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Nov. 04, 2021: Meeting Minutes

Home/Meeting 11-04-21, Meeting Minutes/Nov. 04, 2021: Meeting Minutes
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Nov. 04, 2021: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 8:00 a.m.



Board of Trustees: Chair Sharmila Swenson, Vice Chair Joe Bowman, and Sili Savusa

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Emily Lardner, John Mosby, Michael Pham, Jennifer Scanlon (Acting VP), Gretchen Erhart (Acting Exec. Director), Tim Wrye present.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Guests: Marco Lopez, Izzy Wroblewski and Jack Hutchinson

Study Session call to order: 8:14 a.m.

Discussion Topics

First quarter Financial Report, Dr. Pham

  • Dr. Pham introduced new staff, Marco Lopez and Jack Hutchinson
  • Financials previously did not include funds not received, but this report includes funds booked; the expenses will balance out
  • Will be allocating/drawing down state resources which will help reduce the deficit
  • Questions: Are there additional funding options? 
    • Title III grant – 3.3 million for 3 years. Restricted funding – Dr. L 
    • Always looking for additional funds, but nothing in the pipeline – JG
  • Cautiously optimistic and monitoring enrollment
  • Dr. MP will include additional funding presentations to the board about budget/funding
    • Dr. M will consult with Chair SW re: funding presentation at the retreat

Review of Action Items to be voted on in General Session

  • Title IX Policy and Procedure – Chair Swenson (postponed in General Session)
  • Student Debt Relief authorization

Unscheduled business

  • New board member starting Dec. Announcement coming out next week – Dr. JM
  • Candidate for next trustee position withdrew – will work with xx office to continue the search
    • Dr. Mosby will provide updates

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 am


Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 10 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Sharmila Swenson, Vice Chair Joe Bowman, Sili Savusa

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Jennifer Scanlon (Acting VP), Emily Lardner, John R. Mosby, Michael Pham, Gretchen Erhart (Acting Exec. Director), Tim Wrye present

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 10:00 a.m.

Approval of minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of October 07, 2021

  • Trustee Bowman moved to approve the minutes from October 07, 2021.  Trustee Savusa seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment

  1. Yin Tran – not present
  2. Jason Ramirez – not present
  3. Mirian Mencias (MJ) 
    1. At the end of Opening Week only 80 employees remained engaged and employees were stressed and anxious. Staff were in meetings rather than helping students during enrollment. Staff fear speaking up about DEI. MJ wonders what the committee is doing to assist. Suggestions: 1) 90 day equity training 2) support for staff
  4. Jon Fairless – A letter was read voicing concerns about the requirement that unvaccinated students need to wear a combination of a face mask and face shield 

Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College: Mya Leonard
  • Washington Public Employees Association: Tessa Bowen
  • Highline College Education Association: James Peyton
  • Faculty Senate: Stephanie Ojeda-Ponce
  • Highline College Foundation: Dr. Terryl Ross

Action items

  • Approval to file emergency rule changes to the Highline College Student Code of Conduct
    • Item removed from this meeting’s action items 
  • Amendment to authorization of Student Debt Relief as outlined in the adopted FY2021-22 Operating Budget
    • Joe Bowman motioned to approve. Second Sili Savusa. Motion passes unanimously.

Area reports

Administrative Services: VP Michael Pham

  • Financial outlook a bit uncertain, but cautiously optimistic
  • Time of the year for state financial audit. Critical vacancies have brought Cathy Cartright to lead through the audit 
    • Dr. Lardner shared that if there are concerns about utilizing Cathy, it may come from Cathy’s representation/union

Academic Affairs: VP Emily Lardner

  • Impactful meeting with past and present program coordinators. Heard feedback about remote teaching. Received comments regarding their experiences in complicated situations and need to know what to expect. One example reported was rescheduling 5x b/c the guidelines continued to change. Everyone did their best, but the consequences fell on this group. This was an opportunity to listen and read comments, and a reminder that we can do better to the best of our ability. Appreciative to ACCH(?) for the opportunity.

Student Services: Acting VP Jennifer Scanlon

  • Staff dedicated to the mission. Thankful for Aaron’s service impacting the team while he was here. Looking forward to Interim Dr. Penn. 
  • Looking at data in Student Services. Student support hours were increased to 26 in-person a week versus 40 or more hours remotely a week. Students are taking advantage of remote services for a variety of reasons. Plan is to continue to expand in-person hours and delivery
  • Enrollment for winter quarter begins today. Encouraging students to enroll. Working with lead faculty advisors including training, etc. Full-time advisors are available to support faculty advisors

Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

  • Aspen announcement – all are encouraged to follow Highline and keep up to date with announcements
  • Treasurer retired from the Foundation Board. Open to board director referrals, especially the treasurer role
  • Rashad has left Highline and looking forward to continuing to remain connected. Still working on Black and Brown on 12/11/21
  • Thanked Paullete for leading the Advisory Committee gathering yesterday

President’s remarks

  • Attended Advisory Committee meeting and was pleased. Usually on campus, but still lot of energy remotely
  • Aspen – To be top 150 is an achievement and undertaking. Looking forward to continuing the process and the additional opportunities to showcase what we’re doing well and opportunities to do better
  • Concluding disability week and encouraging participation
  • Highline met the governor’s vaccine mandate. Proud to say staff worked through the processes and appreciates staff supporting the efforts. 
  • Endured a lot through the pandemic. Many recognize the enormity of what is before us. Dr. Mosby hears and sees the input
  • Today’s comments show that staff, students and HC connections are exhausted and tired and no one is immune to the impact. As for the new normal – we do not want to go back to how things were previously. We have an opportunity to change; think and act differently. Cabinet is committed to work, listen and challenge one another. Dr. Mosby encourages continuing to exercise your voices. Looking forward to moving the institution forward. Thanks to everyone. 
  • We have 3 amazing trustees. There will be an announcement coming out about a new trustee joining us in Dec. Going back out for the 4th trustee and ultimately needing five. 

Unscheduled business

  • Sili thanked Dr. Mosby, the first African American Highline College President who set a new trajectory for how we view education. The way we handle bumps in the road helps build our culture. We need people to speak up and be transparent which helps us build character as a college. We are all broken in this. An award cannot appreciate the lived experiences at HC. Proud of staff and those who spoke today. 

General Session was adjourned at 11:14 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from Nov. 04, 2021, were approved and signed into record by Chair Sharmila Swenson and President John R. Mosby on January 13, 2022.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.