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Sep. 09, 2021: Administrative Services

Home/Area Reports, Division: Administrative Services, Meeting 09-09-21/Sep. 09, 2021: Administrative Services
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Sep. 09, 2021: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Vice President for Administration

  • The FY2020-21 year-end financial report is being submitted to the Board for review.  Despite all the challenges earlier in the year, we ended the fiscal year with a net positive fund balance, due to both fiscal prudence and the federal HEERF grant.
  • The final FY2021-22 Operating Budget is being submitted to the Board for approval.  The final budget version contains a couple changes from the preliminary budget that was provided to the Board in June 2021.  The entire federal HEERF grant, for example, is now budgeted for full drawdown in this fiscal year.
  • I facilitated three separate retreats for Administrative Services, International Student Programs, and Global Team in August.  In all three retreats, one primary focus was on the development of the department strategic plan (respectively) as we look forward to the institutional equity-first strategic plan.

Facilities Operations

  • Facilities continues to acquire additional inventory of PPE including face masks, face shields, and plexiglass partitions.
  • Renovation of B-12 and B-25 (designated areas) are expected to be completed in mid-November for the planned relocation of the President’s Office, Finance, Human Resources, and Access/Achieve/CES during winter break.
  • The Federal Way Education Center (HUB) was officially completed in August.
  • South Parking Lot was completely repaved and re-striped in August.
  • SBCTC had also completed our bi-annual Facilities Condition Survey in late August.
  • The college is in discussion with The City of Des Moines and Sound Transit on our future roundabout and East Parking Lot expansion.  Construction may begin as early as Spring 2022.

Finance & Budget

  • Cathy Cartwright officially transition to her tenure-track teaching position in the accounting department on September 1, 2021. We all wish her the best in her new position.
  • Jack Hutchinson, who came to Highline College in May as Director of Budget & Grant Services, has been taking over Cathy’s former position as Director of Financial Services.  We are in the process of recruiting for a Director of Budget & Grant Services.
  • Finance team is continuing to make steady progress towards mastering the new financial systems in Peoplesoft/ctcLink.  We were successful in closing the FY2020-21 in early August.

Public Safety and Emergency Management

  • Public Safety continues to work in partnership with 6M Geriatrics and King County Public Health to host a weekly COVID-19 vaccine (pop-up) clinic. The clinic has given 94 vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson) to students and employees in August.  We are planning to continue the partnership through September.
  • Public Safety collaborated with Facilities for the repaving and re-striping of the South Parking Lot project. The project resurfaced the lot to reduce the effects of erosion. It also re-striped and added speed bumps for safety of students and employees. The total project cost $479K was funded by Public Safety and students transportation & safety fee.
  • Public Safety is working with Des Moines Police Department to manage the potential impact of HB1310 on the use of force by law enforcement.  

Auxiliary Services  

  • The Bookstore is still in the process of transitioning to a new point-of-sales system.
  • The Bookstore has re-opened to serve faculty, staff and students on campus.  We are however limiting the number of shoppers to follow all safety protocols, including social distancing.  Free shipping will continue to be offered for students in the fall.
  • Conference Services is working with the HOST program to open the Bistro in B-8 to provide limited food service on campus for fall quarter. The plan is offer pre-wrapped to-go items and beverages, including coffee.

Report submitted August 30, 2021, by Vice President Michael Pham