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Jun. 9, 2022: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 06-09-22/Jun. 9, 2022: Institutional Advancement
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Jun. 9, 2022: Institutional Advancement

Area Report for Board of Trustees

May Dashboard

    • Website visits: 101,081
    • Advertisements: 13
    • Outreach inquiries: 36
    • Donations: $28,429.80
    • Media mentions: 8
    • Graphic design projects for campus: 32
    • Number of gifts: 46
    • Alumni gifts: 7

Throughout 2021-2022, IA has focused on the success of Highline students by focusing on supporting completion and increased learning opportunities, equity gains and fiscal effectiveness. This area report reflects on some of the activities and accomplishments in May 2022 that are aligned with these goals

Grants and Government Relations

Highline College, along with partners Highline Public Schools, Northwest Educational Access and Becoming a Man (with SWYFS), are among the first recipients of the King County Promise Grant. Announced in May, our Promise Partnership will focus on increasing enrollment by Black and brown young men from HPS and within the service area to HC. The $1.6 million grant kicks off this summer, directly impacting increased learning and equity gains.

The Grant team also worked with Workforce to secure funding from the SBCTC HEET program for Highline’s Nursing Pathways: Open Access for Students.  This will help establish a part time AAS RN Program in the 2024-2025 academic year. Another funded grant is SBCTC Workforce Development grant submitted by Paulette Lopez for $111,240. The SBCTC review committee appreciated the design of the program as an onramp into college-level instruction by removing the digital literacy barrier.

On May 13, Government Relations and Comm/Marketing provided support for the Hub ribbon cutting and worked with local city leaders and legislators to be on hand to mark the occasion and celebrate increased access to higher education in Federal Way.

Communications and Marketing

May has been an active month for advertising, marketing and media. After a hiatus due to the pandemic, we’ve worked with Metro to bring back ads on the sides of Metro Busses on routes along Pac Hwy and two billboards are currently featuring Highline College North and South of campus. The timing and placement of these are to promote the Highline during summer months and support recruitment and enrollment for Fall Quarter. We’ve increased out presence in local high schools through installation of large posters by our Printshop and Outreach team in Choice Academy, Decatur High School, Highline High School, Mt. Rainier High School, New Start High School, Puget Sound Skills Center, Thomas Jefferson High School. We will continue to work with other schools in our district at the start of next school year.

Outreach and Recruitment

The re-organized Outreach and Recruitment Team has been at work promoting Highline at local and regional events, including the Puget Sound Skill Center Hiring Event, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Adult and Higher Ed, LatinX Night at Lindbergh High school, visits by Highline and Foster High School, a Renton High College and Career Fair and participation in Asian Pacific Student Center Event. More than 780 potential students were reached through direct contact at these programs. Our online presence continues through social media, OTP, Geofencing, YouTube and new this month a 15 Second ad on a Sound Publishing Podcast. News stories have featured accomplishments of Highline students, the Hub Ribbon Cutting and the KC Promise Grant Announcement.

Foundation and Alumni Relations

Throughout May, The Foundation’s 60 Years Anniversary Campaign has been in full swing. The Thunderbirds Legends Ping Pong Tournament on May 17 drew approximately 80 people, including 40 student participants. Videos sharing stories of 60 years of impact have been shared through social media and in various live and virtual meetings. More than $70,000 has been contributed by sponsors and donors. Efforts to continue through June.

The 2022 Distinguished Alumni will be announced during Commencement Week and highlights the impact Highline Alumni have had on our community and region.

Report submitted June 2, 2022, by Vice President Josh Gerstman