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Dec. 12, 2019: Student Services

2019-12-05T17:05:10+00:00 Print Page

Dec. 12, 2019: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

The division of Student Services operates on 3 Core Functions: Access, Supporting Student Success, and Engagement with a focus on equity.

The goals of student services for the 2019-2021:
Goal 1: Increase Access and Enrollment (Getting students on a Path – Entry & Onboarding)
Goal 2: Increase progression and completion (Keeping Students on a Path – Retention & Completion)
Goal 3: Design and implement a holistic Advising Model that supports students from entry to completion (Pathways Advising)
Goal 4: Professional Development

Student access, retention, and success

  • Advising Center: The Advising Center collaborated with Placement and Testing in their role coordinating faculty advising to offer a series of Pathway Advising Sessions where students can meet with an advisor and receive help registering online in the computer lab. The last event was on 11/21 and 80 students participated.
  • Career and Student Employment Center: Career Services collaborated with Rashmi Koushik from the Jumpstart Program to do a Career Coach demonstration as well as a Resume Building workshop on 11/22/2019. The demonstration was attended by over 30 students from a Jumpstart Program cohort.
  • Outgoing transcripts orders are now processed in partnership with Parchment. Admissions is no longer receiving transcript requests through the National Student Clearinghouse. This should greatly reduce the amount of staffing time for processing of transcript requests and improve customer service.
  • Registration: Winter quarter registration access times were changed to reflect a set time (8:00 am) rather than in 30 minute intervals. No noticeable technical issues were reported. Registration will continue to research how to streamline registration job time schedules and strengthen external communications to the broader community regarding registration access times and helpful registration tips. Currently, enrollment is higher than this same time last year (day 16). We believe this is attributed to streamlining registration access times, improved communication, and the work of administrators across campus to better coordinate enrollment and advising efforts overall, including communications and marketing, and faculty engagement with their students encouraging them to register, and coordinated pathway advising days.
  • Past FASFA/WASFA Deadline language has been changed to Priority Deadline. Website has been updated.
  • TRiO successfully submitted their 2019 Annual Performance Report to the US Department of Education capturing the program’s success. We’d like to acknowledge the TRiO team and the support of numerous campus partners in supporting the TRiO program.

Student engagement and events

  • ASHC Student Government hosted the annual Legislative Breakfast on November 26th, from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM. The theme this year was Student Voice: The Road to Change. This critical program created an opportunity for Highline Students and their voices to be heard by the legislators who represent our service areas. 100 students, 36 staff/faculty, 15 legislators, and 3 Board of Trustees were able to engage in an important dialogue during this event.
  • CLS Global Student Ambassador team and CCIE Inter-Cultural Center Peer Facilitator team were proud partners of International Education Week, November 18-22, 2019.
  • The Transfer Center hosted an Information Session for students interested in attending Seattle University on Wednesday, 11/26 in the Transfer Center from 10:30am – 1:00pm.
  • Congratulations to the Women’s Soccer Team, The 2019 NWAC Champions. With a 1-0 win in double overtime, Highline Collects their 3rd NWAC Women’s Soccer Title and their 2nd in three years. Highline’s own Hannah Jenkins was awarded the Tournament MVP and Coach Tom Moore was selected as the NWAC Coach of the Year.
  • Men’s Soccer finished with an overtime loss to Wenatchee in the Final 8. A heart beaker to say the least. Women’s Volleyball also had a great year finishing second in the West Region and advancing to the NWAC Finals before falling in the Final 8. Tough loss for the T-Birds who’s starting setter was injured in the first game of the NWAC Finals.
  • And now winter sports begin with Women’s Basketball, Men’s Basketball and Wrestling. Men are home, December 4th at 7pm vs. Clark and the Wrestlers will host Warner Pacific on December 7th at 1pm. The women won’t be home until January 4th when they host Whatcom at 12 noon.

