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September 12, 2024: Equity, Diversity and Transformation

Home/Area Reports, Division: Equity, Meeting 09-12-24/September 12, 2024: Equity, Diversity and Transformation
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September 12, 2024: Equity, Diversity and Transformation

Area Report for Board of Trustees

The Equity, Diversity, and Transformation (EDT) Division is charged with embedding equity in everything we do at Highline College. Below are updates of the ongoing work.

Core Theme 1: ACCESS, Reduce Barriers and close equity gaps to access for all community members

  • Under the leadership of Director Mariela Barriga, Highline College applied for a federal basic needs grant in partnership with Green River College and Renton Technical College. The purpose of this grant is to advance systemic sustainable solutions to student’s basic needs insecurity through support programs that address the basic needs of students and to report on practices that improve outcomes for students.

Core Theme 2: STUDENT LEARNING, Increase educational success, collaborate to improve

  • The Moving Towards Serving cross-divisional team had a team retreat to plan for the 24-25 academic year as we continue our journey towards becoming a federally designated HSI. The retreat was hosted at the SeaMar Chicano Museum in Seattle and the team experienced a guided retreat from Dr. Erasmo Gamboa, one of the founders of the museum. The team collectively decided on action steps for the next academic year.
  • The Office of EDT participated in the Learning and Teaching Center retreat to discuss professional development for faculty. This day long event included multiple partners from across the college to engage in discussion about what impactful professional development looks like.

Core Theme 3: COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS, Create a more inclusive working environment and a more valued, visible relationship with communities we serve

  • Representatives from Highline College attended the inaugural Washington State Colegas event hosted by Pierce College. This event was geared towards bringing together all faculty, staff, and administrators from the community college system that identify as Latinx/e for community building, professional development, and discourse about the lack of Latinx/e in executive leadership positions. There were over 80 participants from 23 community and technical colleges from across the state.

Core Theme 4: CULTURE & CAPACITY: Promote a campus culture which fosters equity and inclusivity supporting employee growth and development, and institutional capacity for transformation

  • In partnership with Title III, the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Transformation sponsored staff members to attend the virtual Speak Out Summer Institute: A Virtual Gathering Empowering Voices for Justice Across Sectors featuring SpeakOut Speakers
  • The EDT Division partnered with multiple departments throughout the summer months for their annual team retreats for EDI training. Departments included Running Start, Advising, International Programs, and Access Services. Each department requested tailored training for their teams.

Division Honors and Achievements

  • Welcome new King County Promise Navigator, Anthony Grant to the Cultural Learning Communities. Mr. Grant begins Sept. 4, 2024

Report submitted by Vice President of Equity, Diversity and Transformation, Dra. Maribel Jimenéz