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May 06, 2021: Administrative Services

2021-04-29T19:12:32+00:00 Print Page

May 06, 2021: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Vice President for Administration

  • The Washington State Legislature ended their session on April 25th with the approval of a $59-billion biennium budget.  
  • The adopted state Operating Budget provides excellent news for our system, compared to the earlier Governor’s budget proposal.  Except for a small take back in the 2021 Supplemental Budget, there are no funding cuts to our system in the 2021-23 biennium budget.  
  • The adopted state budget also includes both the carry-forward funding for Guided Pathways and Hi-Demand, as well as some additional new funding for various new initiatives including Diversity in Higher Education, Job Skills Program, Career Launch, and emergency assistance grants to students.
  • The Capital Budget also presents some excellent news for Highline College as well.  Our Welcome Center for Student Success capital project request has significantly “moved up” the list.  The project is likely to be next in line for design funding in the 2023-25 biennium.


  • Facilities continues to logistically support instructional and special events around campus operations. This involves disinfecting used spaces and following state health guidelines. 
  • Work is proceeding on several of our capital projects:
    • B-12 renovation to house the President’s Office and Human Resources
    • B-25 renovation of the former Kaplan International office space to house Access/Achieve/Community Employment programs
    • B-25 renovation of the basement space to house Finance and Budget staff
    • Federal Way HUB construction has begun
  • South Parking lot repaving and resurfacing project is in bidding process.

Finance & Budget 

  • Finance & Budget staff is still in the learning process for ctcLink.  While we were able to do our first month close for April, we are not able to produce and complete the third quarter financial report for the Board.  
  • After almost five years as Finance Director, Cathy Cartwright has accepted a tenure track accounting position.  She will be moving over to join our Academic Affairs in September 2021.
  • It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Jack Hutchinson as our new Director of Budget and Grant Services.  Jack has extensive working experience as a finance professional.  He had formerly worked as Internal Audit Director for Sound Transit, Internal Audit Manager for the Port of Seattle, and Finance Director for the City of Fircrest.

Public Safety and Emergency Management  

  • In partnership with Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, Highline College is hosting a mobile COVID vaccination site on April 23rd and May 13rd. The site will offer 500 Pfizer vaccinations with 300 of them reserved for Highline College students and staff. The event will be held in Building 8 from 2 pm –7 pm.
  • Public Safety continues to lead the Contact Tracing Team and take immediate action for all confirmed cases on campus. Response includes interviews with viral individual, providing quarantine guidance for close contacts, coordinating cleaning of buildings with Facilities and notifying the campus through the Joint Information Center.  

Auxiliary Services  

  • The Bookstore continues to serve students by processing orders online, providing free shipping, as well as making appointments for students to pick up books and supplies on campus, while still maintaining social distancing and following necessary safety protocols.
  • While still very much in the preliminary planning phases, we are collaborating with the Hospitality Management program to conduct a feasibility study to jointly operating the Bistro once the campus returns to face-to-face operations.  As part of the curriculum, HOST students would earn experience and credit working in the Bistro.

Report submitted April 27, 2021, by Vice President Michael Pham