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Oct. 07, 2021: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 10-07-21/Oct. 07, 2021: Institutional Advancement
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Oct. 07, 2021: Institutional Advancement

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Institutional Advancement furthers an awareness of and appreciation for Highline College by communicating with diverse constituencies, building and strengthening relationships and encouraging participation in and support of college programs and initiatives.

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners.

Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work:

  • Engages the community and builds relationships to cultivate future students
  • Recruits students
  • Supports students as they persist in their education
  • Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials
  • Engages with them as alumni
  • Shares their stories
  • Builds sustainable support

Dashboard: September

  • Website visits: 129,954
  • Advertisements: 7
  • Media Mentions: 2
  • Graphic Design Projects for Campus: 26
  • Donations: $53,269.89
  • Number of gifts: 37
  • Alumni Gifts: 9

IA Spotlight

The Printshop and Graphics Team. This month we salute the work of the Printshop (Dave Weber and Ron Lytle, student worker) and the graphics team of Kelly Wong and Cory Hiraiwa for responding to numerous requests by the college community for materials, flyers, posters, banners and more. You see examples of their work on campus from the new menu board for the Bistro to the posters in every building with safety information related to COVID-19. The Printshop has printed banners welcoming students back on campus that contribute to a positive and welcoming environment on campus. Thanks team!

Media Coverage

Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:

Note: Campus events and athletics also receive coverage but are usually not included in this recap.


Des Moines City Currents Magazine

Two-page promotional spread in the Fall, 2021 edition to celebrating Highline’s 60th anniversary. The spread was created in partnership with Colibri Northwest (the company that published Des Moines City Currents) and was free of charge. This edition was mailed out to all residents of Des Moines on September 7.  Purpose: Build awareness of Highlines 60th anniversary and our contributions to the local community.

Burien Magazine

Full-page ad in Fall, 2021 edition. Mailed out to all residents of Burien on September 6.  Purpose: Build awareness of Highlines 60th anniversary and our fall quarter start date.

High School Geofencing

Geofencing digital display advertising campaign targeting all of the high schools in our service area.

Campaign runs all of September and October.  Purpose: Build awarness of Highline College to all high school students in our service area and encourage them to learn more about Highline before graduation from high school or enroll in our Running Start program.


15 second pre-roll ad: General promotional video ad targeting 18- to 44-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Run dates: July 16 – Sep. 18.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of fall quarter start date.

Instagram/Facebook Stories

15 second interstitial ad targeting 16- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.   Run dates: August 18 – September 24.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and fall quarter start date

Instagram/Facebook Ad

Video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college and interest in technology and/or computer science.   Run dates: July 23 – Sep. 13.  Purpose: Promote our Applied Bachelor’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Forensics


10 second interstitial ad: Ad targeting 16- to 30-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes with high school diploma and/or some college.  Run dates: August 19 – September 24.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of fall quarter start date.


Puyallup fair booth

On campus Student presentation 70 students

Life Church welcome back to school fair

HS information/view books drop offs 5 High School


Proposal Submitted: SBCTC Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity Building: $60,271

Proposal Funded: Highline College received notice on 9/27/2021 that we are recipients of Dept. of Ed Title III Strenghthening Institutions Grant. This is significant and congratulations to May Lukens, Project Director, Kari Cantey, Immediate past director of grants and the entire project team.

Report submitted September 29, 2021, by Vice President Josh Gerstman