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October 10, 2024: Meeting Minutes

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October 10, 2024: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Johnson, Trustee Bowman, Trustee Swenson, Trustee Exstrom

Executive Cabinet: Acting President Penn, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Josh Gerstman, Maribel Jimenez, Michael Pham, Melanie Lawson, Tim Wrye

Assistant Attorney General: Ellen Evans for Bruce Marvin

Study Session call to order: 9:02 a.m.

Discussion Topics

    • Executive Session #1* to review the performance of a Public Employee
      • Executive Session called to order at 9:30 a.m. for 45 minutes.
    • Executive Session #2* – 9:45 a.m.
      • To discuss a matter related to collective bargaining which is exempt from the Open Public Meetings Act under 42.30.140.
    • Executive Session called to order at 9:45 a.m. for 15 minutes.
  • Review of Action Items – 10 mins
    • Action item a. Motion to proceed with permanent rule making process for updates to the Student Conduct Code – Ay Saechao
    • Action item b. Revision of the Faculty Senate Constitution – Sangeeta Sangha

    Trustees Swenson and Exstrom spoke to the fact that they spoke with other institutions and are really concerned about the amount of time necessary to make changes to the constitution. They strongly voiced that their strong preference is that the President should have authority to approve changes to the constitution. Suggestion that board approvals be required for certain areas of amendment with more working time on the document from the board of trustees. Action item pulled from General Session. Request from Board to send the last copy of the redlined document to them for review.

    • OFM Allocation error – 20 minutes – Michael Pham
      • Spoke to $28M error in the state allocation. Consequences of such action will have a $1.3M impact on Highline College budget specifically.
    • Discussion of Southside Community College Legislative Reception with RTC and GRC – 15 minutes – Josh Gerstman
      • BoT agreed that HC should proceed with this effort. Noting that the connections made are strong and of value. IA will continue to work on a collaborative event. Noted that Jesse and Sharmila will be attending the DC Legislative Summit on behalf of BoT.

    Meeting adjourned at 10:41 a.m.


    Board of Trustees Meeting


    Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access

    General Session called to order at 11:00 a.m.

    General Session Minutes

    Roll Call

    Board of Trustees: Chair Johnson, Trustee Bowman, Trustee Swenson, Trustee Exstrom

    Executive Cabinet: Acting President Penn, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Josh Gerstman, Maribel Jimenez, Michael Pham, Melanie Lawson, Tim Wrye

    Assistant Attorney General: Ellen Evans for Bruce Marvin

    General Session called to order: 11:01 a.m.

    Approve minutes

    Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of September 12, 2024 and the Special Meeting of September 9.

    Trustee Bowman motioned to approve, Trustee Swenson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

    Opportunity for public comment


    Standing reports

    • Highline College Education Association: Dr. James Peyton

    Faculty busy teaching and advising during the third week of the quarter as well as service projects across the campus. HCEA is encouraged by the increase in tuition bearing students across campus. Acknowledged the work of administration and the HCEA team in recent negotiations. Recognized EdTech for their support during the beginning of fall quarter.

    • Washington Public Employees Association: Richard Cannefax

    Introduced the new WPEA shop stewards. Asked to bring attention to wage equity at Highline Colleges with the classified staff not keeping pace with inflation as measured by the consumer index. Spoke to recent faculty wage increases of 13% over the same period that staff will receive 5%. 95% of staff voted not to ratify the recent contract carry-over because of compensation concerns. Asked the trustees to recognize the value of their work and to encourage administration to further consider the concerns around wage increases brought to the table in recent negotiations.

    • Faculty Senate: Sangeeta Sangha

    Directed folk to the Senate website and welcomed questions

    • Associated Students of Highline College: Hussein Al-Badri

    Thunderweek was a big success with over 700 participants. Registered over 60 new voters. The first ASHC Council meeting was held. Spoke to the importance of student voice and the pending legislative breakfast scheduled to occur in December (date still to come).

    • Highline College Foundation: Sharon Vail

    Big picture project focused on housing insecurity and food access. Restaurant quality refrigerators have been procured for the campus pantry. A new housing assistance program is underway with a hope for solid information to share in November. Spoke to the upcoming Thunderbirds Soar event on November 2nd.

    Action items

    • Action item a. Motion to proceed with permanent rule making process for updates to the Student Conduct Code

    Trustee Bowman motioned to approve, Trustee Swenson seconded the motion, motion passes

    • Action item b. Revision of the Faculty Senate Constitution – REMOVED FROM AGENDA

    Area reports

    • Administrative Services: VP Dr. Michael Pham

    Recent study abroad trip to Vietnam with 15 students along with faculty and staff was a huge success. Each student only paid $600 for the trip with the rest funded through various sponsorships from local businesses and the Highline College Foundation.

    • Academic Affairs: VP Dr. Emily Lardner

    Spoke to the work in the Academic Success Center to pilot peer mentors on campus based on recent research showing the value and impact this has on the success of a student.

    • Student Services: VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn

    Access, enrollment, “next steps”, problem solving, all a focus within serving students this quarter. Student Services continues their strong commitment to students and their process navigation as they navigate their paths at Highline.

    • Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

    Thanked Trustee Bowman for representing the BoT at the College Way Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Sep. 16. Recognized the work that went into the strategic planning session during Opening Week and the value add of the hands-on activity that created space for individuals to solidify their understanding of the college’s strategic goals.

    • Equity, Diversity and Transformation: VP Dra. Maribel Jimenez

    Recognized the JUNTOS learning community and the Moving Towards Servingness team that has been working hard to support this community. Highline went from 20% to 24% LatinX this fall. When we hit 25% we will qualify for the Hispanic Serving Institution designation.



    Acting President’s remarks

    Dr. Penn spoke to Opening Week, noted that folks are ready and are leaning in. Campus is headed true north with the work that we are doing. Spoke to the access that the opening of College Way brings to the community. Executive Cabinet recently met offsite at the HUB for a two day retreat. Dr. Bob Hughes facilitated and we have our marching orders for the coming year(s).

    Unscheduled business

    New business


    General Session was adjourned: 11:41 a.m.

    Minutes Signed and Approved

    The meeting minutes from Oct. 10, 2024, were approved and signed into record by Chair Johnson and Acting President Jamilyn Penn on Nov. 14, 2024

    Mission Statement: As a South King County college striving for social justice, Highline College partners with global students as they envision, plan and achieve their educational and professional goals.