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Nov. 12, 2020: Meeting Minutes

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Nov. 12, 2020: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting

Zoom virtual meeting, 8 a.m.


Study Session call to order: 8:10 A.M.

Roll call

Trustees: Chair Savusa, Sharmila Swenson, Fred Mendoza, Dan Altmayer, Joe Bowman

Cabinet: Danielle Slota, Tim Wrye, Emily Lardner, Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Michael Pham, Aaron Reader, John Mosby

AAG: Bruce Marvin


First quarter financial report, Michael Pham

Summer Quarter Fiscal Report for 2020-21


  • Continue to face fiscal challenges
  • ISP down due to challenges bringing students into country 
  • Grant & Contracts is concerning 
  • Net loss for YTD 2020-21 at ($2,286,635) compared to YTD 2019-20 ($1,090,482)
  • Tuition FTE target was reduced for both the quarter and the year
  • YTD Revenue target was reduced to align with the FTE reductions
  • Extended Learning revenue target was reduced by 50% but that team has been extremely successful and after the first quarter is at 61.7% of their annual target
  • Parking and transportation – no current parking permit fees, only revenue is the student imposed parking and transportation fee which was imposed as part of the future light rail transportation to and from the college
  • Auxiliary Services currently child care facility only, no building rentals at this time

Trustee Altmayer asked how we are currently funding Public Safety without parking revenue.  VP Pham confirmed that as a department they are funded 50/50 by state and parking.  Currently relying on CARES Act funding for this department.  This fund expires in March.

Trustee Altmayer asked about our conservative draw down approach from state allocated funding, VP Pham noted that we have plans for withdrawals in support of Guided Pathways.  Additionally we expect a larger draw down end of fall quarter. 

Trustee Swenson asked if there is concern about future CARES Act funding if we don’t fully utilize these dollars during the first round of funding.  VP Pham noted that there is no concern based on planned upcoming withdrawals.

Action item review, Aaron Reader & Summer Korst

Action Item a. Renewal of the emergency order to repeal Highline College’s Title IX Policy and Procedure: WAC 1321-300-010 and WAC 1321-300-020, previously approved by the Highline College Board of Trustees on Aug. 13, 2020,  for an additional one hundred twenty (120) days, commencing on December 12, 2020.

Action Item b. Renewal of the emergency order to approve Model Supplemental Title IX Student Conduct Procedures: WAC 132I-125-505, WAC 132I-125-515, WAC 132I-125-525, WAC 132I-125-535, WAC 132I- 125-545, WAC 132I-125-555, WAC 132I-125-565, WAC 132I-125-575 and WAC 132I-125-585 previously approved by the Highline College Board of Trustees on Aug. 13, 2020, for an additional one hundred twenty (120) days, commencing on December 12, 2020.

Trustee Altmayer confirmed that the permanent rules will be put forth for a vote in May, 2021.

Unscheduled business

Trustee Altmayer requested a formal presentation of the Accreditation Report when available.

Meeting adjourned at: 9:07 AM


General session call to order: 10:00 AM

Roll call

Trustees: Chair Savusa, Sharmila Swenson, Fred Mendoza, Dan Altmayer, Joe Bowman

Cabinet: Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Aaron Reader, John Mosby

AAG: Bruce Marvin

Approval of minutes

Approval of minutes from the regular meeting on September 10, 2020.  Motion made by Trustee Mendoza, seconded by Trustee Swenson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment

No comment

Standing reports

Associated Students of Highline College: Jarmaine Santos, report submitted in writing

  • ASHC Vision: “As the Associated Students of Highline College, we are committed to breaking barriers. We dedicate ourselves to providing an honest and accurate representation for all students. We strive to create access and support on all levels, making it a priority to keep students at the forefront of our work”
  • Monthly Report: 
    • ASHC is committed to sending out a monthly newsletter to increase transparency. 
    • Fall Training 
    • First virtual CORE training 
    • Good engagement 
  • Events 
    • Virtual Thunderweek turn out per event: ~30 – 60 attendees
    • LGBTQIA+ turn out per event: ~ 30 – 50 attendees
    • Disability Justice Week turn out per event: ~ 100 attendees
    • CLS events turn out per event: ~ 30 attendees
  • Student Video Series 
    • Pre Election: Several students stated why they voted in a video. 
    • Find them here: Why I Vote Playlist
    • Post Election: ASHC is planning on putting together a video to send to the Legislature. This video will feature ASHC and two students sharing their experiences as a student in these unprecedented times. 
  • S&A Budget Committee 
    • Budget Chair applications are now open 
  • The Center Drop in Hours | Zoom Meeting ID: 894 7290 7994 |Passcode: 141791
    • Mondays 1 -3 p.m.
    • Tuesdays 3 – 5 p.m.
    • Wednesdays 1 – 3 p.m.
    • Thursdays 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Upcoming Events 
    • ASHC meeting Nov. 17th, 2020
    • Silence is Violence: A Conversation on Racism | Thursday, November 12, 2020 | 1:00-2:30PM | Facilitated by: Tessa Hunt & Samantha Atienza | zoom.us/join meeting ID 876 7965 3069 passcode iccfall20
    • Contact ASHC:ASHC@highline.edu

Trustee Swenson thanked ASHC for their creativity in continuing to create space for community on our virtual campus.

