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Jul. 28, 2022: Student Services

2022-07-18T09:58:33+00:00 Print Page

Jul. 28, 2022: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Strategic Enrollment

  • Counseling Center invited Josh Krawczyk from Crisis Connection to learn more about how we can partner our services to support students during a mental health crisis.
  • The Counseling Center will be meeting with representatives of Sanvello to learn more about their mindfulness app for students.
  • ISP has started to work with a provider, CCG. The provider helps both community colleges and universities abroad connect with each other. Many universities abroad want to send their students to affordable 2+2 pathway programs. These universities would like to engage with community colleges via short- and long-term mobility, faculty members, joint recruitment, campaigns and other joint activities. Universities are looking for a variety of different programs/majors including STEM, humanities, social sciences, and Bachelors degrees. Their network extends to over 700 different educational institutions both domestic and abroad.
  • TRiO is proud to report meeting program enrollment outcomes of 145+ students. Funding through the US Department of Education, our TRiO program is required to serve at least 145 students annually. Back in late March, TRiO had around 85 students enrolled. Since “Acting TRiO Director”, unifying the TRiO team towards a common goal, while collaborating with numerous campus departments, local high schools and organizations such as the College Success Foundation to bolster TRiO enrollment. This has resulted in an enrollment of 149 TRiO students as of June 28th 2022.
  • On July 5th, the new TRiO Director, Tolulope (Tolu) Taiwo (she/they pronouns) will join the HC community. Tolu earned her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Illinois, and her Master’s in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Colorado State University. She is a current doctoral candidate in the Higher Education program at Azusa Pacific University, and her dissertation focuses on Black womxn educators’ activism practices and decolonization of higher education institutional space in South Africa. She has multiple years of advising, program management and college access services at Pacific Lutheran University, University of Puget Sound, and the YWCA.
  • As current staffing allows, the Advising Center continues to lead enrollment workshops following new student orientations, helping new students learn to navigate ctcLink, read their Degree Progress Reports, and enroll in classes.
  • Multiple Student Services staff attended Aviso (early alert system) Early Adopter training sessions.
  • Staff are moving towards hiring work study students from BAS programs to develop Career and Transfer Advising pipeline to serve students’ needs.
  • 2021-2022 Commencement celebration was wonderful. Approximately 500 students crossed the stage. The commencement planning committee is developing a survey to gather community feedback (faculty, staff, and administrators) about the event. Responses will be used to plan for the 2022-2023 Commencement.
  • The Registration and Records Counter served 450 students in person and produced 102 ID cards from 5/13/2022-6/21/2022.
  • 260 students have applied for summer quarter Running Start through OSPI state funding and federal ESSER grant funds. Summer Running Start supports high school seniors within 15 credits of earning an associate degree, students who are credit deficient for high school diploma and/or associate degree (up to 15 credits), and new incoming Running Start students.
  • Entry Advising continues to offer New Student Orientation (NSO). Five sessions have been hosted. Approximately 419 people registered for the NSO; 254 attended, and 261 declared an academic pathway.

Service Delivery Excellence

  • The Counseling Center will be hiring a full time Director this summer.
  • After long term Faculty Counselor Dr. Gloria Koepping retired in June, the Counseling Center has hired Faculty Counselor Erin Hayden who will begin in September.
  • The ISP end of year celebration took place on Tuesday, June 15th. 79 students and staff were present with 61 in person and 18 via zoom. ISP students were celebrated including those who were graduating, obtained a scholarship, or took an active leadership role on campus such as clubs, student worker, or volunteered. This was the first in-person end- of-year celebration/major ISP event since the pandemic started. Ana Morales led planning efforts for the event.
  • In Student Life (CLS and CCIE), The Associated Students of Highline College Executive Team has been selected for the 2022-2023 academic year. The President and Vice President positions were elected through the ASHC Election process in May & June of 2022. The Speaker of the Caucus was selected through the CLS & CCIE CORE Team hiring process.

President: Nestor Reyes-Garcia

Vice President: Mahad Dahir

Speaker of the Caucus: Nurma Bi Noor Khan

  • Priority deadline for the Clubs Programs Leadership Advisor position concluded June 26th. This position oversees student led clubs and organizations at the College. The Center for Leadership & Service is tentatively scheduled to host interviews for the position July 13, 2022.
  • House Bill 1751 Hazing Prevention: SBCTC recently provided guidance on the passage of House Bill 1751 “Sam’s Law”, which requires institutions of higher education to provide anti-hazing programming, policy and reporting. Sam’s Law is the name of new anti-hazing legislation recently adopted in Washington State. It is named after Sam Martinez, a freshman at Washington State University who died of alcohol poisoning at a fraternity party in November 2019.Student Services leadership, in collaboration with campus partners (Human Resources, Public Safety, Academic Affairs, and others) are currently working to develop a plan to coordinate efforts to adhere to the requirements. More information will be provided in the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting.
  • Financial Aid Staffing: Financial Aid currently has four advisor positions open and there are six applicants for the search committee to review. The Senior Associate Director of Financial Aid has two applicants to be reviewed. The department is looking to have positions filled by the end of July.
  • The Highline Community Pantry served 701 community members during winter quarter and 918 during spring quarter.
  • Amy Bergstrom (Interim Director, Center for Leadership & Service), Feney Perez (Associate Director of Enrollment and Credentials), and Dr. Jamilyn Penn represented Student Services on Highline College’s Commencement Committee throughout winter and spring quarter and coordinated various logistics in preparation for Highline’s largest celebration of the year. Commencement was held on Thursday, June 16, 2022 was a hybrid format which included an interactive in-person celebration for graduates and families in addition to a virtual/pre-recorded celebration.
  • Sarah De Witt began on June 16 as a new Pathway Advisor. Two additional new Pathway Advisors and a new Program Assistant have accepted offers of employment, and all will start working at the College in July
  • Division staff conducted a summer email campaign. They sent information about summer programs and services to 2,000 students, in an effort to increase enrollment.
  • The merger of CASE and Transfer is official! This aligns with the student facing 4 phase model with Guided Pathways.

Development and Integration of (EDI) Framework

  • Betty Vera, Program Assistant for Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) is departing from Highline College on July 15, 2022 after 5 years of service. Betty has been an integral part of the CCIE overseeing and providing administrative support to both CCIE and CLS. In Betty’s 5 years at Highline College, she co-chaired the 2021 Rev. Martin Luther King Week, served as member of La Conferencia committee dedicated to facilitating bilingual programming with local   community organizations and represented Student Life in the Accessible Technology Committee. Additionally, Betty served as supervisor of the Community Resource Consultants, a student team that assists student groups and professional staff with administrative office duties. Betty is departing Highline as a proud graduate of University of Washington, Tacoma where she attained a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences in Winter 2021.
  • The Counseling Center will be reviewing year-end demographic data of students served, and making targeted campus partnerships and outreach to better align our services with the campus population.
  • Staff are redesigning new hire documents to better serve campus partners and students seeking on campus work.

Report submitted June 29, 2022, by Interim Vice President Dr. Jamilyn Penn