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Nov. 03: 2022: Study Session Agenda

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Nov. 03: 2022: Study Session Agenda

Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Meeting Format

Highline College
District 9

Virtual meeting access:
Zoom meeting ID: 818 5343 4561 | Zoom meeting passcode: Trustees

If you are in need of a physical location to join the zoom room, the Building 12 Conference Room will be available


9 a.m.

Discussion Topics

First quarter financial report, Dr. Michael Pham (25 min for presentation and Q&A)

Campus View,  Josh Gerstman, Dr. Jamilyn Penn, and Dr. Michael Pham (45 min for presentation and Q&A)

Discussion of Resolution 175-2022 pertaining to new core themes to be voted on in General Session, Dr. Emily Lardner and Lisa Bernhagen (30 min for presentation and Q&A)

Executive Session

The Board, as and when deemed necessary, may call an Executive Session for appropriate purposes under the Open Meetings Act.

  •  Executive Session pertaining to Highline College Bargain Relations

Mission Statement: As a South King County college striving for social justice, Highline College partners with global students as they envision, plan and achieve their educational and professional goals..