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May 09, 2024: Student Services

2024-05-30T14:17:49+00:00 Print Page

May 09, 2024: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Spring Quarter is well underway, and Student Services staff across the College community are leaning in to provide the best wrap-around services possible for Highline Colleges’ diverse student population. It is an exciting time of year, as students are focused on completing the academic year strong. Student Services staff have been available throughout the year to support and encourage students with curricular (academic) and co-curricular (support services and student life) experiences. This month Staff in the division are preparing for the most anticipated event of the year, Commencement. Juliette Kern and Kylie Mellott are co-chairs of Commencement planning this year. As a gentle reminder Commencement will take place at the ShoWare Center in Kent, WA. Along with the co-chairs, a host of faculty and staff across the College community are setting the stage to celebrate the 2024 graduates.

In this month’s Student Services Board of Trustee report, I encourage you to take a close look at the information outlined in the following areas:

  • While In School Housing (WISH) program-Additional vouchers have been provided to help students experiencing homelessness or home insecurity. This support is made possible through a partnership between King County Housing Authority and Highline College, with support from the United Way of King County and the Highline College Foundation
  • Academic Standards Policy (ASP) Department-The department is also known as Retention & Completion Services is doing great work to support students who have less than a 2.0 GPA. Data related to this work is impressive.
  • Center for Leadership and Service (CLS)-Staff in this department worked closely to support student leader with the challenging task of determining how Services and Activities (S&A) funds will be allocated, per the Board of Trustees final approval, during the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Finally, you may recognize the mention of staff vacancies in departments throughout the division. I continue to collaborate with deans, associate deans, lead directors, and Human Resources (HR) to hire qualified and motivated individuals to fill those roles.

Kind regards,

Dr. Jamilyn Penn, Vice President of Student Services (VPSS)

Student Support and Funding Services:

While In School Housing (WISH):

King County Housing Authority (KCHA) has offered an additional 20 vouchers for our While In School Housing program (WISH). The CEO of KCHA, Robin Wells and The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development officials (HUD) visited Highline on February 6th; where they toured our Student Support Center (building 1) and the Highline Community Pantry. Two students shared their stories and how WISH has allowed them to focus on completing their education at Highline! Highline’s staff and students left an outstanding impression; resulting in the increase of serving 50 to 70 students where we currently have students waitlisted to enroll in WISH!

Academic Standards Policy (ASP):

A year ago, Student Services restructured the Academic Standards Policy (ASP) structure to increase student engagement and retention operations for students who have less than a 2.0 GPA. We would like to report that the ASP department known as Retention & Completion Services has far exceeded operational objectives. Since the restructuring, the number of students who have received support services has exponentially increased. For example, for the 2020-2022 academic years, only 50-60 students on average received support services (meetings with an advisor, attending a workshop). Since April 2023, an average of 175 students per quarter have been served, or 500 students a year. In addition, an Academic Standards Policy Subcommittee is developing a new ASP policy to replace the current “provisional” policy. We expect the new policy to be in place prior to the end of Fall quarter 2024.

TRiO Programs: TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) and TRiO Talent Search Restructure

We are proud to announce that Dr. Tolu Taiwo has been appointed as the Director of TRiO Programs. Under this new structure, both TRiO programs will be administered by Dr. Taiwo, streamlining administrative functions while increasing direct service capacity.

In addition, a TRiO SSS grant writing team has been working on the 2025-2030 TRIO SSS grant. The College will submit a grant to continue the current TRiO SSS program, and we plan to write an additional grant for TRiO SSS STEM. If approved, this would equate to a total of 2.8 million dollars for the college to operate both grant programs (SSS Regular & SSS STEM) with the mission to serve our first-generation, low-income and students with disabilities. Our TRIO SSS continues to exceed grant and college benchmarks when it comes to student persistence and graduation.

Advising and Enrollment Services:

In early April 2024, Jesse Knappenberger resigned from his position as the Dean of Advising & Enrollment Services. Dr. Penn has is working with Human Resources and an identified committee chair to fill the vacancy. The Outreach and Recruitment Department has also experienced staff transitions. Dr. Penn has is working closely with Human Resources to restaff vacancies and to revision the overall workplan implementation for the department.

