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Oct. 07, 2021: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 10-07-21, President's Office/Oct. 07, 2021: President’s Office
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Oct. 07, 2021: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Welcome to the first week of fall quarter.  It’s nice to see staff, faculty and students on campus, even in a limited format.  It took a substantial amount of work to plan for a successful opening and I want to thank our staff and faculty for making this happen.  Our hope is to continue growing our on-campus presence in the classroom and providing services on a gradual basis this academic year.  We’re off to a promising start.

The campus just concluded our welcome week events and I’m happy to report attendance was high and our community heavily participated in the workshops.  Executive Cabinet and the Welcome Week committee are currently looking into additional opportunities to hear from our campus community this fall and during our upcoming Professional Development Day on October 15, 2021.  More information to come.

Numerous events have been held in person and virtually to assist our campus communicating in meeting the Governor’s vaccine mandate.  This has been a significant undertaking and as the deadline date approaches, I’m happy to say many of our campus community have provided the necessary documentation for verification.  For those individuals still needing to provide the required information, we continue to send electronic and hard mail reminders.

I had the wonderful opportunity to participate with our ASHC team and students at a virtual welcome event.  It was a great opportunity to get to know one another and learn some fun facts about our campus members.  The event was recorded, so if you have a few moments to enjoy it, you can contact my office for the video information.

Have a wonderful week!

Report submitted September 27, 2021, by President John R. Mosby, Ph.D.