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Nov. 21, 2019: Student Services

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Nov. 21, 2019: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

The division of Student Services operates on 3 Core Functions: Access, Supporting Student Success, and Engagement with a focus on equity.

The goals of student services for the 2019-2021:
Goal 1: Increase Access and Enrollment (Getting students on a Path – Entry & Onboarding)
Goal 2: Increase progression and completion (Keeping Students on a Path – Retention & Completion)
Goal 3: Design and implement a holistic Advising Model that supports students from entry to completion (Pathways Advising)
Goal 4: Professional Development

Student access, retention, and success

Center for Leadership Services (CLS) & Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) hosed 8 programs during Thunderweek featuring new events including a service fair, collaboration with Unified Sports, and leadership workshop (Start here, Lead here). Thunderweek served approximately 1300+ students over the span of the week and kickstarted student engagement opportunities for students.

  • 31 clubs started up since the beginning of the academic year.
  • Associate Students of Highline College (ASHC) Student Leader of the Month:
    • October: Steven Glover, ACHIEVE Peer Navigator and THUNDERWORD Photographer
    • November: AJ Johnson, American Sign Language (ASL) Club Leader
  • In Partnership with CLS and LGBTQIA Task Force, CCIE hosted Highline College’s 9th Annual LGBTQIA Week, Monday, October 7- Friday, October 11, 2019. The Week hosted 8 programs including a keynote address by Karama Blackhorn (two-spirit organizer and educator) and the 3rd annual LGBTQIA Resource Fair. LGBTQIA Week is a programming series of educational events and activities exploring LGBTQIA identity and social justice issues; in addition, it celebrates and remembers the history of the gay rights movement and is held in October to recognize National Coming Out Day.
  • Registration opened November 1st for priority groups including veterans and VA-affiliated students, TRIO, Worker Retraining and certain students with accommodations through Access Services. Current students are assigned registration access times by day according to the number of credits earned at Highline College from Nov 4 – 7th. Winter 2020 enrollment counts are scheduled to post on the Institutional Research
  • Per ESB 5410 legislation, Highline College transfer equivalency guides are now available for AP and IB. All students that reported transfer credit for IB from 2018 to present, were audited by Registration and Records and awarded transfer credit under the new policy.
  • New Student Orientation is now being coordinated by Admissions in order to provide new students with timely information on their next steps for matriculation into the college. Orientation information is posted on the admissions webpage. Orientation sessions for newly admitted students for the Winter 2020 quarter are offered 10/30/, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/10, 12/17.
  • The Financial Aid Office is currently reviewing processes, policies and procedures such as the data sheet, awarding and filing to ensure unnecessary barriers are removed. In addition, the office plans to provide enhanced customer service with a more student-centered approach. The team is currently working on the physical re-arrangement of the Financial Aid front counter to convert it into a Financial Aid Student Center that incorporates more privacy and faster response time; builds into the center Financial Aid Student Navigators to assist students with their initial questions, and the development of student funding computer stations and resource center that relays information about funding services such as financial aid, WAFSA/FAFSA, scholarship and other funding areas.

Student Engagement and Events:

