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Jun. 11, 2020: Meeting Minutes

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Jun. 11, 2020: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting

Location and Time

Highline College
District 9
2400 South 240th Street
Des Moines, WA 98198

Study Session Virtual Zoom meeting: 8:00 a.m.
General Session Virtual Zoom meeting: 9:00 a.m.

Study Session Minutes


Board of Trustees: Chair Fred Mendoza, Vice Chair Sili Savusa, Dan Altmayer, Bob Roegner, Sharmila Swenson present

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Dr. Emily Lardner, Dr. John R. Mosby, Aaron Reader, Michael Pham, Tim Wrye present

Bruce Marvin (AAG), James Peyton, Amy Snydar present


Study Session call to order: 8:08 a.m.

State budget, Michael Pham

Waiting on final details from the State, have been advised to plan for 15% budget cuts

Graduation, Dr. John R. Mosby

  • Highline College will have 555 students participating in virtual commencement.
  • Complement to the commencement committee and VP Aaron Reader for our success with this year’s celebration.
  • Pre-taped speeches by Dr. Mosby and Chair Mendoza will be at the beginning of the virtual ceremony.
  • Aspen Institute led a discussion of 250 leaders across the country regarding leadership and communication around recent events. Dr. Mosby stated that Highline Colleges’ statements made it to Washington, DC. Dr. Mosby was proud to talk about Highline College’s response and communication. Recognized that the leadership of trustees on these events is powerful and meaningful.

Executive Session, 8:25 a.m. – 8:32 a.m.

Out of cycle tenure candidate, Dr. Emily Lardner

Golf Tournament, Aaron Reader

June 12, 36 participants in this fundraising opportunity while maintaining social distancing at the golf course.

Action item review for voting in the General Session

  • Action Item a. Election of Board Officers

It was determined that the assignments for AY 20/21 would be: Board of Trustee Chair –  Sili Savusa, Vice Chair –  Sharmila Swenson, Legislative Representative – Bob Roegner (until October) and Sharmila Swenson,  ACT Representative – Dan Altmayer, Finance Representative – Fred Mendoza, Foundation Representative –  Sharmila Swenson.

  • Action Item b. Approval of the S&A budget AY 20/21
  • Action Item c. Resolution 162-2020 (Pertaining to International Student Contract)
  • Action Item d. Resolution 163-2020 (Pertaining to Authorization to Expend Funds)
  • Action Item e. Approval of Tenure for Out of Cycle Faculty
  • Action item f. Resolution 164-2020 (Pertaining to SBDC Microenterprise Program)
  • Action item g. Resolution 165-2020 (Pertaining to Startzone Microenterprise Program), city of Federal Way
  • Action item h. Resolution 166-2020 (Pertaining to Startzone Microenterprise Program), city of Kent

Unscheduled business

  • Dr. Mosby Thanked Chair Mendoza for his leadership guidance and thanked Trustee Roegner for his leadership and guidance the preivous year. Looking forward to serving the college with Chair Savusa next year.
  • Dr. Mosby announced that Amy Snydar, Administrative Assistant to the Office of the President, is leaving the college at the end of June. Dr. Mosby reflected on how Ms. Snydar got him started at Highline when he was a presidential candidate and she was working as a Special Projects Assistant. He noted that assistants can make or break a president’s success as they set the tone of the communication coming out of the Office of the President. Ms. Snydar conducts herself with much grace and patience in all matters at Highline. She will be sincerely missed.

New business

Study Session adjourned at 8:49 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Fred Mendoza, Vice Chair Sili Savusa, Dan Altmayer, Bob Roegner, Sharmila Swenson present

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Dr. Emily Lardner, Dr. John R. Mosby, Aaron Reader, Michael Pham present

Bruce Marvin (AAG), Amy Snydar present

General Session called to order at 9:06 a.m.

Approval minutes

Approve minutes for the regular meeting of May 14, 2020
Trustee Roegner moved to approve the minutes, Trustee Savusa seconded the motion. The motion was passed, minutes approved.

