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Nov. 15, 2018: Student Services

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Nov. 15, 2018: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees


From over 30,000 eligible students in TRiO programs across Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska, two Highline students, Cara Stacy and Khadija Osman were awarded the 2018 NW Association for Educational Opportunity Programs Academic Achievement Scholarship. In addition, Cara was awarded the University of Washington Martin Family Scholarship. Both students transferred to UW this fall where each will pursue a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.

November 8 was designated as First-Generation College Student Day by the National Association for Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) and the Council for Opportunity in Education. To recognize the day, TRiO encouraged staff and faculty who identified as a first-generation college student to wear a button reading “I Am First-Generation” and share their college experience with students.

Center for Leadership & Service/Multicultural Affairs

October 1 marked the official transition of International Student Programs (ISP) into Student Services. The International Student Leadership Council (ILSC) student leadership team joined CLS to offer two programs in October geared toward supporting student success and campus involvement for both international and domestic students.

The Associated Students of Highline College are partnering with Highline College to encourage civic engagement and student involvement at the annual Legislative Breakfast on November 28th. The Student Legislative Action Committee is spearheading this event.

Sponsored by MCA and the LGBTQIA Taskforce, October 8-12 marked the 8th annual LGBTQIA Week celebration at Highline College. With the theme, Representation Matters, the week featured six programs exploring LGBTQIA identity and social justice issues. The 2nd Annual LGBTQIA Resource Fair, which hosted over 40 campus and community partners, culminated the week of events.

Enrollment Services

The 2017-2018 Enrollment Services Report Card was recently released, focusing on Core Theme 2 and how we serve our diverse student population. Assessment data revealed that 85% of students requiring a residency determination were able to use Highline’s exclusively developed methods to achieve an appropriate decision. The Report Card flyer is attached; complete data is displayed on a poster in building 6.

Financial Aid collaborated with Administrative Services to transition from mailing financial aid checks to using BankMobile, which provides students access to funding more quickly, and the ability to establish a banking presence.

Advising & High School Programs

In October, Highline advisors coordinated numerous advising workshops and outreach events including Thrive academic success workshops for students on academic probation, Wayfinders workshops for prospective and new students, information sessions on pre-nursing degree options at Highline, and workshops to prepare students for transfer to a university. The Transfer Center also collaborated with Highline Psychology faculty to offer group advising for students interested in a psychology major.

Women’s Programs/WorkFirst Services

Women’s Programs sponsored Health and Wellness events in October, offering ten sessions on topics relevant to the campus community. At one event, the Federal Way Coalition Against Trafficking and UW faculty presented on Human Trafficking Awareness. This session was attended by Highline students, UW students and community members. Staff from Public Health and King County also attended the session after seeing it announced on the Women’s Programs Facebook page.

Report submitted by VP Jeff Wagnitz, Ed.D., who is temporarily overseeing the Student Services division.