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Jul. 18, 2019: Academic Affairs

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Jul. 18, 2019: Academic Affairs

Area Report for Board of Trustees


As of July 9, 2019, Summer Quarter State funded enrollments are 2106.7 FTEs

Core Theme 2: Integrate and institutionalize diversity and globalism throughout the college.

Academic Affairs continues to play a key role in Highline College’s efforts to build and sustain its international partnerships. To those ends, several recent initiatives deserve mention:

Indonesian visitors: We were pleased to host a delegation July 8-12 from the Medan Polytechnic of Tourism in Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia. Our visitors were Director Dr. Anwari Masatip; Mr. Zumri Suthony, head of academic affairs and general administration; Mr. Osland Herijon Lingga, head of student affairs; and Mr. Muhammad Hamdani, lecturer and head of professional certification board. Our colleagues spent time on our campus and in our community learning about Highline’s approaches to teaching hospitality and tourism and to building industry relationships. Highline College has enjoyed a positive and long-term partnership with this institution. Our mutual interests include faculty exchange and student study-abroad possibilities.

Vietnam study-abroad: This fall, Highline will be sending students on a short-term study abroad trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, focusing on supply chain. Students will learn how products are planned, sourced, made, delivered, and returned within the global supply chain program. They will also study the culture, politics, history and economy of Vietnam.

China faculty exchange: As part of the long-time exchange partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, we will be hosting Zhao Xiaohong as our 29th exchange scholar for the upcoming academic year. Prof. Zhao holds both a bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature as well as a master’s degree in Linguistics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She was hosted previously by Highline during the 2001-02 academic year.

International Collegiate Cyber Defense Invitational: Highline’s CIS Cybersecurity program students and Information Technology Services (ITS) staff are in the final stages of planning the 4th Annual International Collegiate Cyber Defense Invitational (ICCDI). This collaborative international event, co-hosted at Highline and the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Windhoek, Namibia, will engage four Namibian teams and for US teams (from Washington, Utah, and Texas) in a collective effort to defend a global enterprise against a cyber-attack from their distant physical locations. The event will run from 8am (PDT) on Friday, August 16, through 10am (PDT) on Sunday, August 18, with teams taking part during business hours in their respective time zones.

Report submitted Jul. 09, 2019, by Interim Vice President Emily Lardner, Ph.D.