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Jul. 23, 2020: Meeting Minutes

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Jul. 23, 2020: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting

Location and Time

Highline College
District 9
2400 South 240th Street
Des Moines, WA 98198

Meeting Virtual Zoom meeting: 8:00 a.m.



Board of Trustees: Chair Sili Savusa, Vice Chair Sharmila Swenson, Dan Altmayer, Fred Mendoza, Bob Roegner present.

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Emily Lardner, John Mosby, Michael Pham, Aaron Reader, Danielle Slota, Tim Wrye present.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 8:06 a.m.

Accreditation, Emily Larder

Accreditation mock visit was extremely helpful, Trustees received high marks. One piece of feedback was that staff doesn’t talk about our work in alignment with core themes and indicators. To address this a form was created, Institutional Effectiveness Department Report, which all teams across campus will be asked to complete. Reports are due at the end of July and will be posted to the Institutional Research website. We will complete this each year moving forward.

Annual reviews for exempt and classified staff will also now connect to collective goals and missions as well as cultural diversity. Expectation has been set that all evaluations be completed by the end of August.

Looking ahead to next year, everyone is being asked to develop goals with a specific tie to our core themes and indicators. HR conducted a training on how supervisors can complete strong evaluations while connecting an employee’s work to the mission, guiding employees toward growth and celebrating their accomplishments.

Lisa Bernhagen is the Chair of the Accreditation Steering Committee – working with the Office of the President to send regular messaging to campus, conduct surveys and collect testimonials about the work being done across campus and how it connects to the core themes.

MFR, Emily Lardner

Shared the MFR, noted that post accreditation cycle we will revisit our indicators. Shared a reminder that the MFR data is not in real time.

Budget updates, Michael Pham

Shared Preliminary Close 2019-20 Revenue Report, met the revised fiscal target for revenue.

Shared Preliminary Close 2019-20 Expenditure Report, CARES act funding reflected.

Budget challenges for 2020-21, estimating at minimum a 15% state budget cut which equates to ~ $4.8mil. May not know until January what the cuts are and whether or not it will affect more than one budget cycle. Additionally, local revenue cycles are declining. Concerned about declines in international and running start. This could add an additional revenue shortfall. Cabinet is currently implementing some budget mitigation strategies including the suspension of the COLA increase for exempt employees.

Continuing to extend restrictions on purchasing and travel as well as a hiring freeze. Additionally, we are looking at further reduction strategies including

  • 25% ongoing reduction on goods & services
  • 50% reduction of hourly employees
  • 75% reduction on travel expenses
  • Furloughs

Budget Advisory Council was formed to provide a recommendation on budget reduction principles to Executive Cabinet

Trustee Altmayer asked when we would receive our state allocation, Michael Pham commented that the full allocation was already received, with the guidance to set aside 15% for potential future cuts.

Trustee Altmayer advised that Cabinet look at running start data in 2010-11 as he recalls a large uptick following the recession and it may help inform planning moving forward.

Trustee Altmayer commented on debt service of bonds. Is the state looking at refinancing with the current low rates? Michael Pham noted that the Treasury commented that what we committed to originally is what we are committed to owing the investors now. Trustee Altmayer to further investigate options.

Action item discussion

Approval of the President’s contract

Trustee evaluations and Dr. Mosby’s self-evaluation are completed. Dr. Mosby was insistent that no increases be considered in his base salary for the academic year.

Trustee Mendoza will make motion in General Session

Study Session was adjourned at 9:03 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Sili Savusa, Vice Chair Sharmila Swenson, Dan Altmayer, Fred Mendoza, Bob Roegner present

Executive Cabinet: Danielle Slota, Josh Gerstman, Aaron Reader, Emily Lardner, John R. Mosby, Michael Pham, Summer Korst, Tim Wrye present

Bruce Marvin (AAG), Amy Snydar present

General Session called to order at 9:06 a.m.

Approval minutes

Approve minutes for the regular meeting of June 11, 2020 and the Special Meeting on June 30, 2020
Trustee Altmayer moved to approve the minutes, Vice Chair Swenson seconded the motion. The motion was passed, minutes approved.

Opportunity for public comment

No comments submitted

Standing Reports

WPEA, Tessa Bowen – quarterly roundtable with Dr. Mosby is appreciated. Concerns voiced on behalf of WPEA staff members around potential budget cuts. Ms. Bowen voiced that staff members have shared with her that past cuts were challenging on classified staff. Strong concerns voiced around potential layoffs and salary cuts. Staff has concerns about classism in past committee formations on campus. WPEA appreciates the Executive Cabinet for keeping an equity mindset in budget planning. Voiced concerns regarding essential classified staff members and the risk they take to be on campus. Asked that the safety and financial security of our classified staff remain at the forefront of decision making as the college proceeds with budget reduction decisions.

Trustee Savusa expressed gratitude for Ms. Bowen’s bravery and noted the Board’s commitment to equity

HCEA, James Peyton – Faculty are grateful to the Instructional Design Team and Nikki Bly for their commitment to making sure the faculty have the resources they need for a successful remote fall quarter. Commented on the increase in active and intrusive supports for students, faculty and staff that a virtual campus brings. Asked that during this election season Trustees use their voices to address the equity challenges of our campus with their legislative contacts.

Trustee Savusa expressed gratitude for the collective work

Highline College Foundation, Josh Gerstman – continuing to raise money through the COVID-19 Support campaign. Expressed gratitude to Highline College Foundation Director, Asha Bhaga, and encouraged people to follow the Foundation on social media. They have now raised over $150k. The HC Foundation Board is now working on equity, diversity and inclusion learning to guide them in their work.

Action item a.:

Approval of the President’s contract
Motion by, Trustee Mendoza. Seconded by, Vice Chair Swenson. Motion Passed

Comments from Trustee Mendoza that the board completed their evaluation of Dr. Mosby and Dr. Mosby completed his self-evaluation. Dr. Mosby requested no changes to his base salary or compensation. The amendment of the contract carries over previous terms with an increase in vacation days.

Area reports

No reports today as the Board will meet with Executive Cabinet for their annual retreat at 10 a.m.

President’s remarks

Dr. Mosby expressed continued gratitude to the Highline community for granting the continuation of his contract. Thanked Trustee Mendoza for his leadership the past year as Chair of the Board of Trustees, following Trustee Roegner’s leadership and guidance during his first year as President. Looks forward to working with Chair Savusa in her new leadership role.

Commented on his appreciation of the WPEA and the continued focus on building relationships. He is committed to continuing to grow his presence with the classified staff and strengthening their community.

Unscheduled business

Trustee Roegner requested a fund be created to support our classified staff during the challenging times that COVID and budget reductions may impose.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from July 23, 2020, were approved and signed into record by Chair Sili Savusa and President John R. Mosby on Sep. 10, 2020.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.