations seriously and has developed a set of corrective actions.  The corrective actions are being provided for the Board to review.  The College plans to submit these corrective actions to the State Auditor’s Office as well prior to the next financial statement audit.