Staff professional development

  • Dean, Jennifer Scanlon attended the NWCCU (Northwest Commission) Annual Conference on Accreditation in Seattle, Washington 11/21 – 11/22 . Following our 2020 accreditation visit, we will have new accreditation standards for our region. The conference focused on measuring student success, assessing learning, and how to use assessment to make meaningful changes in terms of student success, diversity and equity. Topics also included the market for higher education, demographic trends and public opinion regarding higher education.
  • Patrick Fernadez, Interim Program Manager for CASE attended the Career and Employment Services Council (CESC) meeting at Big Bend Community College on 11/14 – 11/15. CESC provides recommendations to the Washington State Student Services Commission (WSSSC) regarding the design, implementation, and evaluation of delivery systems and training modules for career counseling, career exploration, job readiness, career development and student preparation for an ever-changing work environment. Patrick was nominated and elected to serve in the CESC Executive Leadership Team as Secretary.
  • Enrollment Services (Registration and Admissions) staff began ctcLink training with Fundamentals training in a computer lab with Pat Daniels in ITS on Friday, Nov 21st.
  • Friday Professional Development training continued for the month of November with Trio, Undocumented Residencey (Gum-Lai Ross and Lilly Oh), NACADA (Chase Magliocca and Chantel Carrancho), CCIE and CLS (Doris Martinez & Thomas Bui). Outcomes include more cross training and adoption of the Guided Pathways model to better support students by understanding enrollment services departments.
  • Financial Aid staff completed 2 all-day on November 13th and 14th for internal training. This is the first time the current staff has come together since they were all hired (past employee and current) prior to the transition in May 2019. The team focused on expediting file review and discussed policies and procedures which will be an ongoing training to remove system barriers for students applying for FAFSAS/WASFA.
  • Patrick Fernandez was invited to serve on the 32nd Annual University of Washington Community College Advising Conference. Sponsored by the UW-Seattle Undergraduate Academic Affairs Advising, the conference provides informational workshops to help community college advisors become more knowledgeable on transferring to the University of Washington Seattle Campus. The planning committee is comprised of 8-10 UW and community college advisors. The committees first meeting was last Friday, 11/22/2019. This year’s conference will be on Friday, April 17, 2020 in Alder Hall.

Other relevant announcements:

  • The Benefits Hub site visit was a success. The primary goal of the visit to Highline was to assess the extent to which the college is meeting (or exceeding) the standard Benefits Hub model along five dimensions of model fidelity: Staffing, Holistic Student Supports Delivery, Benefits Offered, Campus Leadership & Collaboration, and Outreach & Marketing.
  • While In School Housing (WISH)-Partnership with King County Housing Authority to house 40 homeless students with King County vouchers.
    • WISH info sessions: 1/14; 1/16; 1/22; 1/29
    • Enrollment to begin Winter quarter

Programs and collaborations in progress:

  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. WeeK will be held Monday, January 21- Friday, January 24, 2020. The theme this year is Radical Vision 20/20: Reclaiming Our Past, Rewriting our Present, Re-imagining Our Future featuring 9 events, including a day of service. MLK Week is a signature CCIE programming series that focuses on exploring and celebrating the teachings and legacy of Rev. Dr. King, Jr. through keynote speakers, workshops, and professional development
  • Women’s Programs/WorkFirst: From the month of November and December the Women’s Programs/WorkFirst department is coordinating the Giving Tree event to provide families with holiday gifts. Please contact Callie Moothart, Women’s Program/WorkFirst Life Skills & Retention Advisor to support the effort.
  • After a successful meeting with Highline School District, Highline College plans to pursue the 2021-2026 TRiO Talent Search grant that is awarded would provide Highline College 1.1+ million dollars to develop college access programming for students at Highline School District. The TRiO Talent Search grant committee will meet in Winter quarter 2020 in preparation for the grant competition.
  • Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct & SAIT: In partnership with Faculty Senate and Center for Leadership and Service we are proud to announce the appointment of the 2019-2020 Student Conduct Committee: Committee Chair Cathy Cartwright, student representatives Matthew Thompson and Marcel Manjares, and faculty representatives Chris Gan and Joshua Magallanes. Their service will support the mission of the Conduct Office of progressive discipline, student learning, and campus safety.
  • Members of the Math Attainment Committee representing both Student Services and Academic Affairs are kicked off the “Math in 45 Campaign”. With 82% of students not taking a math course within their first 45 credits, the campaign hopes to change that trend to encourage students to take math courses earlier.
  • Patrick Fernandez in collaboration with Mary Weir, Program Manager for Prison-Based Education in the Criminal Justice Department, went to the South Correctional Entity (SCORE) to hold a Resume Writing Workshop. SCORE is a jail in Des Moines, Washington serving the confinement needs of 7 member cities and a number of contract agencies. There were 25 people signed up for the workshop and closer to 30 attended.

Staffing updates

  • Jeremy Wilde started as the WorkForce Advisor on December 2. This position serves as the Point of Contact for Early Achievers Grant.
  • Campus View Assistant Director, Donna Hakimian starts January 2, 2020
  • D Walker, Academic Advisor has accepted a position outside of Highline College. D served as an academic advisor for the past 12 years, but has always been passionate about science. He has accepted a position in Pacific Northwest National Laboratories.

Report submitted on Nov. 27, 2019 by Interim Vice President Sy Ear, Ed.D.