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October 10, 2024: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 10-10-24, President's Office/October 10, 2024: President’s Office
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October 10, 2024: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Opening Week 2024 welcomed approximately four hundred faculty and staff to campus for an opportunity to connect, learn, and plan together. The week was focused on preparing employees on how to best serve students during the 2024-25 academic year. Thank you, Trustee Bowman, for your partnership in providing Tuesday morning’s welcome and asking campus to continue to hold our trusted president in their positive healing thoughts. Our office looks forward to welcoming him back to campus later this year.

September marked the transition from a co-acting president model to a single acting president model in our office. Thank you, Dr. Lardner, for both your leadership and partnership the last several months. The campus has benefited from your knowledge of accreditation standards and strategic planning in this space. Thank you to the Division of Academic Affairs for lending our office so much of your great leader’s time during the spring and summer months. It was appreciated!

This past week Acting President Dr. Penn brought the members of Executive Cabinet together for a two-day retreat. Our time was dedicated to advancing the strategic work of Highline’s six divisions. The team left the retreat with a better understanding of how we can all support each other as we strive for student success. A shoutout to our retreat facilitator and previous Highline College Dean, Dr. Bob Hughes. Executive Cabinet will be dedicating time this week to the work of Highline’s Student Success Council (the college’s strategic planning oversight committee). We look forward to partnering with that team over the next year with a continued focus on increasing our first to second quarter retention.

Report submitted by Executive Director, Office of the President, Danielle K. Slota