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July 19, 2023: Administrative Services

Home/Area Reports, Division: Administrative Services, Meeting 07-19-23/July 19, 2023: Administrative Services
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July 19, 2023: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Commencement 2023 was such a great event to wrap up our Academic Year 2022-23.  I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of our Administrative Services staff for their work in supporting this wonderful event to celebrate student success and completion.  Almost all of our Administrative Services staff, from Custodial Services to Facilities to Public Safety and to Auxiliary Services, worked tirelessly behind the scene to ensure a successful event.

The remainder of June and the month of July are literally all about finance and budget for our Division.  Finance staff is working feverishly to close out the fiscal year.  Budget staff is focusing on budget development for FY24.

The PRELIMINARY Fiscal Year Budget 2023-24 is being submitted here for the Board to review in the July meeting.  The College will be requesting final approval and adoption of the FY2023-24 Budget in the September meeting.

Core Theme 1: ACCESS, Reduce Barriers and close equity gaps to access for all community members

Facilities:  The Main Entrance Round-about project is proceeding as scheduled.  The entire north portion of our East Parking Lot and the College Way will remain closed until early Fall Quarter 2023.  We are anxiously waiting for the project completion to completely transform the physical access to Highline College campus from Pacific Highway South.

Global Programs:  Despite our best efforts, out of 34 high school students (from Vietnam) recruited for the three-week Summer Program at Highline College, only two students actually received a U.S. entry visa.  Nevertheless, we have decided to proceed with welcoming those two students here at Highline College anyway, by offering a modified program with a focus on excursions, field trips, and visits to local destinations in the Seattle area.  International Student Programs staff is taking the lead in hosting/chaperoning these two students during their stay.  We intend to provide the students with the utmost positive experience of Highline College to ensure that they will return as our college students next year.

Core Theme 3: COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS, Create a more inclusive working environment and a more valued, visible relationship with communities we serve

Public SafetyIn partnership with Campus View, Public Safety conducted an earthquake evacuation drill. The Emergency Response Team (ERT) activated the virtual Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate priorities. Public Safety and Campus View staff went door to door to evacuate the building due to simulated damage. Residents were given an option to participate by evacuating outside. The drill allowed ERT to evaluate our responses to the incident objectives. 

Public Safety staff attended CPR/First Aid and AED training to maintain current certifications for the Department. The course was offered via hybrid mode with online instructions and in-person skills practice/test with an instructor. The certification ensures all staff can render effective CPR/AED aid in an emergency.  During the 2022-23 academic year, Public Safety responded to 14 medical emergencies, by arriving on scene prior to Emergency Medical Services (EMS).  

Report submitted by Vice President of Administrative Services, Dr. Michael Pham