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Oct. 07, 2021: Student Services

2021-10-01T13:51:43+00:00 Print Page

Oct. 07, 2021: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

The division of Student Services operates on 3 Core Functions: Access, Supporting Student Success, and Engagement with a focus on equity.

The goals of student services for the 2021-2022:

  • Goal 1: Strategic Enrollment
  • Goal 2: Service Delivery Excellence
  • Goal 3: Development & Integration of (EDI) Framework

Focus Areas:

Student Access, Retention, and Success

Advising, Career and Student Employment (CASE), High School Programs and Running Start

  • The Transfer Center will participate in National Transfer Student Week October 18 – 22. This week will provide a series of virtual events by transfer institutions.
  • Entry Advising: 3 staff members from the Placement and Testing department are in the process of transitioning from Academic Affairs to Student Services and relocating from Building 1 to Building 6. Shannon Waits will provide leadership to two Entry Advisors (Marie Artap and Kenton Westerfield) and offer support to new Highline students as they enter college. The Entry Advising office is located near Admissions on the upper level of Building 6.


  • The Counseling Department is excited to report that it will be open for in-person counseling sessions 4 days a week (Monday – Thursday), and will have evening openings on Mondays and Wednesdays. Virtual telehealth appointments will still be available 5 days a week (Monday – Friday)
  • The Counseling Center will continue to provide the Mindful Tuesdays program every Tuesday evenings in Fall quarter.
  • Nicole Hoyes Wilson presented “Listening as an Act of Love” for the Fall Student Leadership Training in collaboration with CLS.

Enrollment and Registration

  • A coordinated cross-divisional campaign to notify students of their balance of tuition and fees and the September 13 tuition due date successfully reduced the number of unpaid accounts from 1693 to 438.  Notifications were sent via Canvas, email, ctcLink Message Center and text message. Students may re-enroll after being dropped for non-payment by contacting Registration and Records.
  • October 8th is the census date for enrollment reporting. This date marks the last date students can make changes to their enrollment in regular classes without petitioning for a late add, or dropping with a W on the transcript.

International Student Programs

  • The fall new international student orientation took place the week of 9/20. Most of the 50 new students attended the orientation. We have now doubled the amount of new intl students from last fall (24 students Fall 2020).
  • 8 Papua government- sponsored students will start their studies in-person for fall quarter.
  • Meetings with international partners and orgs including Education USA South Africa, and BELTEI international schools, Cambodia to name a few.
  • HC is on the marketing and content committee with Study WA

Student Life

  • ThunderWeek Fall 2021 Schedule: “A Map to Community.”
  • Coffee With Series: Each morning of ThunderWeek, from 9:30–10:30 a.m., the Center will host a table outside the east entrance of Building 8 with several campus partners, sharing about resources for students. We’ll be serving free coffee and giving out reusable coffee mugs to the first 30 students each day. (Social distancing and sanitizing procedures will be followed for these events.)
    • Monday: Coffee with the Center
    • Tuesday: Coffee with Community
    • Wednesday: Coffee with Academic Success
    • Thursday: Coffee with Wellness
    • Friday: Coffee with Pathways
  • ASHC in conversation with Dr. Mosby: Get to know your college president, Dr. John Mosby, as well as the leaders of the Associated Students of Highline College student government.
  • Tuesday, September 28
    • Club Hoppin’: Connect with leaders from student-run clubs. This is a great chance to learn more about a club before joining a meeting or to just explore your interests. The Community Leadership Consultants will also share the process to start your own club.
      • 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
      • Zoom Meeting ID 837 3306 3976; Passcode: TWFall21
    • Inter-Cultural Center Chat Room: Meet the Inter-Cultural Center Peer Facilitators and learn more about the social justice discussions held each quarter in the ICC.
  • Wednesday, September 29
  • Thursday, September 30
    • Thunderbird Thursday: Leadership: It’s Who We Are: Join us for our monthly interactive leadership workshop as part of the CONNECT Program. Our leadership advisors will help you explore your own leadership style and how your values can have an impact on who you are as a leader.
      • 2:30–4 p.m.
      • Zoom Meeting ID 837 3306 3976; Passcode: TWFall21
  • Friday, October 1
    • Volunteering with Community Pantry
      • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Join with the Service and Mentorship Engagement consultants and sign up for a shift to volunteer at Highline’s Community Pantry. Sign-up link will be posted as soon as it is available.
  • Living Room Talks Latinx Panel: Origenes: Stories of Our Latinidad: Latinx/e identities transcend cultural experiences and journeys that enrich our communities but are often lost in mundanity. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, join us for a virtual roundtable conversation honoring the stories that embody Latinidad
    • 12–1 p.m.
  • Save the date for the 11th Annual LGBTQIA+ Week the week of October 11, 2021. In partnership with Learning and Teaching Center, Equity Taskforce, and Central Washington University will be hosting educational and transformative programs open for our community here at Highline. These programs will explore, highlight, and celebrate the experiences and identities of LGBTQIA+ communities and the historic and current social justice. LGBTQIA Week is in October to recognize National Coming Out Day which is observed on October 11. For more information, please visit https://lgbtqia.highline.edu/
  • Save the date for Disability Justice Week during the week of November 1, 2021. Disability Justice Week is a partnership with Access Services that which centralizes the intersectionality of the disability within the discussion of inclusive excellence. For more information, please visit https://ccie.highline.edu/disability-justice-week/

