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Nov. 04, 2021: Student Services

2021-10-29T09:57:18+00:00 Print Page

Nov. 04, 2021: Student Services

Board of Trustees

The division of Student Services operates on 3 Core Functions: Access, Supporting Student Success, and Engagement with a focus on equity.

The goals of student services for the 2021-2022:

  • Goal 1: Strategic Enrollment
  • Goal 2: Service Delivery Excellence
  • Goal 3: Development & Integration of (EDI) Framework

Focus Areas:

Student Access, Retention and Success

Advising, Career, Transfer Services, Entry Advising and Running Start

  • Academic Pathway advisors are working closely with the Faculty Advising Leads and Pathway representatives to support Faculty Advising Weeks Nov 1 – 12.
  • Entry Advising: The new Entry Advising department has successfully moved into the Student Services Building 6. New students can access support through the admissions process


  • Womens and Mens Soccer are in 2nd place and will start the playoffs the 2nd week of November.
  • Volleyball is also doing well, currently in second place and focused on the playoffs in November
  • Men’s and Women’s Basketball have begun practice and will start games in November
  • Women’s Golf just finished their Fall season with a strong finish in Yakima at Apple Tree
  • Still in process of finding a new Softball Coach and a new Wrestling coach


  • Upcoming workshops:
    • Taking a Mental Health Vacation when you can’t get away 10/27 1-2pm with Joshua Magallanes
    • Mindfulness Tuesdays every Tuesday evening at 7pm with our Faculty Counselors
    • Suicide Prevention workshop in partnership with International Student Programs on 11/3, 2-3pm with Daryllyn Harris.
    • Mental Health is Emotional Health 11/3 1-2pm with Joshua Magallanes
  • On November 10th the Counseling Center will hold its annual Fall Mental Health and Wellness Day. The Counseling Center is offering a day of workshops and individual mental health screenings.
    • Session 1: Coping with COVID with Joshua Magallanes. 10am Let’s learn ways to reduce our anxiety during this time of living through a pandemic and the intersections of COVID and multiple oppressions.
    • Session 2: Comforting the Eeyore Within with Daryllyn Harris. 11am This has been a difficult season for many of us. Learn more about depression and ways to find healing and hope.
    • Session 3: Being Mindful of the Body-ody-ody with Charlie Stone. 12pm Let’s explore the ways we and others perceive our bodies now that we are reentering in-person spaces, what it means to wear “real clothes” again and confronting body negativity in preparation for the holidays.
    • Mental Health Screenings – break out rooms via zoom 10-1
  • In response to the continued pandemic-related mental health strain and the coming shorter days, the Counseling Center has significantly increased its campus outreach this quarter. Faculty Counselors all serve as a liaison to specific campus departments (Veterans, ISP, CLS/CCIE, Women’s Programs, Athletics, Access Services, and more) and academic divisions
  • The Counseling Center emailed faculty to remind them of our services to students, to offer faculty consultations regarding working with a student in distress, and offering to come to classrooms for psycho-educational workshops and/or a quick overview of our services
  • The Counseling Center is in the process of creating a short video promoting our services and sharing a “mock counseling session” with the goal of demystifying counseling. The recording can then be used in classrooms and added as a Canvas module easily accessed by faculty.

Enrollment and Registration

  • Winter quarter enrollment opens November 4th beginning with  priority student groups (VA, International students, TRIO, WES). On November 8th students can begin enrolling based on the number of earned credits. Students are notified through multiple communication channels to inform them of their assigned enrollment date so they can enroll at their earliest access time.

International Student Support Programs

  • ISP will be hosting a virtual transfer fair for ISP Students on October 26-27 with 100 plus universities/colleges represented
  • F-1 Visa Prep workshops held earlier this month for overseas students who are preparing for their visa interviews to come study at Highline College
  • Chinese website rough draft (in English) completed. Sending draft for immediate translations to Chinese, with website development to begin October 22nd.

