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May 11, 2023: Meeting Minutes

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May 11, 2023: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker, Tim Wrye 

Assistant Attorney General: Bruce Marvin present

Study Session call to order: 9:22 a.m.

Discussion Topics

2023-24 Student & Activities (S&A) Budget Planning Presentation, Annie Nguyen, Community Budget Coordinator, ASHC Budget Chair 

Third quarter financial report and 2023-24 Budget planning updates, Dr. Michael Pham

Trustee Swenson asked about Running Start (RS) increase and the reasoning behind it, whether we attribute it to attrition or recruitment. VP Pham noted that this year’s success was in retention of RS students.

Trustee Swenson asked for more information on dual enrollment as an education opportunity for trustees in the future

Trustee Exstrom asked for more information on tactics that can be used when not drawing down on capital budgets as we move into next year. Vice President Pham noted that we are expecting minor project funds from the state capital funding next year which will help 

Trustee Johnson asked for more information on athletics – funding model for scholarships, revenue contributions, etc. at a future meeting. Athletics presentation in the future.

Board business updates:

  • Commencement, Chair Bowman
  • Board Chair evaluations and President evaluations, Danielle Slota

Vietnam Faculty Experiential Learning Experience, Highline College Faculty

Meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m.

Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 10:30 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Swenson. Trustee Swenson absent

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamilyn Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker, Tim Wrye 

Assistant Attorney General: Bruce Marvin present

General Session called to order: 11:00 a.m.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of April 13, 2023

Trustee Exstrom motioned to approve, Trustee Swenson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment


Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College, Mahad Dahir
    • Recognized the S&A budget committee 
    • Spoke to a recent review of the upcoming Affinity Groups Policy at Highline College
    • Recognized the VP Equity, Diversity, and Transformation search committee
    • Recognized the Umoja Symposium, Unity through Diversity Week programming, upcoming events: Global Fest, Graduation Cap Decorating, Student Legacy Awards, Commencement,
  • Washington Public Employees Association, No report this month
  • Highline College Education Association, Dr. James Peyton
    • Week six of spring quarter, registration for summer and fall have begun
    • Spoke to this year’s annual Equity Development Institute, the current search for a VP of Equity, Diversity, and Transformation
    • Tenure track positions in process as well as several upcoming faculty retirements
  • Faculty Senate, No report this month
  • Highline College Foundation, No report this month

Action items

No action items this month

Area reports

  • Administrative Services: VP Dr. Michael Pham

Executive Cabinet is hard at work on budget planning for 2023-24 and beyond. Deferred the rest of his comments to his written report.

  • Academic Affairs: VP Dr. Emily Lardner

Celebrating the publishing of the 2023-24 course catalog. Commented on the hiring season and her wonderful experience interviewing finalists. Deferred the rest of her comments to her written report.

Trustee Bowman spoke to student Dustin Cole as recipient of the recent All-WA Academic Scholarship

Request from Trustee Swenson for a future presentation on credit transfer programs 

  • Student Services: Interim VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn

Recognized CCIE and CLS for their large presence on campus. Spoke to the dynamic work occurring in Running Start and ISP around recruitment and retention. Recognized Associate Dean Kern and her leadership with the upcoming commencement. Deferred the rest of her comments to her written report.

  • Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

Spoke to recent funding received and the high level of importance for creating connection and building support systems within the business community. Spoke to the many upcoming events on campus and recognized the many efforts behind them.


Trustee Bowman recognized Dr. Mosby for receiving the 2023 Marian Shivers’ Leadership Award

President’s remarks

Spoke to the current recruitment of the VP Equity, Diversity, and Transformation recognizing the search committees support as well as the campus. Recognized the recent UMOJA visit to Highline College as well as the Equity Development Institute. Expressed gratitude to everyone on campus for their support of a very busy spring quarter through budgeting, campus climate survey

Unscheduled business

Trustee Swenson expressed appreciation for Highline’s land and labor acknowledgement and the intentionality behind it.

New business



General Session was adjourned: 11:53 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from May 11, 2023 were approved and signed into record by Chair Bowman and President John R. Mosby on June 8, 2023

Mission Statement: As a South King County college striving for social justice, Highline College partners with global students as they envision, plan and achieve their educational and professional goals.