Opportunity for public comment

No comments submitted


No correspondence

Standing reports

Associated Students of Highline College: Mohamed Jama

  • Mr. Jama noted this was his last meeting with Highline College Board of Trustees and that it was an honor to be before the board. He thanked them for all they do. He reported that he is excited to be handing the work of student government to our new ASHC administration: Jarmaine Santos, President; Hector Pina, Vice President; and Kayla Pezolano, Speaker of the Caucus. Mr. Jama noted how proud he was of the new executive council for sending out a statement against police brutality and the murder of George Floyd.
  • Mr. Jama also condemns the police brutality.
  • Mr. Jama reports on the student government activities and acknowledged the hard work by his fellow council members, Yaya, Lin, and Grace. He also acknowledged VP Josh Gerstman for supporting student government.
  • Mr. Jama introduced Ms. Jarmaine Santos who went on to thank Mr. Jama for the kind words and laying the ground work for next year, adding that she is really excited.
  • Chair Mendoza thanked Mr. Jama for his exemplary and outstanding service this year and for becoming an accomplished young man. Trustee Altmayer added that Mr. Jama had represented the students exceedingly well. Trustees Swenson and Savusa echoed the other Trustees, adding that the Trustees stand in support with our black students and faculty during this challenging time.

Washington Public Employees Association: Tessa Bowen

  • No report

Highline College Education Association: Dr. James Peyton

  • Report as submitted with additional comments today is a day of celebration. Dr. Peyton was able to hear Mr. Jama speak at the Burien youth council.  He noted how the students inspire faculty. Thanks to the folks who have been responsible for today’s graduation events.

Report from Highline College Education Association (HCEA)
Highline College Board of Trustees
June 4, 2020
Submitted by James Peyton, HCEA President

“Spring quarter has been an incredibly challenging one. We started the quarter moving to remote instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Throughout the quarter we’ve had to figure out how to move the business of the college into the virtual space. And now at the end of the quarter, we are trying to respond –professionally and personally – to the May 25th killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis and the resulting national protests. Our students, staff, and faculty need to be assured that Black Lives Matter. We have appreciated the thoughtful and heartfelt communication from the administration during these difficult times. These events, and other recent events, highlight racial injustice in our society, and remind us of the continuing need for anti-racist work at our institution and in the broader community. 

Adding to these challenges, we are also facing a lot of uncertainty around the College budget and enrollments. Between the restrictions tied to the pandemic response, and the economic downturn caused by the stay-at-home orders, it is difficult to know how to plan for the coming academic year. Faculty have benefited from the open discussions with College administration.

Through it all, our students have persevered, and our faculty and staff have done outstanding work. We look forward to celebrating these accomplishments at graduation – albeit virtually. We will miss the opportunity to congratulate our students and share time with colleagues in person. With Summer quarter starting at the end of the month, we will take some time to reflect on all that has happened in the past couple months. Faculty will find ways to build on our successes and make changes for the future.”

Faculty Senate: Sam Alkhalili

  • No report

Highline College Foundation: VP Josh Gerstman

  • VP Gerstman stated how he is very humbled by Mr. Jama referring to me by name, been honor and privilege to serve with him this year. 
  • Institutional Advancement has created a campaign for a COVID-19 support fund that has raised over $150, 00.00. 

Action Items

a. Election of Board Officers and Board Committee Members for 2020-2021
The 2020-21 officers and committee members are as follows: Board Chair – Sili Savusa, Board Vice Chair – Sharmila Swenson, ACT Representative – Dan Altmayer, ACT Legislative Representative – Bob Roegner, Finance Representatives – Fred Mendoza and Sili Savusa, Highline College Foundation Representative – Sharmila Swenson.

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded. Motion Passed


b. Approval of the Student Services and Activities Budget for Academic Year 2020 -2021
Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded. Motion Passed.


c. Resolution No. 162-2020 (Pertaining to International Student Contract)

(Pertaining to International Student Programs Contract)

WHEREAS, Highline College District 9 (“College”) is committed to continuing its contractual arrangements for its International Student Programs as approved by the Board of Trustees through resolution 83-2009 (Pertaining to International Student Programs Contract) on June 11, 2009; and

WHEREAS, the College is committed to achieving an internationally integrated educational environment; and

WHEREAS, the College continues to attract international students to our institution; and

WHEREAS, state law and the policies and procedures of the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) permit the establishment of contractual instructional programs for international students; and

WHEREAS, the College complies with the SBTC’s revised policies and procedures for such programs.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Highline College District 9 as follows:

Section 1.1. The College should continue to provide classes or programs for international students with shared funding from a cooperating agency or organization as authorized by RCW 28b.50.140 (17) and WAC 131-32-020.

Section 1.2. The College will reaffirm the contract with the Highline College Foundation to continue our program for international students.

