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Sep. 09, 2021: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 09-09-21/Sep. 09, 2021: Institutional Advancement
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Sep. 09, 2021: Institutional Advancement

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Institutional Advancement furthers an awareness of and appreciation for Highline College by communicating with diverse constituencies, building and strengthening relationships and encouraging participation in and support of college programs and initiatives.

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners.

Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work:

  • Engages the community and builds relationships to cultivate future students 
  • Recruits students 
  • Supports students as they persist in their education 
  • Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials 
  • Engages with them as alumni 
  • Shares their stories 
  • Builds sustainable support 
Dashboard June July  August
Website Visits 119,512   87,058 96,143
Advertisements 15 6 6
Graphic Design Projects for Campus 26 17 28
Media Mentions 14 10 14
Outreach Inquiries 21 46 35
Donations $31,079.78 $68,064.00 $124,298.78
Number of Gifts 51 11 10
Alumni Gifts 8 0 0

Media coverage  


Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:


Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:


Media mentions: 

Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:

Note: Campus events and athletics also receive coverage but are usually not included in this recap.



Federal Way Mirror

Two side-by-side footer ads in the “Congratulations High School Graduates” section of the June 18 edition of the Federal Way Mirror. Ads were on the pages that listed the graduates of our local high schools.

Purpose: General promotion of Highline College to high school graduates in our service area. 


15 second pre-roll ad: General promotional video ad targeting 18- to 44-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Run dates: May 18 – June 25.  Purpose: General promotion and promotion of summer quarter start date.

Instagram/Facebook Mini Campaign to Federal Way High School Graduates: Combination of Feed and Stories ads geotargeting Federal Way Memorial Stadium and immediate surrounding area during hours of multiple Commencement ceremonies between June 10 – 13.  Purpose: Promotion of Highline College directly to high school graduates and their families who attending Commencement ceremonies.

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: Short video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education and high school or some college.  Run dates: May 19 – June 25.

Purpose: Promotion of summer quarter start date and the full lineup of online classes and services available to students.

Instagram/Facebook Stories Ad: 15 second interstitial ad targeting 16- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Run dates: May 19 – June 18.  Purpose: General promotion and promotion of summer quarter start date.

Instagram Feed Boosted Post: General summer quarter promotion.

Slideshow post promoting summer quarter enrollment. Targeted 17- to 38-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college. Run dates: March 19 – June 18.  Purpose: Promotion of summer quarter start date and the full lineup of online classes and services available to students.


10 second interstitial ad: Ad targeting 16- to 30-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes with high school diploma and/or some college.  Run dates: May 21 – June 21.  Purpose: General promotion and summer quarter enrollment


Federal Way Mirror

Full page ad in the annual Federal Way Mirror Residents Guide. Published July 16.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline College degrees and certificate and celebration of our 60th Anniversary


15 second pre-roll ad: General promotional video ad targeting 18- to 44-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Run dates: July 16 – Sep. 18.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of fall quarter start date.

Instagram Feed Boosted Post:

Post promoting our Financial Aid workshops throughout July and August and general Financial Aid options at Highline.  Targeted 17- to 38-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college.  Run dates: July 20 – Aug. 5.

Instagram Feed Boosted Post:

Post promoting our vaccine incentive/scholarship program to both current and perspective students

Targeted 17- to 38-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college.  Run dates: July 20 – July 29.

Instagram/Facebook Ad: Video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college and interest in technology and/or computer science.   Run dates: July 23 – Sep. 13.  Purpose: Promote our Applied Bachelor’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Forensics


Federal Way Mirror

Half-page ad in annual Education Edition, published August 20.  Purpose: Promote Highline’s Running Start Program.  Half-page ad in annual Education Edition, published August 20.  Purpose: Promote the new Federal Way Higher Education Center, The Hub and it’s opening on September 27.

Half-page ad in annual Washington State Fair Guide, published August 27.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline, fall quarter start date and encourage readers to visit the Highline College booth at the Fair Pavillion.


15 second pre-roll ad: General promotional video ad targeting 18- to 44-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Run dates: July 16 – Sep. 18.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of fall quarter start date. 


Instagram Feed Boosted Post:  Post promoting our Financial Aid workshops throughout July and August and general Financial Aid options at Highline.  Targeted 17- to 38-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college.  Run dates: July 20 – Aug. 5.

Instagram/Facebook Ad: Video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college and interest in technology and/or computer science.   Run dates: July 23 – Sep. 13.  Purpose: Promote our Applied Bachelor’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Forensics.

Instagram/Facebook Stories Ad: 15 second interstitial ad targeting 16- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.  Run dates: August 18 – September 24.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and fall quarter start date.


10 second interstitial ad: Ad targeting 16- to 30-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes with high school diploma and/or some college.  Run dates: August 19 – September 24.  Purpose: General promotion of Highline and awareness of fall quarter start date.


Outreach added Signal Vine as a text option to touch base with prospective students.  It’s a new text messaging system to circle back with students on the application process or if they need any additional information about programs.  

  • Prospective Signal Vine text – 60 students 
  • Highline School District Seniors event – 65 students
  • Highline School District Zoom pathway event –  45 students 
  • Outreach to Highline School students who indicated interest in HC helping with application process – 67 students 
  • Outreach to 25 students about enrollment in College 100 course 
  • Text messages funding campaign for prospective students for CARE Funding – 540 students 
  • Text messaging campaign for enrolled students from spring who are not enrolled now – 300 student 
  • Text Message campaign with individual students to help with application process 
  • Student athlete resource session – 49 students 
  • In person welcome back to school event Integrity Life Church 



Proposals Submitted: none

Proposals Funded: $708,401 total

  • SBCTC Supporting College Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) (2-year grant): $196,500 
  • SBCTC Student Emergency Assistance Grants (SEAG) Program (2-year grant): $302,666
  • SBCTC Hospital Employee Education and Training Program (HEET): Nursing Pathway Open Access for Working Students: $209,235

Note: We’ve only included these SBCTC grants because our office played a significant role in developing them for submission. Normally, SBCTC grants are developed and submitted apart from our office.


Proposal Submitted:

  • U.S. Dept. of Education Title III Part A: Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) (5-year grant): $2,249,407

Proposal Funded:

  • USDA NIFA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) (3-year grant): $735,356


Proposal Submitted:

  • SBCTC Mental Health and Counseling Services Pilot Program (2-year grant): $125,000

Report submitted August 31, 2021, by Vice President Josh Gerstman