Summer quarter is rapidly approaching. May 9, 2024, is priority registration date, and new student enrollment will commence on May 20, 2024.

Along with other staff in the division and across the College Community, advising staff attended the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Plan reflection workshop for managers and department lead on April 25, 2024.

Entry Advising

The Jumpstart is an innovative program supporting English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) to transition to college-level coursework successfully. This spring, Entry Advising staff helped 50 Jumpstart students complete admission applications. Entry Advising staff collaborates with Workforce Education Services and Transition Success Center to learn how best to support English as a Second Language (ESL) students transition to degree programs. This spring have 24 scheduled visits to support this work. Entry Advising staff also assist the Workforce Education Services (WES) Department, and the additional support from this department has been beneficial to WES funded students.

International Student Programs (ISP):

The ISP Director is recruiting in Japan and Korea through overseas agents, with a focus on establishing relationships with additional universities and colleges. In early April, ISP staff conducted phone calls with international students, including those who were not registered and those enrolled in less than 12 credits. Resources were provided to support student success and to promote late-start courses.

The ISP Assistant Director volunteered at Campus View (dormitory), helping with coverage, and attending the quarterly meet-and-greet event for ISP residents. He shared information about campus events, academics, and campus resources. ISP staff provided snacks and drinks for ISP residents at Campus View.

ISP staff participated in the building 25 open house (Library) on Wednesday, April 17. ISP staff provided visitors with information about the program and about other resources at Highline College.

ISP is recruiting to hirs an Associate Director and an Advisor.

Student Life:

The Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence (CCIE) supported student attendance at the Students of Color Conference (SOCC). The theme this year was Joyful Reunion: Celebrating Ourselves, Transforming Our Communities. April 18-20, CCIE staff took 17 Highline College SOCC. Established in 1990 by the Multicultural Student Services Directors’ Council (MSSDC), The SOCC supports students of Washington State community and technical colleges to become more active proponents of their own education, life choices, and to expand the opportunities and possibilities for students to become agents of change. This year’s conference planning committee was co-chaired by two of Highline’s amazing staff, Edwina Fui, Director of the Center for Cultural and Inclusive Excellence, and Keith Moore, Interim Cohort Learning Communities Navigator. The conference was held at Green River, ~300 students from 30 of our community and technical colleges attended.

Each year at SOCC, MSSDC awards the Rhonda Quash Coats award to an outstanding CTC professional who has made significant contributions to multicultural/diversity in student services. This year Highline’s own Dr. Maribel Jimenez was honored and recognized as the 2024 Rhonda Quash Coats awardee. 

The Center for Leadership and Service (CLS)

After months of coming together, reviewing budget requests, and finalizing allocations, the S&A Budget committee is ready to present its finalized budget proposal to the ASHC, Executive Cabinet, and then Board of Trustees. The committee successfully allocated $2,466.545.82 ($2,095.164.56 starting balance and $371,381.26 out of Reserve Fund). More information regarding S&A budget decisions for 2024-2025 will be reported during the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting in May 2024.

During Spring Thunderweek, approximately 150 students participated in 4 Thunderweek events, including dog therapy, the first ever Olympic game, and the showing of the Barbie movie.

Eid Celebration – GSA helped celebrate the end of Ramadan by inviting students to learn about Islam and Ramadan. Over 100 participants including students, faculty and staff, and community members came together for this celebration–potluck style! Attendees had an opportunity to break fast together with delicious traditional Eid dishes.

Campus View Student Housing:

Capstone on Campus Management (COCM) will be taking the lead on hiring an Assistant Resident Director and a Resident Life Coordinator to support residents residing in Campus View. Both roles are posted on Higher Ed Jobs and COCM’s website.


May 10,11,12 is the NWAC Tennis Finals in Wenatchee, WA-The Lady T Birds are currently in 1st Place; May 18, 19, 20 is the NWAC Golf Finals in Yakima WA; May 29, 30, 31 is the Year End NWAC Hall of Fame Banquet in Tacoma, WA. The T-Birds have two inductees: Former Men’s Soccer Player & Coach Jason Prenovost & Former T-Bird Player and Coach Steve Mohn.

Report submitted by Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Jamilyn Penn