  • The Counseling Center will be holding our annual Mental Health Screening Day on November 20th from 10am – 2pm. This year the theme is “surviving the holidays” with presentations on anxiety and depression, along with opportunities for students to take a confidential mental health assessment and meet with one of our Faculty Counselors.
  • Global Jam – The CLS Global Student Ambassadors have successfully been hosting open mic evening programming with an average of 80+ students in attendance
  • United Filipino Association collaborated with CLS Global Student Ambassadors to host the first Taste of the Philippines.
  • The CCIE Peer Mentorship Program led by Geomarc Panelo is continuing recruitment for its inaugural cohort and hosted the first mentorship social on October 25, 2019. The programs provide Highline College students with peer-to-peer mentorship to support with academic, social, and college resources to increase student retention.
  • The Inter-Cultural Center (bldg. 8, room 204) launched its Fall 2019 facilitated dialogue programming series. All programs are led by our ICC Peer Facilitators.
    • Separation of Church & State, Wednesday, October 16, 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Facilitated by Paul Lupe
    • The Education Paradox, Tuesday, October 22, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Facilitated by Betty Vera (CCIE Program Assistant)
    • Embracing Emotions, Wednesday, November 6, 12:30 p.m. -2:00 p.m. Facilitated by Cesar Madrigal
    • Global Citizenship: Learning & Caring Worldwide, Thursday, November 21, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Facilitated by Zoe Williams
    • Cultural Responsiveness Through Music, Wednesday, November 27, 1:00 p.m.- 2:30 p.m. Facilitated by Ventura Asuemu
  • TRiO welcomed back students for a new academic year at the TRiO Kick Off event focused on academic preparedness via ancestral healing. In addition, the Undocumented Student Taskforce and TRiO is leading the 2nd Annual Paying for College Event to ensure all of our students, including our undocumented student receive support in completing financial aid application and material on November 13, 4:15pm- 7pm.
  • Women’s Program/WorkFirst hosted the Annual Clothesline Project to bring awareness to the issues of domestic violence. Representative from Domestic Abuse Women’s Network attended to speak with students, workshops were conducted.
  • Staff and Faculty of Highline joined the Women’s Program/WorkFirst team at Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk on October 11th. The event raised awareness and funds for further breast cancer research.
  • The Transfer Center hosted UW Seattle Nursing Info Session on October 28th, 10/28, the UW Seattle Psychology Information Session on October 30th, and the Fall College Transfer Fair on October 30th.
  • The Advising Center offered Thrive Student Success Workshops October 15th, 22nd and November 4th. These sessions are aimed at students seeking to improve academic success.
  • Pathway Advising Days (in collaboration with Placement, Running Start and Advising) are offered in for general advising on November 4th, 12th and 21st in collaboration with faculty advisors in Building 8. Pre-Nursing Group Advising by the professional Academic Advisors are offered November 5th, 14th and 19th in the Transfer Center.
  • The Veterans of Highline College Chapter of Student Veterans of America will be took a very active role in the Veterans Day presentation November 7th at 11 am in building 7.
  • On Saturday, November 9th, our students and the Veterans Specialist, Kendall Evans will be walking in support of the Gold Star Mothers in the largest Veterans Day parade this side of the Mississippi in Auburn, WA.
  • Athletics: As fall season comes to a close our Teams are gearing up for the playoffs. All three teams will compete for the NWAC Championship. The Women’s Volleyball Team is currently 2nd and will play Pierce next week to determine the West Region Champion. Men’s Soccer will also finish the regular season this week. They will go in as the number two team in the West and will host Wenatchee Valley College with the winner going on to the final eight hosted by Peninsula College. The Women’s Soccer Team are once again West Region Champions finishing the regular season with a perfect 14 – 0 record. They will host the winner of Whatcom vs. Lane with the winner of that game going on to the NWAC Soccer Final Four. The winter sports, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Basketball, and Wrestling will begin shortly.

SStaff Professional Development:

