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May 16, 2019: Student Services

2019-05-13T08:33:57+00:00 Print Page

May 16, 2019: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

During the months of April and May, the division of student services were busy in strengthening student access and success:  The report below is a glimpse of the many activities and initiatives of the division of Student Services.  Student Services operates on 3 Core Functions: Access, Supporting Student Success, and Engagement with a focus on equity.

The goals of Student Services for the 2019-2021:

Goal 1: Increase Access and Enrollment (Getting students on a Path – Entry & Onboarding)

Goal 2: Increase progression and completion (Keeping Students on a Path – Retention & Completion)

Goal 3: Design and implement a holistic Advising Model that supports students from entry to completion (Pathways Advising)

Goal 4: Professional Development

Student access, retention, and success:

  • The newly established Advising Council, co-chaired by Jennifer Scanlon and Associate Director of Placement and Faculty Advising, Tania Lopez had its inaugural meeting of the core group who is charged by the Vice Presidents of Student Services and Academic Affairs to implement an advising model and improve access and student success by strengthening Highline Pathways.
  • Highline advisors hosted a number of events for prospective and current students including a Running Start evening information session, Wayfinders Workshop for new and prospective students getting started at Highline, and a Nursing Information session. The Transfer Center hosted the first time ever Seattle University on the Spot Decision Day, resulting in 20 Highline students receiving immediate acceptance to SU.
  • TRiO is proud to announce that over 37 TRiO students have recently received acceptances to universities across the country, from University of Washington, University of Texas to UCLA. In addition, over 16 TRiO students have recently been awarded scholarships and internships including but not limited to: Pride Foundation Scholarship, BECU Scholarship, University of Texas Social Change Scholarship, Fred Hutch, and Dream USA.

Student Engagement and Events:

  • TRiO would like to invite members of our campus community to the Annual TRiO End of the Year Celebration and Awards Reception, scheduled for Thursday, May 23rd, 5:30-8pm in Building 8.
  • The Counseling Faculty presented 5 workshops during their Annual Spring Week of Wellness, April 15-18th – 161 students participated in sessions of Chair Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation, Playing with Plants, Sleep for Health and Wellness and Guided Art activities.

Staff Professional Development:

  • Dean, Jennifer Scanlon represented Student Services as one of a team of three Highline staff who attended the Guided Pathways Technology Requirements Gathering event in Spokane. This three-days working meeting was to identify how technology can be used by all 34 community and technical colleges to facilitate the activities that support the Guided Pathways framework. Faculty, advising staff and students were surveyed prior to the event to provide insights into their technology needs. The SBCTC Student Success Center will reconvene this working group over the Summer to finalize the requirements identified by the colleges.
  • The advising team also engaged in professional development opportunities by attending the White Privilege Symposium hosted by Highline College. They described the event as highly impactful and meaningful.

Other relevant announcements:

New student Conduct Officer:  Shane Daetwiler

Loyal Allen Jr., New Associate Dean for Student Funding Services

Report submitted May 10, 2019, by Interim Vice President Sy Ear, Ed.D.