Washington Public Employees Association: Tessa Bowen

  • Voiced concerns about the changes in the Shared Work Program, now set to expire at the end of December.  Hopeful that this will be extended again.
  • Noted rumors of temporary layoffs, advocated for employees affected by layoffs to be granted other opportunities as jobs open on campus.
  • Voiced hopes that the COVID response team at Highline provide advance notice whenever possible when staff are brought back to campus

Trustee Savusa commended Tessa on her continued transparency in her reporting

Highline College Education Association: James Peyton, report submitted in writing

“Thanks for the opportunity to speak today.  On this day after Veterans’ Day, we first want to recognize the Veterans in the Highline College community. Thank you for your service.

On behalf of the adjunct, one-year, and full-time faculty here at Highline College, we would like to welcome Trustee Bowman. We look forward to working with you to meet the educational needs of our students and communities.

We’d also like to acknowledge all the work that the Accreditation Steering Committee put in over the past few years that led to the successful Accreditation Team visit in October. From a personal perspective, the activity that faculty reported during the faculty session was truly impressive. And the dedication to equity and inclusion that I heard during that and other sessions showed that equity and inclusion are not just words for us – they are part of our core values and mission.

While we sometimes take time to recognize special projects and efforts, the Accreditation visit reminded me how much we have to celebrate in our day to day work with students and our communities. Highline faculty are dedicated to delivering quality education to all students, and week 7 of Fall quarter finds us teaching, creating videos, grading assignments and exams, answering questions, advising students, developing programs, assessing outcomes, engaging in professional development, and serving the college and our professions. It’s what we do. And in the current pandemic remote-work environment, it can be really challenging.

Our faculty department coordinators are on the front lines of working to meet those challenges. They are communicating with colleagues, supporting adjuncts, getting us ready for ctcLink, coordinating assessment and now, with registration open for Winter 2020, monitoring class enrollments. Our coordinators make it possible for us to be responsive to student and community needs.

We also want to give a shout out to Human Resources. We really appreciate the work you do to get us paid – and the recent special outreach to adjunct faculty about benefits eligibility. Additionally, faculty couldn’t do what we do without the work of IT, Registration, Financial Aid, Academic Affairs Exempt and Classified Staff, and especially our faculty area administrative assistants. In the context of furloughs, the dedication that you show is admirable.

A last comment I wanted to make was to express our appreciation to the College administration for respectful and collaborative negotiations. The bargaining over budget impacts, Guided Pathways, and High Demand funding raises hard, but worthwhile questions about what is best for students and our communities. Our negotiations are based on mutual trust and we appreciate the efforts of both the faculty union and administration bargaining teams toward open and honest communication.”

Faculty Senate: Sam Alkhalili

  • Welcomed Trustee Bowman
  • Focused on meeting students needs while maintaining faculty needs and integrity
  • Recently met with the strategic enrollment management leadership team
  • Met with financial services to learn more about financial aid processes
  • Reviewing faculty senate constitution, last update was in 1996

Highline College Foundation: Josh Gerstman

  • Recognized funding team involved in supporting students through COVID-19
  • Highline College Foundation participating in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training hosted by Foundation Board Member, Kevin Baker

Action items

Trustee Swenson moved, Trustee Mendoza seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Action Item a: Renewal of the emergency order to repeal Highline College’s Title IX Policy and Procedure: WAC 1321-300-010 and WAC 1321-300-020, previously approved by the Highline College Board of Trustees on Aug. 13, 2020,  for an additional one hundred twenty (120) days, commencing on December 12, 2020.

Trustee Altmayer moved, Trustee Bowman seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Action Item b: Renewal of the emergency order to approve Model Supplemental Title IX Student Conduct Procedures: WAC 132I-125-505, WAC 132I-125-515, WAC 132I-125-525, WAC 132I-125-535, WAC 132I- 125-545, WAC 132I-125-555, WAC 132I-125-565, WAC 132I-125-575 and WAC 132I-125-585 previously approved by the Highline College Board of Trustees on Aug. 13, 2020, for an additional one hundred twenty (120) days, commencing on December 12, 2020.

Area Reports

Administrative Services: VP Michael Pham

  • Written report as stands

Academic Affairs: VP Emily Lardner, Ph.D.

  • Commented on the perfection our students need in a time when we are unable to provide it.  Quoted Dr. Mosby in stating that “we need to hold that contradiction and recognize it”.  Commended Dr. Mosby for his leadership.
  • Dr. Lopez continues to remind us all of the needs of our professional technical programs and community.
  • Testing and placement
  • Academic Integrity Task Force has reconvened
  • Instruction Cabinet is doggedly pursuing the documentation of processes on campus
  • Commented on the importance of self care and the reality of burn-out, particularly as it relates to leaders on campus

Student Services: VP Aaron Reader

  • Recognized our veteran students, trustees, faculty and staff
  • Voiced continued challenges among institutional demands

Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

  • Recognized Highline veterans 
  • Noted changes in B&B Male Summit programming to support our virtual campus.  Recognized Rashad Norris for his leadership in making this happen.

Presidents remarks

  • Recognized the counseling department for offering community check-ins the day following the election
  • Recognized faculty for continuing to have election related conversations in their classrooms
  • Recognized ASHC for their leadership and the opportunities they have created
  • Recognized the classified community for continuing to do the behind the scenes work required

Unscheduled business

Adjournment: 11:04 AM

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from November 12, 2020, were approved and signed into record by Chair Sili Savusa and President John R. Mosby on December 10, 2020.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations and teaching and learning.