Student Support and Funding Services

  • TRiO is hosting its 4th Annual Paying for College Day, which invites current, new and prospective undocumented and documented students to attend and receive assistance in the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA). In addition, the event this year will also provide students and families information about SB 5194, which allows eligible undoucmented students to pay in-state tuition at state colleges and universities. Some students who were not previously eligible may be eligible now. The goal of the event is for students to submit their FAFSA or WASFA and to connect with the Highline College campus community. It takes place on Wednesday, Ot 27th, 4-6pm online via Zoom. http://bit.ly/payforcollege2021
  • The Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct recently posted their quarterly student and staff/faculty newsletter. Highlights include: the roll out of the new student Title IX training via Everfi, academic integrity resources for both students and faculty, and a brief Q&A. The Conduct office continues to work closely with staff, faculty and students to enhance and prepare our students to be empowering members of our community. In addition, the SAIT Team iis working on a new resource page to support students who are experiencing hardship. More information to be available soon.
  • As of October 18th, approximately 1,100 students have received on average $1,500 in HEERF student aid funding. This equates to over 1.6 million in funds disbursed this quarter alone. With approximately another 1,000 students to be funded by early November, it is projected over 2,000 students will receive funding, totally 3million dollars in financial support. In addition, the CARES Retention Team, staff by 5 part-time Retention & Referral Advisors have recently joined the team and are currently working with students who have received aid. Through support and collaboration with the Center for Leadership and Service and the Associated Student for Highline College, the advisors are housed in Mt. Skokomish of Building 8. The program is modeled after the TRiO and Benefits Hub design, where students will be provided proactive and holistic support.

Student Life

  • The Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence invites our campus community to attend Disability Justice Week starting Monday, November 1st through Thursday, November 4th. In partnership with Access Services, Disability Justice Week centralizes the intersectionality of the disability experience through a social justice framework. The theme this year is Disability Joy: A Mindset of Unapologetic Liberation. All events will be held virtual:
    • 1st at 11 AM: Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Post-Pandemic Future with Timotheus Gordon, Jr.
    • 2nd at 10 AM: Dear Stranger with Diana Chao
    • 3rd at 3 PM: Queer Crip Pilipinx Dreaming with Dr. Paul/Leena/Paulina Abustan
    • 4th at 11 AM: Iron Inspiration with Minda Dentler
    • 5th at 11 AM: Highline Student Panel
    • For more information and Zoom links, please visit https://ccie.highline.edu/disability-justice-week/
  • The Center for Leadership and Service (CLS) is home to the Clubs Program, which is an essential part of the student community. Starting or joining a club offers an outlet for students to build community in a comfortable atmosphere, engage in leadership opportunities and make new friends. CLS encourages and supports Highline students in making their ideas a reality. Clubs and organizations are student-led and student-initiated, organized around common interests and career goals. For the 2021-2022 academic year, the Clubs Program will be supporting a hybrid modality to club meetings, events, and activities. For more information about joining or starting a club please visit https://cls.highline.edu/get-involved/clubs/

Professional Development

Campus View

  • Campus View Student Housing is currently providing a residential life experience for 102 residents. The 63% occupancy rate has exceeded fall quarter projections and the returning of residents is optimistic. The residential education and residence life programs and activities have been an enriching experience for residents while centering the safety of the community. This fall each resident was welcomed back with a custom campus view reusable mask, a $50 Safeway gift card given by The Center, and a scholarship from the Foundation was applied to their housing balance.


  • Gloria Koepping will lead a training during the Faculty Advising Week training on Nov. 1st. She will be talking about career and personal situations that come up in advising sessions with students and when and how to refer students to the counseling center.
  • Nicole Hoyes Wilson is in the process of becoming a Certified ADHD Specialist. Access Services and the Counseling Center are seeing an increase in students with ADHD. Nicole is looking to better serve these students and lead a counseling group focused on strategies for success for students with ADHD.
  • Daryllyn Harris has been receiving training in Somatic healing approaches that can be used in tandem with traditional talk therapy.

Enrollment and Registration

  • Quynh Mihara, Director of Enrollment Services and Registrar attended the Fall ARC Admissions and Registration Council Oct 20 – 22 where the focus continues to be ctcLink as more institutions transition to the system.


Financial Aid

  • Corrine Soltis starts her role as the new Financial Aid Director on October 25th. Corinne brings 25 years of experience in Financial Aid creating strong and productive financial aid teams that work with all departments collaboratively to improve efficiency and student funding accessibility. She has been a Director of Financial Aid for the last 13 years, and has trained new financial aid administrators for her state, regional, and national financial aid organizations. At South Seattle, her strategic leadership reduced the financial aid review timeframe from four months to one. Her experience and approach will continue to foster collaboration, remove funding barriers and improve processes to ensure our students are supported throughout the financial aid process.

Running Start

  • Megan Fuhlman began as the new Running Start advisor, replacing Alex Abeyta who was hired as the IBEST Director at Renton Technical College. Megan has an MA in Student Affairs Administration and experience in academic advising and residence life at the university level (University of Idaho, UWT).


Report submitted October 26, 2021, by Acting Vice President Ay Saechao