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded.  Resolution is adopted.


d. Resolution No. 163-2020 (Pertaining to Authorization to Expend Funds)

(Pertaining to Authorization to Expend Funds)

WHEREAS, the new fiscal year will begin July 1, 2020; and 

WHEREAS, a final determination of the budget may not be made prior to the date of October 31, 2020; and 

WHEREAS, students have enrolled for summer session that will begin on June 29, 2020; and 

WHEREAS, the disruption of planned and scheduled activities could seriously hamper the College’s operations for the 2020-2021 College year. 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorizes the President of Highline College and designees to expend funds beginning July 1, 2020, to meet College needs at the same rate as in the amended 2019-20 approved budget, or as additionally authorized by legislative action to take effect July 1, 2020. This authorization expires October 31, 2020 or upon the date the Board passes the motion to adopt the final budget for 2020-2021, if the Board’s action on the budget precedes October 31, 2020. 

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Swenson seconded.  Resolution is adopted.


e. Tenure approval for out of cycle faculty – Sangeeta Sangha

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded. Motion passed


f. Resolution No 164-2020 (Pertaining to SBDC Microenterprise Program for Federal Way)

(Pertaining to SBDC Microenterprise Program)

WHEREAS, Highline College is fully committed to providing small business development services to its service area via the SBDC Microenterprise Program at Highline College; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is accepting applications for funding to support microenterprise development projects in Federal Way, 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Highline College supports development and authorizes submission of a SBDC Microenterprise Program application for 2021 funds from the Federal Way CDBG program in an amount up to $50,000.

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded. Resolution is adopted.


g. Resolution No 165-2020 (Pertaining to StartZone Microenterprise Program for Federal Way)

(Pertaining to StartZone Microenterprise Program)

WHEREAS, Highline College is fully committed to providing small business development services to its service area via the StartZone Microenterprise Program at Highline College; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is accepting applications for funding to support microenterprise development projects in Federal Way, 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Highline College supports development and authorizes submission of a StartZone Microenterprise Program application for 2021 funds from the Federal Way CDBG program in an amount up to $75,000.

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded. Resolution is adopted.


h. Resolution No 166-2020 (Pertaining to StartZone Microenterprise Program for Kent)

(Pertaining to StartZone Microenterprise Program)

WHEREAS, Highline College is fully committed to providing small business development services to its service area via the StartZone Microenterprise Program at Highline College; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Kent Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is accepting applications for funding to support microenterprise development projects in Kent, 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Highline College supports development and authorizes submission of a StartZone Microenterprise Program application for 2021 funds from the Kent CDBG program in an amount up to $100,000

Trustee Roegner moved, Trustee Savusa Seconded. Resolution is adopted.

Area Reports

Administrative Services: VP Michael Pham

  • Submitted written report.

Academic Affairs: VP Emily Lardner 

  • In addition to her written report she gave big thank you to faculty to getting the students through the quarter.
  • Reaffirm our commitment in AA in addressing Institutionalized Racism by changing the outcome in the college
  • What does critical thinking mean for our students in the context of institutionalized racism?

Student Services: VP Aaron Reader 

  • Special thank you Student Services for all the changes this quarter that have happened in getting our students to graduation in light of racial injust and also covid-19, the college has been administering the Federal Cares Act funding to students.

Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

VP Gerstman states the following: In solidarity with my colleagues, I want recognize the events of the past several weeks, and the impact it has had. I want share the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Amahd Arbury. They are more than just names. We are committed to look inward.


President’s Remarks

Dr. Mosby echoed the wonderful cabinet members in thanking the trustees, and expressed additional gratitude for the executive leadership team.

Unscheduled business

Trustee Altmayer conveyed his thanks for the service of all in an exceedingly challenging time. 

Trustee Swenson echoed the sentiment to the faculty and staff for keeps things moving forward. She mentions how she hears something every day about how Dr. Mosby helps everyone grow and learn. 

Trustee Roegner made a motion to allow the Chair Mendoza to sign on behalf of the board for resolutions 162, 163, 164, 165 and 166. Trustee Altmayer seconded. Motion passed.

Chair Mendoza called on Summer Korst who thanked Highline College for persevering and remaining focused on the success of our students. 

Chair Mendoza called on Executive Director of ITS, Tim Wrye who complemented his ITS team for the extra and diligent work they’ve performed to make sure the faculty, staff, and students had what they have needed to make the quarter be a successful one in spite of the situation. Mr. Wrye called out exceptional customer service provided by Maggie Riccione, Viktor Orabey, Gerald Jackson, and Peter Ferrell who have spent a lot of time on campus making sure that students and staff were getting equipment and infrastructure needed to support classes. 

Mr. Wrye also complemented the ctcLink subject matter experts for all the hard work in the challenging environment.

New business


General Session adjourned at 10:01 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from June 11, 2020, were approved and signed into record by Chair Fred Mendoza and President John R. Mosby on July 23, 2020.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.