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Dec. 08, 2022: Meeting Minutes

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Dec. 08, 2022: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Tim Wrye

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 9:05 a.m.

Discussion Topics

Strategic Planning at Highline College, An overview of the Student Success Council, Executive Cabinet

  • Overview of SSC – presentation of charter, Dr. Mosby
  • Strategic Planning Overview – connecting the plans and providing an overview of the big picture work that has been taking place, Dr. Lardner
  • Fall quarter priorities – how and what was identified, ED Slota
  • Presentation of SMARTIE goals and fall quarter progress – PLEASE PROVIDE VISUALS and upload them here.
    • Financial Aid, Jamilyn Penn
      • Feedback from Trustee Swenson to provide cultural competency training to BlueIcon staffing
      • Trustee Bowman asked about the barriers that have been identified within the FA process and also commented that we need to continue focus on how to connect with those students that hit barriers large enough that they never walked through the door and how to serve them.
    • Website, Josh Gerstman
      • Trustee Swenson asked about the brand guidelines and style guides in existence
      • Trustee Exstrom asked if we are setup for a student’s web browser to set a default language so that when the website is accessed it is auto translated without a need to click on the widget
    • CRM, Tim Wrye
      • Trustee Swenson asked clarifying question about whether or not the same system is used to track all student recruitment categories (example of local students versus international students)
      • Trustee Swenson asked about the CRM tool and whether or not it is used by any other local schools using it. Tim clarified that there is no WA state consistency on CRM tools.
    • Aviso, Shawna Freeman
      • Trustee Swenson asked about the utilization rate on other campuses that have the Aviso tool, Shawna commented on Aviso’s predictive analytics and additional data that can be provided as well as resource referrals that can be used within the tools.
      • Trustee Exstrom expressed interest in continued conversation around predictive analytics
    • HS Engagement, Justin Dampeer
      • Trustee Swenson asked that Trustee Johnson be brought into this conversation.Also noted family recruitment opportunities particularly for our immigrant families.
      • Dean Dampeer noted that CollegeCon was family focused as will be our Adult Learner recruitment plan with opportunities coming in winter quarter during this plan’s development.
  • Winter quarter priority preview and Q&A, Dr. Mosby

Review of proposed meeting calendar of the Highline College Board of Trustees for 2023, Danielle Slota

Unscheduled business

Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.


Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access 11a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Tim Wrye

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 11:16 a.m.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of Nov. 03, 2022

Trustee Swenson motioned to approve, Trustee Exstrom seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment


Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College, Mahad Dahir
    • Legislative Breakfast was very successful despite low turnout from legislators. Final council meeting for the quarter, twenty clubs recognized this quarter thus far. Speaker of the Caucus, active on the Students Success Council. Special project will serve as follow-up to legislative breakfast. Recognized Amy Bergstrom for her time with Highline College.
  • Washington Public Employees Association, None
  • Highline College Education Association, James Peyton
    • Faculty busy teaching, advising. Grading, and planning for winter quarter. Faculty coordinators are busy planning spring schedules. Tenure working committees are busy providing feedback to probationers. 14 tenure track faculty started in September. HCEA is encouraged to see enrollment focused efforts as they are very concerned about enrollment and continue to advise students to enroll sooner than later. HCEA thanks the administration for the continued collaborative approach to contract interpretation.
  • Faculty Senate, Stephanie Ojeda Ponce
    • Last meeting of the year as Gayatri Sirohi will finish her term beginning at the end of this quarter as Stephanie dives into her sabbatical focused on course redesign. Policy review and redesign, questions about the policy review rubric. Dr. Pham noted that the policy review policy needs to be put forth to the BoT for review and update. The policy review rubric has not yet been presented to the board for review yet. Stephanie advocated that the new policy specifically address the policy review rubric. 
  • Highline College Foundation, Josh Gerstman
    • Year-end fundraising appeal going to HC retirees. Annual audit currently underway. 
      • Trustee Swenson asked how HCF faired in the Giving Tuesday campaign. HC did not participate this year due to the amount of competition for funds on that day. Onboarding a new Director of Philanthropy next week and looking forward to building that relationship. 

Action items

  • Motion to approve proposed meeting calendar of the Highline College Board of Trustees for 2023
    • Trustee Swenson motioned to approve, Trustee Exstrom seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Area reports

    • Administrative Services: VP Dr. Michael Pham
      • Campus master plan for 2030 to be finalized and presented in the coming months
    • Academic Affairs: VP Dr. Emily Lardner
      • Awarded a curriculum grant to focus on climate justice. Temporary ad hoc committee tasked with hearing from learning communities about their experiences here at HC.
    • Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman
      • Thanked Amy Bergstrom and ASHC for the return of the legislative breakfast. Filmed the student speeches to share with the legislators that were not in attendance. Appreciate the many partnerships that exist to support funding of our students including King County Promise and the many other grants that are in existence. Recognized Dave Weber for organizing the Veterans Day luncheon.
    • Student Services: Interim VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn
      • Recognized Amy Bergstrom for her service. Noted that Dr. Penn has been with Highline for one year with significant turnover in leadership and staff. Recognized the hard work that is happening both despite and in support of this. Student Services will be participating in a Season of Building Community across the division over the next two weeks. They will be hosting an ugly sweater competition, a door decorating themed “walking in a winter wonderland”, a cookie exchange and decorating session, and a potluck to close out with BINGO, music, and recognition. Drew attention to the annual giving tree program being hosted by Women’s Programs to support workforce families.


President’s remarks

  • Recognized Amy Bergstrom for her service and expressed gratitude for the welcoming and inclusive environment created. 
  • Recognized the Trustees for their support of executive leadership and their continued encouragement for EC to take leave.

Unscheduled business

  • Trustee Swenson asked about student recruitment in Japan as she recently made some embassy connections. 

New business


General Session was adjourned at 11:58 a.m.

The meeting minutes from Dec. 08, 2022, were approved and signed into record by Chair Bowman and President John R. Mosby on Jan,12, 2023.

Mission Statement: As a South King County college striving for social justice, Highline College partners with global students as they envision, plan and achieve their educational and professional goals..