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May 12, 2022: Student Services

2022-05-06T16:17:52+00:00 Print Page

May 12, 2022: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Strategic Enrollment

Enrollment for Summer and Fall begins May 12th for priority groups. Current students are assigned an enrollment date between the 12th and the 19th. New students may begin enrolling May 23rd. Since the beginning of Spring quarter 1643 admissions applications have been received and processed. Orientation sessions will be offered in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic beginning May 24th. Virtual sessions will continue to be offered. All new students are encouraged to participate in orientation. Pathway Advisors will offer “Get Enrolled” labs in the library to assist new and continuing students in selecting classes and enrolling.

Entry Advising staff is concluding the final sessions of a 4-part workshop series for Highline High School and Foster High School to assist students with the application for admission process to attend Highline College.

April 29th was the deadline to apply for Spring graduation. Enrollment Services awarded 216 degrees/certificates for Winter 22. This process continues to be streamlined as the department gains more experience with ctcLink. Registration and Records has served 509 students in person at the front counter and 66 students via Zoom. Staff are reaching out to prospective students who submitted transcripts for evaluation but who have not, yet, applied for admission to the college.

Enrollment Services leadership staff attended the Spring Washington State Admissions and Registration Council (ARC) meeting April 20 – 22. This group is compiling a list of priority requests for enhancements or changes to the ctcLink functionality.

Service Delivery Excellence

Service-and-Activities (S&A) Committee finalized their deliberations and will be presenting the budget proposal to ASHC, the Executive Cabinet, and Board of Trustees beginning April 26, 2022 at the ASHC meeting.

The 32nd Annual Students of Color Conference (SOCC) was held virtually April 21-22, 2022. SOCC is sponsored by the Multicultural Student Services Directors’ Council (MSSDC). 14 students registered, 4 advisors attended, 3 Highline Staff presented workshop content for affinity groups.

Doris Martinez was awarded the Dr. Rhonda Quash Coates Award. The annual award is presented to an outstanding WA CTC professional who has made significant contributions to multicultural/diversity student services in the WCTC system in one or more of the following areas: leadership, advocacy, service, dedication, innovation, and/or research that foster student success. Maribel Jimenez (Academic Affairs) was awarded the Emerging Leader Award. The award celebrates an outstanding, emerging professional who is making significant contributions to multicultural/diversity student services in Washington State in one or more of the following areas: leadership, advocacy, service, dedication, innovation, and/or foster student success.

Development and Integration of EDI Framework

The Global Student Ambassadors will be bringing back an in-person Global Fest on May 12. The event will feather booths for students and Highline community members to share cultural connections.

Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) hosted the 25th Annual Unity through Diversity Week – Lean on Me: Embracing Humanity as a Radical Act of Resistance. The sessions included three presenters and four opportunities to engage through dialogue/workshops during the Week of April 25-29, 2022 https://ccie.highline.edu/programs/unity-week/

TRiO Extended Funding Opportunity: Effective spring quarter, students in prof-tech, certificate and BAS programs may be eligible to join TRiO. Previously TRiO only allowed students who were in associate transfer degrees to join the program. However, due to 1) the program far exceeding graduation and transfer outcomes, there are spots (though limited) available for non-transfer students. With this, department staff encourage our campus community to share news with students who may benefit from TRiO. More information here. https://trio.highline.edu/apply/application/

Report submitted April 26, 2022, by Interim Vice President Dr. Jamilyn Penn