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May 06, 2021: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 05-06-21/May 06, 2021: Institutional Advancement
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May 06, 2021: Institutional Advancement

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Institutional Advancement furthers an awareness of and appreciation for Highline College by communicating with diverse constituencies, building and strengthening relationships and encouraging participation in and support of college programs and initiatives.

Institutional Advancement Division embraces its role to tell the Highline College Story through a variety of medium, including in person/face to face engagement, online/web/social media, print, and mass media to potential and current students, alumni, prospective and current donors, organizations, and community partners (core theme 3, objective 1).

Our aim is to recruit more students to Highline College, support students as they persist in their education, celebrate with them as they earn degrees and credentials, engage with them as an active and dynamic alumni community, and share their success stories with the community to build sustainable support, tipped with waves of massive support to accomplish great projects in support of student success and strong community.

IA’s work:

  • Engages the community and builds relationships to cultivate future students (Core Theme 3)
  • Recruits students (core theme 2, objective 2)
  • Supports students as they persist in their education (core theme 1, objective 1)
  • Celebrates with them as they earn degrees and credentials (core theme 1, objective 3)
  • Engages with them as alumni (core theme 3, objective 2)
  • Shares their stories (Core theme 3, objective 1)
  • Builds sustainable support (core them 4, objective 2)

April dashboard:

  • Website visits: 127,844
  • Advertisements: 15
  • Outreach inquiries: 37
  • Donations: $44,190.00
    • Number of gifts: 15
    • Alumni gifts: 1
  • Media mentions: 7
  • Graphic Design Projects for Campus: 38

Special Focus: Distinguished Alumni

We are looking for our next Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Awardee! If you know someone who attended Highline College five or more years ago (prior to the 2016-17 academic year) nominate them before May 7. Nominate your alum at https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdrXH4I…/viewform
And learn more about the Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award at highline.edu/alumni-award-2021/

Media Coverage

Coverage where Highline College is primary or significant focus:

Coverage where Highline College is a secondary focus:

Coverage of Highline current and future students, alumni and employees:

Note: Campus events and athletics also receive coverage but are usually not included in this recap.



15 second pre-roll ad: General promotional video ad targeting 18- to 44-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes.

Run dates: March 1 – April 4   Purpose: General promotion and promotion of spring quarter start date.

 1 minute pre-roll ad: General promotional video ad targeting 18- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes. This ad featured Jarmaine Santos, Running Start student and our current ASHC president talking about what we will be offering this spring quarter.

Run dates: March 2 – April 3   Purpose: General promotion and promotion of spring quarter start date.


Facebook Feed Ad: Boosted post promoting Distinguished Alumni nominations. Targeted broad range of people in our service area.

Run dates: April 9 – May 4.    Purpose: Encourage nomination of Distinguished Alumni from those in our community and general promotion/visibility on our community.

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: Ad promoting the opening of this year’s Foundation scholarship application period. Ad targeted 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education and high school or some college. 

Run dates: April 19 – May 6.    Purpose: Promotion of all the available scholarship opportunities Highline students can take advantage off.

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: Short video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education and high school or some college. 

Run dates: March 8 – April 3.    Purpose: Promotion of spring quarter start date and the full lineup of online classes and services available to students.

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: “Ready for a New Career” short video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college.

Run dates: March 5 – April 3.    Purpose: Promotion of spring quarter start date and the large selection of professional-technical degrees and certificates we offer.

Facebook Feed Ad: “One College. Many Paths” Short video ad targeting 17- to 35-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated highest level of education is high school or some college and who have visited our Facebook page or website in the last 90 days.

Run dates: March 4 – April 3.    Purpose: Promotion of spring quarter start date and the over 100 degrees and certificates we offer.

Instagram Feed/Explore Ad: “One College. Many Paths” Short video ad targeting 17- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated showing an interest in college or higher education.

Run dates: March 3 – April 3.    Purpose: Promotion of spring quarter start date and the over 100 degrees and certificates we offer.

Instagram/Facebook Feed Ad: “Help Shape our Future” short video ad targeting 18- to 42-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes who indicated an interest in primary education, early childhood education or child development.

Run dates: March 9 – April 15.    Purpose: Promotion our applied bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and upcoming information sessions.

Instagram Stories Ad: 15 second interstitial ad targeting 16- to 34-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes. 

Run dates: March 3 – April 2.    Purpose: General promotion and promotion of spring quarter start date.


10 second interstitial ad: Ad targeting 16- to 30-year-olds within our nine service area postal codes with high school diploma and/or some college.  

Run dates: March 2 – April 3.    Purpose: General promotion and spring quarter enrollment.


Summer Bridge Recruitment

College 101 Recruitment

College Spark Grant program

HC Student/Community Session with Community Partners Forum

Participated in the Tyee Office Hours for students

College Speaker for Diversity Equity Summit

Kellogg Middle School Presentation


Proposal Submitted: 

SBCTC Hospital Employee Education and Training Program (HEET): Nursing Pathway Open Access for Working Students: $209,23

Report submitted April 27, 2021, by Vice President Josh Gerstman