  • The S&A Budget Manager Training sessions are currently being offered through the end of the fall quarter. The training are led by Marta Reeves, CLS Program Manger. It provides skills, tools, and updates to S&A financial code, tips on budget management, and campus processes. There are two levels of training, one for new budget managers and another for returning budget managers. The goal is to have 100% participation by the end of the quarter.
  • Student Services professional staff: Gum-Lai Ross, D Walker, Edwina Fui, Betty Vera, Geomarc Panelo, Amy Bergstrom, Jennifer Scanlon, and Sy Ear attended the annual Faculty and Staff of Color Conference (FSOCC), October 30-November 1, 2019 in Spokane, WA. The two-day conference is designed for faculty and staff of color in higher education in our state to build community, learn best practices and rejuvenate in a safe and collective space. Gum-Lai Ross our Residency Coordinator co-chaired the state-wide conference planning committee.
  • Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) Director Doris Martinez began her yearlong professional development as a cohort member of the Social Justice Leadership Institute (SJLI) in August 2019. The SJLI provides various professional and personal development opportunities for higher. Education professionals in the Washington State community and technical college system through an equity centered lens.
  • International Student Program (ISP) staff members Michael Gruberg, Jenee Stanfield, and Thu Ho attended the NAFSA regional conference in Tacoma from Nov 5-8th. The conference aims to provide technical, advising, and immigration training and professional development for professionals in the field of International Education.
  • Interim Director of Academic Advising, Transfer and Career Services – Chantal Carrancho, Director of Running Start – Chase Magliocca, and Interim Career and Student Employment Services Manager, Patrick Fernandez attended the NACADA Annual Conference in Louisville, Kentucky from October 19th – 23rd. This is the premier event for professional advisors across the globe. The team presented their takeaways to the Student Services Division on November 8th, including an overview of appreciative advising practices, and integrating career exploration into academic advising.
  • Feney Perez, Associate Director of Registration and Records attended the ICRC–Intercollege Relations Commission (which focuses on transfer between community colleges and universities) October 10th and 11th at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. Topics included SBCTC updates from Jamilyn Penn regarding ESB 5410 (AP/IB/CI Crosswalk) and Guided Pathways implementation. Gail Wootan presented on dual credit with an equity lens related to demographics on who is enrolling in dual credit.
  • Feney Perez, and Program Manager for Admissions, Lilly Oh attended ARC– the Admissions and Registration Council (ARC) at Green River College October 24th and 25th. Important topics include ctcLink and relationship to FERPA as blocks are visible from other CTC’s as well as official transcript sharing and associated fees. Ryan Jackson from State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) gave a ctcLink/PeopleSoft demo via student mobile platform.
  • Academic Advisor, Sarah Trimm represented Highline at ACC – Advising and Counseling Council on October 24th and 25th at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake.
  • Chantal Carrancho attended the Fall session for the Administrators of Color Leadership Program in Spokane from October 19th and 20th.
  • Academic Advisor, Sarah Trimm led a professional development session during PDD aimed at helping faculty and staff to support students who identify as queer, trans and non-binary. The session was well attended.
  • Ay Saechao presented at the NASPA and Moving Mountains Southeast Asian Equity Summit. The prior presentation was in regards to the strategies and success of how the TRiO program incorporated metacognitive strategies via instruction, pedagogy and advising and support services. The later presentation addressed how the Southeast Asian Amerian Education Coalition led local and state policy and institutional change to better serve the educational needs of our Southeast Asian American students.
  • Dean Saechao has started the Student Support and Funding Services Leadership Development Training for managers and directors under areas of Student Support and Funding Services. Utilizing curriculum from the Harvard Management Development Program and other leadership institutes attended by Dean Saechao, the program teaches culturally adaptive principles, skills, concepts and techniques managers and leaders need to cultivate high functioning and collaborative teams centered on equity and student success.

Other relevant announcements:

  • CCIE in partnership with the Faculty and Staff of Color Group and Executive Staff hosted the 16th Annual Faculty & Staff of Color and Allies Reception as part of Opening Week festivities on Tuesday, September 17, 2019.
  • Grayce Ross, CLS Community Budget Coordinator was appointed by ASHC Student Government as the S&A Budget Chair for 2019-2020 academic year.
  • Dean Saechao and TRiO Director Eileen Jimenez are in conversation with the Highline School District in the 2021-2026 TRiO Talent Search grant. In Winter quarter, the team will reconvene to develop a Talent Search grant writing timeline. If awarded, the grant would provide Highline College over 1.1 million dollars to operate college access programming at Highline school district high schools and middle schools.
  • Kari Cantey, Dean Saechao, Eileen Jimenez, Emily Coates and Skyler Roth are currently working on two TRiO Student Support Services grant, one of which is a renewal of the current TRiO SSS grant, and the other is an expansion of TRiO SSS to serve STEM and health science majors.

