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Jul. 18, 2019: Administrative Services

Home/Area Reports, Division: Administrative Services, Meeting 07-18-19/Jul. 18, 2019: Administrative Services
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Jul. 18, 2019: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Vice President for Administration

  • After years of working to resolve the land title issues at Highline College, the Department of Natural Resources has formally conveyed and quitclaimed all interest in the real property of Highline College to the State Board. Department of Natural Resources however retains the rights to minerals, oils, gases, etc. to the land. A copy of the QuitClaim Deed is attached for your reference.

Auxiliary Services

  • We are sad to announce that Kristi Dopp, Auxiliary Services Director, had accepted another position at The University of Puget Sound. Kristi was responsible for the operations of the Bookstore, Conference Services, and briefly with the student housing. We have begun the search process for her replacement.


  • Building 26-renovation project is progressing with the installation of exterior panels, storefronts, and curtain wall systems. Flooring and door frames will be completed next. Landscaping will start towards the end of July.
  • As required by all major construction projects, we are currently working with the State Arts Commission and artist Sarah Kavage to commission an artwork for Building 26. Sarah is a Seattle-based artist, researcher, writer, and urban planner.
  • We are in the final process of compiling the list of equipment, fixtures, and furniture for Building 26, totaling approximately $2.6M. State Board and OFM approval will be required prior to the ordering of all equipment and furnishing for Building 26 project.
  • As part of the biennial funding process, the State Board will be conducting a Facility Condition Survey of Highline College campus during the week of August 5, 2019. The results of the survey will help determine our capital maintenance funding or 2021-2023 biennium.
  • Building 6 Canopy project is completed. Final inspection of the Building 6 Canopy is scheduled for July 12, 2019.

Finance & Budget

  • The 2018-2019 fiscal year had ended on June 30, 2019. The Finance team is working on year-close activities to officially closing the fiscal year on July 24, 2019.
  • The Budget team is in the process of building the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget. The most substantial change in the new budget includes the salary increases of approximately 8 percent for faculty and staff.

Public Safety and Emergency Management

  • Public Safety, in partnership with Des Moines Emergency Management, hosted a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Course on campus from June 24 to July 10, 2019. Twenty four (24) Highline College Employees attended the training in basic disaster response skills, fire safety, light search and rescue and disaster medical operations.
  • We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Minero as a Public Safety Officer for the Public Safety Office. She has a long history working with Highline College Public Safety Department as a student cadet, hourly office assistant, and hourly Public Safety Officer. She has professional training on the job and two-year experience as a Police Explorer for the Tukwila Police Department.
  • In preparing the 2018 Annual Security Report, as part of the Jeanne Clery Act, we worked with our local law enforcement partners to collect all reported crimes that occurred within our “Clery defined geography”. The data show a decline in a decline in robberies, aggravated assaults, and motor vehicle thefts within our geographically defined area, including Highline College campus. We believe the increase in Public Safety presence and patrol contributed to the decline in the crime rates.

Report submitted by Vice President Michael Pham on Jul. 10, 2019.