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Sep. 09, 2021: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 09-09-21, President's Office/Sep. 09, 2021: President’s Office
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Sep. 09, 2021: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Hello Trustees,

Although we just had our retreat a few weeks ago, I wanted to focus this report on our “Return to School” plan for the academic year.  Our campus community is busy planning for our graduated return to campus as fall quarter is quickly approaching.

Governor Inslee’s proclamation has required us to revise our materials and communication due to the new mask and vaccination requirements.  Staff, faculty, and students are able to provide information regarding their vaccination status and attestation forms are available to complete through ctcLink.  It’s imperative that our campus community adhere to the Governor’s directive to ensure compliance and adherence to the CDC safety regulations.  My office will continue to keep you posted in this area.

Open information sessions are provided weekly to answer any questions for students, staff and faculty.  These sessions are virtual and often have community guests to provide information regarding the pandemic.  In addition, these sessions provide opportunity for people to discuss their concerns, fears, hopes and receive clarification on policies.  The sessions have been well attended and they will continue into the fall quarter.  I’m pleased to mention that we have weekly vaccination clinics on campus in partnership with local organizations.  We intend for these clinics will continue into fall as well.

Classrooms and various campus spaces are being appropriately fitted to meet the CDC and DOH requirements and safety plans have been created for all programs and areas.  The campus is open to the public for service (financial aid, cashiers, admissions, etc.) for a limited number of hours on weekdays in addition to the virtual options we continue to offer.  This has meant our staff have gradually returned to campus and supervisors have worked with their areas to create a schedule that balances working virtually and on campus.

This is not an exhaustive list but shows the extent of the hard work our campus community is doing to “open” in the fall.  Cabinet will continue to provide updates to the Board throughout the academic year.  Thank you all for the support. I hope that you will join us for our Opening Week activities (schedule coming soon).

Report submitted September 01, 2021, by President John R. Mosby, Ph.D.