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June 11, 2020: Institutional Advancement

Home/Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 06-11-20/June 11, 2020: Institutional Advancement
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June 11, 2020: Institutional Advancement

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners (core theme 3, objective 1).

Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work:
· Recruits students (core theme 2, objective 2)
· Supports students as they persist in their education (core theme 1, objective 1)
· Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials (core theme 1, objective 3)
· Engages with them as alumni (core theme 3, objective 2)
· Shares their stories (Core theme 3, objective 1)
· Builds sustainable support (core them 4, objective 2)

Website visits: 121,716
Outreach inquiries: 40
Donations: $27,572.76           

Media mentions: 3
Events: 0
Number of gifts: 68
Advertisements: 10
Event attendance: 0
Alumni gifts: 10
Graphics design projects for campus: 30

Media coverage

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:

  • Hellyn Moore Pawula, metal artist who taught a generation of jewelers, dies of coronavirus” –– The Seattle Times, 5/15/20
  • “Virtual preview and panel discussion of PBS series ‘Asian Americans’ set for Thursday” –– The News Tribune, 5/13/20
  • “Legacy Foundation donates $35,000 van to Des Moines Area Food Bank” –– The Waterland Blog, 5/8/20

Note: Campus events and athletics also receive coverage but are usually not included in this recap


Federal Way Mirror
Half-page ad in new, larger format version of the Federal Way Mirror after two months of suspended publication
Published May 29.
Purpose: General awareness of Highline and we are here to serve the community during these challenging times, and promotion of summer quarter start date.

Federal Way Mirror Website
Display ads running throughout the Federal Way Mirror website to promote summer quarter
Campaign started May 13 and runs through June 26.
Purpose: Promotion of spring quarter start date and general awareness.

Des Moines City Currents Magazine
Half-page ad in Summer Edition. Mailed to all Des Moines residents on May 18.
Purpose: General awareness and promotion of our six bachelor’s degrees.

Snapchat Summer Quarter Campaign
10 second interstitial ad targeting only those using Snapchat in our surrounding area codes.
Campaign started May 15 and runs through June 5.
Purpose: Promotion of spring quarter start date and general awareness.

Facebook/Instagram Summer Quarter Campaign
Campaign on Facebook/Instagram Stories to promote summer quarter registration.
Campaign ran on May 16 through May 30.
Note: This campaign used a custom audience list of people who had applied for winter or spring quarter but had not yet registered for classes.
Purpose: Summer quarter enrollment and general awareness.

Instagram Summer Quarter Campaign, Part 2
Campaign on Instagram Feed to promote summer quarter registration.
Campaign started May 26 and runs through June 6.
Purpose: Summer quarter enrollment and general awareness.

Facebook/Instagram COVID-19 Student Support Fund Campaign
Boosted post/ad campaign on Facebook and Instagram feed to support the newly created COVIID-19 Student Support Fund
Campaign ran April 14 through May 5.
Purpose: Raise donations for the fund and build general awareness.

NCM Theater ads
Campaign was paused on March 16 due to COVID-19 and theaters being temporarily closed. The campaign was schedules to runs through July of 2020. The campaign will be extended once theaters reopen to make up for the down time. When theaters open up again, we will get three additional months of run time.
Purpose: General awareness, increase admissions.

NCM Digital component
Even though are theater ad is not running, we continue to run multiple web display ads through the month of May, even though the theater ads are paused  The ads appear on mobile and desktop devised of those who have visited the above five theaters with their mobile device’s location service turned on. This campaign runs through July of 2020 and is not affected by COVID-19.
Purpose: General awareness, increase admissions. 

High School Geofencing Campaign
We continued to run our geofencing campaign. Because of COVID-19, the geofencing targeting has adjusted to focus on our service area zip codes instead of specific high schools. In addition, the campaign is targeting mobile devices that had previously been within the high school geofences. We’ve adjust the campaign to emphasize summer quarter registration and our full array of online leaning and support options during COVIID-19. The campaign is scheduled to ended May 29.
Purpose: General awareness among high school students, increase enrollment among students about to graduating from high school.


Outreach is following up with a letter to 130 students as to stay connected with them.
They continues to answer student inquiries related to COVID-19 and campus operations through the Ask@highline.edu.

Highline Cares calling programs has made phone calls to 1,200 registered students checking in on how they are doing.

Outreach is connecting with school counselors, and created an outreach newsletter for community partners.
Puget Sound College Career Network (PSCCN) is working with Outreach discussing next steps to improve engagement with communities and students during this time of COVID-19.
They are also working with districts to help Dr. Mosby create a “congratulations and welcome” to Highline message to the graduates of 2020.


The campaign for the COVID-19 Student Support fund continues. More than $75,000 has been raised from a combination of private donors, organizations and private foundations. More than 20 new donors have joined the campaign. Foundation will work with campus partners on deployment of funds.

Foundation Scholarships: More than 330 students applied for Foundation Scholarships; a group of college employees and foundation volunteers are currently reviewing applications.

Foundation Board held its annual meeting on May 27th and confirmed officers for 2020-2021: Ana Maria Popp, president, Sheri Keller, vice-president, John Van Hersett, treasurer, Susan Landgraff, secretary.

Small Business Development Center/ STARTZONE

SBCD and STARTZONE continue to provide key services to businesses in south King county. The staff has been working with Seattle Southside Chamber of Commerce, Greater Federal Way Chamber of Commerce and local cities on special programs and virtual workshops. The SBDC will report on annual Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and has been invited to apply for additional funding through the statewide SBDC network.


Respiratory Therapist, Michele Pedicone was selected as the 2020 Distinguished Alumna. https://www.highline.edu/distinguished-alumnus-2020/ Michele will be recognized during virtual commencement on June 11 and honored on campus at a later date.