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Dec. 10, 2020: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 12-10-20/Dec. 10, 2020: Institutional Advancement
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Dec. 10, 2020: Institutional Advancement

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Institutional Advancement furthers an awareness of and appreciation for Highline College by communicating with diverse constituencies, building and strengthening relationships and encouraging participation in and support of college programs and initiatives.

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners (core theme 3, objective 1).

Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work

  • Engages the community and builds relationships to cultivate future students (Core Theme 3)
  • Recruits students (core theme 2, objective 2)
  • Supports students as they persist in their education (core theme 1, objective 1)
  • Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials (core theme 1, objective 3)
  • Engages with them as alumni (core theme 3, objective 2)
  • Shares their stories (Core theme 3, objective 1)
  • Builds sustainable support (core them 4, objective 2)

November dashboard

  • Website visits: 106,201
  • Media mentions: 12
  • Advertisements: 10
  • Graphic Design Projects for Campus: 18
  • Outreach inquiries: 21
  • Donations: $23,185.77
  • Number of gifts: 18
  • Alumni Gifts: 1

IA Monthly Spotlight on Black and Brown Male Summit

  • 11th annual Black and Brown Male Summit went virtual during COVID-19 Pandemic Response
  • 5 sessions held every Monday in November; high school students who participated in all 5 sessions are eligible for 2 college credits (Coll 100) at Highline.
  • Each week had a focus/theme and were able to bring in some additional speakers due to virtual format
    • 2nd– “Ready for the Good Fight” #goodtrouble Keynote speakers: Kevin Powell & George “The Conscious” Lee
    • 9th– “The Awakening” Keynote speakers Michael Tuncap and Conrad Webster;
      • Political panel Jesse Johnson, Eric Pettigrew, Aaron Garcia & Joe Nguyen
      • Workshops: Roberto Reyes, Diego Luna & Aaron Modica,  Robert Unzueta
    • 16th – “The Blueprint” keynote speakerRoberto Rubalcaba (Dr. Rob) and Jashon A. Banks Sr., Ph.D. & James Hassan Curtis
    • 23rd– “Greatness on the Rise”#boundless keynote speaker Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
      • Advocacy and Activism Within Sports panel with: Ryan Phillips, Aaron Brooks, Tre Simmons, Brandon Gibson
    • 30th “Healing from Within” keynotes Loyal Allen Jr. andGeorge “The Conscious” Lee
      • Workshops speakers: Roberto Martinez, Kamron Reese and Luis Chavez
    • Introduced first time programs for allies/advocates
      • 2 sessions: Nov. 16 / Derek Greenfield (Allyship is a Verb, Not a Noun: The Time is Now for Action) and Nov. 30thw/ Kevin Gannon (Watch Whiteness Work: Race and Power in the US)

Thanks to the B&B Committee members: Mariela Barriga, Loyal Allen, Gerie Ventura, Kharmyn Williams, Razmehr Fardad, Diego Luna, Aleyda Cervantes, Rashad Norris, Fawzi Belal, Erich T. Elwin, Geomarc Panelo, Tanisha Williams, Rickitia Reid.

Media coverage

Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:


YouTube Ad

15 second pre-poll video ad running across YouTube and affiliate network. Ad targeted only to our nine service area postal codes. Ad ran Oct. 7 thru Nov. 30.  Purpose: General promotion of winter quarter start date and increase winter enrollment.

OTT (over-the-top) Streaming Media Services Ad

15 second ad (same as YouTube ad) running across multiple streaming services, devices and apps such as Apple TV, Sling TV, Hulu, ESPN, MTV, MSNBC, ESPN, Comedy Central, and many others. Ad targeted only to our nine service area postal codes.  Ad ran Nov. 1 thru Dec. 26.  Purpose: General promotion of winter quarter start date and increase winter enrollment.

Snapchat Video Ad

10 second interstitial ad targeting 16- to 32-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Ad ran Nov. 16 thru Dec. 8.  Purpose: General promotion of winter quarter and full schedule of online and virtual classes, and increase winter enrollment.

Instagram Feed/Story Boosted Post

Post ran October 26 – November 10 and targeted 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.

Purpose: Promotion of winter quarter start date and increase winter enrollment.

Facebook and Instagram Feed Ad

Ad ran October 28 – November 15 and targeted 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education and high school or some college.  Purpose: General awareness of our over 100 degrees and certificates for those looking to change careers; promotion of winter quarter start date and increase winter enrollment.

Facebook and Instagram Feed Video Ad

20 second tuition comparison video ad that targets 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education and high school or some college.  Ad ran Nov. 18 thru Dec. 18. Purpose: Demonstration of low tuition compared to public colleges and universities and general promotion of winter quarter.

Instagram Feed “Why Highline” Ad

Ad is part of “Why Highline” mini campaign and features short quotes (and pics) from one of our Running Start students and one of our alumni.  Ad ran Nov. 20 – Dec. 30.  Purpose: General awareness and promotion of winter quarter start date.

Federal Way Mirror

Quarter-page ad in Nov. 6 Veterans Day edition.  Purpose: Thank you to our military Veterans and promotion of our Veterans Services department.

Des Moines City Currents Magazine

Half-page ad in Winter 2020 edition. Mailed out Nov. 23 to all Des Moines residents.  Purpose: Promotion of our BAS Degrees programs and general awareness.

NCM Theater Ads

Campaign was paused on March 16 due to COVID-19 and theaters being temporarily closed. On Oct. 23, some theaters reopened and the ad started running again at Century Federal Way 16, Kent Station 14, and Southcenter 16. On Nov. 15 theaters in King County closed again and the ads are once again temporarily paused.  Purpose: General promotion of winter quarter start date and increase winter enrollment.


Cares Act Help for ELCAP students’ workshop and organizing

Annual Paying for College event

Dimmit Middle School Presentation

Perspective email communication 140 students

Highline High School Presentation 13 students

Evergreen High School 18 students

Registration workshop 6 students

Meeting with Community partners and other Local Colleges to collaborate on engaging schools

Report submitted Dec. 03, 2020 by Vice President Josh Gerstman