Professional Development

Advising, Career and Transfer Services

  • An advising and intake retreat for key leaders will be on October 13-14 to plan next steps in implementing the Intake and Advising components of Guided Pathways. Jennifer Scanlon, Dean for Advising and Enrollment Services is working closely with Dean, Maribel Jimemez and Associate Dean, Shawna Freeman to lead the Advising Council – a cross divisional body to facilitate communication and address advising issues.
  • Chantal Carrancho, Director of Advising and Shannon Waits, Director of First Year Experience will attend the Advising and Counseling Council (ACC) meeting virtually on October 22nd.

Campus View

  • Fall 2021 move-in marks a milestone at Campus View. Currently there are 100 confirmed residents for the Fall Quarter with 4 applications in processing status. Thus far, Campus View has exceeded the pre-pandemic occupancy rates and are on a positive trajectory to reach full capacity.


  • Dr. Gloria Rose Koepping completed 10 hours of continuing education on “Directions in Child and Adolescent Therapy”
  • Joshua Magallanes served on the LGBTQIA committee and has been instrumental in bringing Ronnie Sanlo to campus.
  • Nicole Hoyes Wilson wrapped up her service on the CTC Counseling Pilot Selection Committee for the SBCTC in September.

Enrollment and Veterans Services

  • The VA School Certifying Official yearly training cycle will commence in October.  Feney Perez, Associate Director for Enrollment and Credentials will be in training to act as an alternate certifying official to back up Kendall Evans, our SCO (School Certifying Official.)
  • Quynh Mihara, Director of Enrollment Services plans to attend the Admissions and Registration Council meeting October 22nd.


Campus View

  • Tom Park, Director, Housing and Residence Life for Campus View Student Housing welcomes Faith Ngae, the newest Graduate Resident Director. With the departure of Assistant Director Donna Hakimian this summer, Campus View is developing relationships with nearby graduate programs and is currently seeking one more Graduate Resident Director. Faith Ngae is a current masters in public health – epidemiology graduate student at University of Washington. While earning her BA in Sociology and Psychology with a minor in solidarity and social justice at Gonzaga University, Faith served as an active student leader as an admissions ambassador, resident assistant, and the president of Black Student Union. Faith is student centered, collaborative and will be focusing her attention on providing intentional programming for residents.


  • Charlie Stone began her counseling internship in September. She is a graduate student in the Seattle University mental health graduate program.
  • Joshua Magallanes served on the LGBTQIA committee and has been instrumental in bringing Ronnie Sanlo to campus.
  • Both Daryllyn Harris and Joshua Magallanes will be entering their 4th quarter of the tenure process.

Running Start

  • Daniela Tello was hired as Program Coordinator for Running Start. Daniela started on September 7th.

Student Support and Funding Services

  • The CARES Retention and Referral Team was formulated in August to build a retention and referral service program for students who applied for COVID-19 Financial Relief (AKA HEERF) Funds. To date, over 2,054 students have applied for funding, of which, over 1,400 of them requested either individualized advising/coaching services (similar to TRiO) and/or referral services (similar to Benefits Hub). With this, the CAREs Team has hired five part-time advisors, four of which are Highline and TRiO alumni who recently graduated with their bachelor’s degree at local universities. We are happy to announce our new CARES Retention & Referral Advisors:  Denisse Garcia, Martin Sande, Paola Romero, Maria Pena, and Bruk Molla.
  • The Women’s Programs/WorkFirst Services Team is proud to welcome Nicole Parker as the  new Life Skills Retention Advisor. Nicole Nicole was born and raised in the Seattle area and attended South Seattle College through the Promise Scholarship (previously known as 13th Year) She found the support that she received from student affairs professionals to be instrumental in her success as a first-generation student. After transferring to complete her Bachelor’s degree in communications, Nicole joined the Student Development Administration program at Seattle University where she completed a Master of Education while raising a toddler. Nicole recognizes the importance of affirming every person’s sense of belonging, and she looks forward to collaborating with students and campus partners to navigate diverse paths to student success. Please help in giving Nicole a warm welcome to the Highline family!
  • The search committee for the Financial Aid Director position has forwarded two final candidates to interview with Aaron on 9/21 and 9/22. There were a total of five applicants for the position, we interviewed four and moved two forward.
  • United Way King County Americorp Coaches will be onboarded by Mariela during the first week of the quarter. Every fall we have 4-6 new coaches.

Report submitted September 27, 2021, by Vice President Aaron Reader