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Oct. 07, 2021: Administrative Services

Home/Area Reports, Division: Administrative Services, Meeting 10-07-21/Oct. 07, 2021: Administrative Services
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Oct. 07, 2021: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Vice President for Administration

  • As part of my work plan for 2021-22, I will be providing periodic updates to the Board on the following goals and priorities going forward:
    • Supporting return to campus
    • Normalization of ctcLink in Finance & Budget
    • Equity-first Strategic Plan engagement & development
    • Highline College capital infrastructure plan revision & reimagine
    • Maintaining & developing international partnerships to support international student recruitment efforts
    • Maintaining institutional fiscal sustainability and effectiveness
    • Collaboration with HC Foundation & Foundation LLC to explore creative options to support the Campus View.


  • Facilities has contracted with McGranahan Architects to begin the initial planning for the new Welcome Center for Student Success. In addition, McGranahan Architects will also be working with us on the updating of our Campus Master Plan 2030.
  • Facilities has contracted with Shreiber, Starling, and Whitehead Architects for the relocation planning of the programs out of Building 16.
  • As the campus began the phased return to on-campus operations, Facilities will be recruiting to replace several of our vacancies in custodial, grounds, and maintenance.

Finance & Budget

  • The Board-approved budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 has been uploaded to ctcLink.
  • Finance continues to experience recruitment challenges with several vacant positions, including two accountant positions.
  • Finance has begun yearlong efforts to institutionalize its procedures and knowledge, as well as to expand learning opportunities regarding finance processes and procedures.
  • It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr. Marco Lopez-Torres as our new Director of Budget & Grant Services. Marco has been with Highline College for the last two years as Director of Instructional Planning & Budget.

 Public Safety and Emergency Management 

  • Public Safety has continued to work in partnership with 6M Geriatrics and King County Public Health to extend the weekly COVID-19 vaccine clinic through October. In addition to offering the initial vaccines, the clinic plans to offer the newly approved Pfizer booster. The clinic has provided over 265 vaccines to date since August.
  • Public Safety will be participating in the welcome table event to encourage students to sign up for the HC Text Alert system so they can receive emergency messages.
  • Public Safety has been working in collaboration with Academic Affairs in preparation for the grand opening of Federal Way HUB. The Department has established partnerships with the Federal Way Police Department and UW Tacoma Public Safety Department to create crime prevention programs, as part of our safety program to welcome students and staff to the Federal Way HUB.

 Auxiliary Services 

  • We are excited to announce the opening of the Fireside Bistro for fall quarter to serve the campus community with espresso drinks, assorted beverages, light breakfast, and limited lunch options. This is a partnership between our Auxiliary Services and the Hospitality and Tourism Program.  In addition to the business hours, during the off hours, the Fireside Bistro will be used as hands-on training facility for HOST students in customer service, food and beverage, business/coffee house operations.
  • The Bookstore is now open for Fall Quarter. The staff have been working diligently training on the new point-of-sale system, as well as learning new processes to adapt to a smaller staff.
  • It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr. Eric Ho as our new Bookstore Manager. Eric has been working in the Bookstore over the last ten years as Assistant Manager.

Report submitted September 27, 2021, by Vice President Michael Pham, Ed.D.