Programs and Collaborations in Progress:

  • ASHC Student Government will be hosting the 21st annual Legislative Breakfast on November 26th, from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM. This critical program creates an opportunity for Highline Students and their voices to be heard by the legislators who represent our service areas. Students are able to engage in an important dialogue with legislators during this event. Board members are invited to join the staff and community member portion of the program from 7:30 – 9:00 AM.
  • Global Jam- Collaboration with CLS Global Student Ambassadors and ICC Peer Facilitators, Tuesday, December 3, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Cafe Bistro, Building 8-2nd floor.
  • Planning for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week began on October 16. MLK Week will be held Tuesday, January 21- Friday, January 24, 2020. MLK Week is a signature CCIE programming series that focuses on exploring and celebrating the teachings and legacy of Rev. Dr. King, Jr.
  • WISH (While In School Housing) – Partnership with King County Housing Authority to house 40 homeless students with King County vouchers.
  • WISH info sessions: 1/14; 1/16; 1/22; 1/29
  • Enrollment to begin Winter quarter
  • Members of the Math Attainment Committee representing both Student Services and Academic Affairs are kicking off the “Math in 45 Campaign”. With 82% of students not taking a math course within their first 45 credits, the campaign hopes to change that trend to encourage students to take math courses earlier.

Staffing updates:

  • Kathy Nguyen was hired as the TRiO Program Manager. As the previous TRiO Advisor and Retention Specialist, she will continue to oversee the Passport to College and Carers Program for foster youth.
  • Saido Alinur was hired as the ABAWD Navigator where she will work with Able Body Adult without Dependent clients referred from DSHS.
  • Iris Thiel was hired as a Financial Aid Advisor. As the former Program Coordinator for Financial Aid, Iris, who is also a Highline Alumni brings with her a wealth of knowledge and customer service to assist students with financial aid.
  • Georgia Pirie started as the new CLS Clubs Program Leadership Advisor on October 1st, 2019.
  • Quynh Mihara is the new Director of Enrollment Services and Campus Registrar as of November 1st. Ms. Mihara brings over 25 years of experience in community and technical college enrollment services.
  • Daryllyn Harris joined our team as a Tenure Track Faculty Counselor this quarter. She earned her Masters in Social Work from the University of Washington, and is pursuing her PhD from Smith College. She holds a LICSW (Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker) from the state of Washington and is also a Highline College alum.
  • Nicole Hoyes Wilson transitioned into her role as SAIT co-chair and Counseling Department Coordinator. She will also be serving on the Washington State CTC Counselor Task Force (ESHB 1355) which will be researching and ultimately making recommendations regarding the ratios of counselors to students per college, and the specific duties and requirements of counselors statewide.
  • Siew Lai Lilley, Associate Director of Advising and Transfer is retiring after 31 years at Highline. Her last day was November 7th.
  • Duncan Kajoka, Credentials Evaluator accepted a position with the Port of Seattle in alignment with his program of study in Global Trade and Logistics. Duncan graduates with his BAS this Fall 2019.
  • Sarah Trimm was promoted from Academic Advisor to a new role as Program Manager for Advising and Student Success where she will lead advising interventions for students on academic probation.
  • Linda Huang was promoted from part-time Advisor to full-time Academic Pathway Advisor in the Advising Center. This position will reflect the advisor role in the Guided Pathways framework.
  • Will Leading has accepted the International Students Recruiting Position and will start on November 18.
  • Scott Norton retired after 20 years as the Head Wrestling Coach. A big thank you to the longest tenured coach on the Athletic Staff.
  • Chad Beatty was hired as our new Wrestling Coach. Chad comes to us via Iowa where he was a two time state champion, a three time team Collegiate Champion at the U. of Iowa under the legendary coach Dan Gable. He has also been a head H.S coach in Iowa and Forest Grove, OR and has coached collegiately at Cornel College in Iowa. He currently works for the Washington State Wrestling Association.

Report submitted by Interim Vice President Sy Ear on Nov. 08, 2019.