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Nov. 21, 2019: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 11-21-19, President's Office/Nov. 21, 2019: President’s Office
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Nov. 21, 2019: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Dear Board members,

It’s been quite a busy fall for the entire campus as we enter November. Currently, there are a number of activities across campus regarding our march toward becoming a guided pathways college. I’ve asked all of our college divisions to begin to look at positions and policies through a critical lens and alignment for the guided pathways goals and objectives. I’ve put a call out to the college community to serve on the 1st ever Guided Pathways Steering Committee – a collection of campus representatives to assist Highline College through this institutional change. I’m proud to say that the number of requests from the campus exceeded my expectations. Membership on the committee will be decided and communicated to campus prior to Thanksgiving break. I’m excited and proud of our students, staff and faculty and look forward to working with the steering committee.

The college has been a popular place for our legislators. In the past month, I’ve met separately with Senator Emily Randall, Senator Joe Nguyen and Congressman Adam Smith’s office. Our legislators spent a considerable amount of time with our ACHIEVE program students and staff and were quite complimentary of their work during our meeting. Many thanks to the ACHIEVE team for representing Highline and showcasing a nationally respected program. During my meeting with the legislators, we discussed topics such as funding for new buildings, increase of student aid and workforce development matters within our region. The college looks forward to continued engagement and advocating for resources and services that benefit our entire community.

I was in Spokane a few weeks back attending the statewide Administrators of Color fall program, where I serve as an advisory member, followed by the Faculty and Staff of Color Conference. I presented with 4 other new Presidents of Color a workshop about the challenges of executive leadership from the perspective of a person of color. The workshop also provided opportunities for discussion and tips on how to grow and position oneself for senior executive roles. And as a bonus, Senator Randall attended the entire conference. What a wonderful representation of our system.

Regarding our executive leadership searches, our Vice President, Student Services recruitment has started and the goal is to make the appointment in January. More information will follow regarding campus interview activities. In addition, the campus had a strong showing for the community feedback sessions for the upcoming new Vice President for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The Office of the President captured feedback from attendees and via online submission. This information is critical for creating the job description for recruitment.

And finally, a highlight of mine for the year was attending the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) last month in San Francisco with Trustees Altmayer, Mendoza and Savusa. A great week of information and workshops attended by over 2,500 educators. It culminated in Highline College’s own Dr. Amelia Phillips receiving the 2019 William H. Meardy Faculty Member Award, recognizing the exceptional contributions and service among faculty at more than 1, 100 two-year postsecondary institutions. Dr. Phillips was awarded the ACCT’s Pacific Regional Faculty Member Award in July. Her selection as one of the five regional winners made her eligible for the national honor. Congratulations Dr. Phillips – your humility, extensive talent and student commitment showcases the best Highline College offers for our region, state and higher education.

Report submitted Nov. 18, 2019, by President John R. Mosby, Ph.D.