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May 12, 2022: Meeting Minutes

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May 12, 2022: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 8:00 a.m.



Board of Trustees: Chair Sharmila Swenson, Vice Chair Joe Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, and Trustee Savusa present

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Acting President Michael Pham, Danielle Slota, Tim Wrye present. 

President Mosby absent

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 8:04 a.m.

Discussion Topics

  1. 8 a.m. Equity First Strategic Planning Core Team Tri-Chairs – presentation and feedback session for the drafted Mission, Vision, and Values, Equity First Strategic Planning Core Team Tri-Chairs, Dr. Diego Luna, Jen Ritchey, Dra. Paulette Lopez (absent)

Trustees received a presentation of the drafted mission, vision, values. They learned about the process the Equity First Strategic Planning Core Team went through to get to the point of a draft, and had an opportunity to provide feedback.

Feedback collected:

Integrate how Highline supports community into the MVV, the work at Highline strengthens communities

Will students feel liberated at Highline?

Center race – create space for the BIPOC community to drive and inform Highline

Need to be explicit in a student centered approach – recommendation to utilize some of the tools provided by ACCT when writing MVVs

Incorporate accountability and fidelity

Incorporate intention to student achievement and completion

Student success appears to be the last thing addressed in the document

What does student success mean? How to we contextualize it within this document?

Comment that the mission should express where we are today, and the vision should express where we want to be. Feedback that if the mission statement explains ‘how’ rather than the ‘why’ and ‘who’, it will be more succinct – perhaps 3 sentences long. Opportunity to remove some language from the mission.

  • 8:45 a.m. Presentation of 2022-23 Student & Activities budget, S&A Budget Chair, Kevin Pham

Trustee Bowman voiced concerns about budget cuts specific to ethnic culture programs as students return to campus. Kevin shared that they are actively working to provide resources for additional funding resources to clubs where cuts are being made. Trustee Savusa echoed this concern.

Question about AANAPISI cuts – information shared that this was an institutional pause as the grant that funded this program ended and at that time the program was cut. Strong encouragement from trustees that cutting funds to these programs should be reviewed from an equity lens as there are concerns about the impacts this may have on students of color.

Marta noted that most of the cuts in this budget were to travel funds which can still be requested from contingency funds.

  • Legislative updates, Vice President Josh Gerstman


  • Third quarter financial report (through March), Vice President Dr. Michael Pham

Report shared

VP Pham spoke to some of the utility savings that we had with fewer classes and offices on campus.

Question raised about Foundation Contracts and Foundation CV Lost Revenues line items – VP Pham noted that renewal of these contracts will come to the board in June. Spoke to international students not counting towards standard FTE, but instead, are contracted through the Foundation. Additionally we contract student housing through the Foundation. Those fees get paid in the spring. We were able to develop a formula to reimburse some of this student housing loss revenue from the Federal HEERF money to the Foundation. 

Unscheduled business

Review of Action Items to be voted on in General Session


Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m.


Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 10 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: hair Sharmila Swenson, Vice Chair Joe Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, and Trustee Savusa present

Executive Cabinet:  Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Acting President Michael Pham, Danielle Slota, Tim Wrye present. 

President Mosby absent.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 10:02 a.m.

Opportunity for public comment

  • Angela Hyland, video shared in support of 80% pay parity for adjuncts at Highline College
  • Aaron Ottinger, entered community letter in support of 80% pay parity for Adjuncts at Highline College
  • Kenna Bristow-Winston

Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College: Mya Leonard

Elections for 2022-23 closed yesterday

ASHC focused on upcoming commencement and filming day for virtual commencement

  • Washington Public Employees Association: None


  • Highline College Education Association: James Peyton

Expressed gratitude for May 6 EDI. Faculty contract negotiations are ongoing, noted the ongoing dedication of Highline’s part time adjunct faculty.

  • Faculty Senate: Stephanie Ojeda-Ponce

Faculty Senate members have voiced that they need support in the form of time to make curriculum changes in order to apply more anti racist curriculum particularly for those in coordinator roles. Support for adjunct faculty regarding opportunities for inclusion in meetings, collaboration, etc. Support for 80% pay parity for adjunct faculty.

  • Highline College Foundation: Dr. Terryl Ross

Focus on 60th anniversary campaign including the upcoming ping pong tournament and recent upcoming social media posts

Action items

  • No action items

Area reports

  • Administrative Services: VP Michael Pham

Written report stands

  • Academic Affairs: VP Emily Lardner

Acknowledged all faculty that came to today’s meeting regarding the inequities that currently exist within the system. Noted that HCEA and HC Administration appreciate the opportunity to have open bargaining sessions. Recognized all employees involved in this critical process and the number of hours and level of commitment it requires. Thanked the Equity First Strategic Planning Core Team for their presentation during the study session and highlighted the importance of accountability. Spoke to the Institutional Effectiveness Report process as one process that has been systemized and supported to offer that necessary level of accountability. Recognized Maribel Jimenez for her recent award as an emerging leader within the system. 

  • Student Services: Interim VP Jamilyn Penn

Recognized Doris Martinez and Maribel Jimenez for their recent awards as outlined in her report. Spoke to current hiring needs within the division and some steps forward that have been made in applicant offers. Highlighted Corrine Soltis and her work within financial aid including a training opportunity calendar. It is grant season for student services so employees are hard at work in those submissions. Guided Pathways work continues with a need for Student Services to lean in harder to partner with academic affairs. Currently the division is focusing on data – qualitative and quantitative – and identifying opportunities for growth in data collection to support decision making. Expressed gratitude for the Equity Development Institute and the work that the Equity Task Force continues to do post EDI day to collect feedback.

  • Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

Thanked the Highline Foundation Board for being out and active in our community. Spoke to the series of employment transitions happening within the team. Recognized Melissa Sell in her retirement and Asha Bagha as she moves into a new external position. Highlinted the May 13, 2022 ribbon cutting ceremony for the Higher Education Center in Federal Way (HUB). Recognized the Grants and Government Relations Team for their hard work securing funding opportunities for our students.

President’s remarks

  • Acting President Dr. Pham – expressed sincere appreciation for the Equity First Strategic Planning Core Team and the work they are doing to set the framework for our new strategic plan. Thanked the Equity Task Force for the inspiring EDI day last week which highlighted the potential Highline has to support a more equitable campus for community success. Noted upcoming commencement ceremonies on June 16, 2022 – offered in a hybrid format with a virtual and in-person cross the stage ceremony.

Unscheduled business

  • None

General Session was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from May 12, 2022, were approved and signed into record by Acting Chair Chair Joseph Bowman and President John R. Mosby on June 9, 2022.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.