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April 18, 2019: Student Services

2019-04-05T09:09:58+00:00 Print Page

April 18, 2019: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Enrollment Services

No reporting at this time.

Advising & High School Programs

Michelle Johnson started as the new Program Coordinator for Advising and High School Programs. Michelle is a lifelong resident of Des Moines and Highline College alumna. After completing her transfer degree in 2014 under the Running Start Program, she transferred to Western Washington where she completed a Bachelors in Education. We are thrilled to have Michelle as part of our team!

Chase Magliocca, Highline/UWT advisor, represented Highline and the Running Start program at Federal Way Public Academy on March 6 where 50 high school sophomores learned about their Running Start options. Mr. Magliocca also presented to 85 parents and students at Todd Beamer High School on March 21. He has been actively reaching out to schools in the Federal Way District to promote awareness of the new Federal Way location and opportunities to transfer to UWT. Highline also hosted a Running Start Information night on campus March 26.

As part of UWT’s Pathway to Promise Program, 20 Running Start students who attend partner high schools are being recognized with UWT Admissions welcome packages. Each student will meet with Chase for transition advising when they pick up their congratulatory items.

Professional development and leadership

Associate Dean Jennifer Scanlon represented Student Services on March 4 as part of the Highline delegation attending the NWCCU Mission Fulfillment event to prepare institutions for their Year 7 accreditation visit. Patrick Fernandez was selected to a leadership position as the Two-Year College Liaison on the NACADA Region 8 Steering Committee. Region 8 of this international organization for the advancement of professional advising includes Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, British Columbia, Alberta and the Yukon Valley. Patrick also attended the NW STEP – Student Transfer Education Partnership on February 22 at Seattle University to coordinate transfer events in our region. Sarah Trimm, Academic Advisor was accepted to the University of Washington’s Masters in Education Program where she will focus on Leadership in Higher Education.

Center for Leadership/Multicultural Affairs

Multicultural Affairs commenced planning for Highline College’s 22nd Annual Unity through Diversity Week (Unity Week) on February 7, 2019. Unity Week will be held April 22–26, 2019. Co-sponsored by Center for Leadership and Service and Learning and Teaching Center, Unity Week is a weeklong series of educational events that explore, examine and celebrate the intersectionalities of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability, religion and more. The 14-member planning committee consists of faculty, staff and two student leaders dedicated to cultivating an enriching week of programming encompassing action-based dialogue.

The Inter-Cultural Center (ICC) continued their Winter quarter programming by hosting 4 programs in the month of February. The ICC facilitates dialogue-based programming with a social justice framework centering equity, diversity and inclusion. Hosted by the ICC’s Peer Facilitators, the following events were held in February.

  • February 7 – Expression: A Sub(versation) on Art
  • February 14 – My Choice, Not Yours
  • February 15 – Flick Friday: Crazy Rich Asians
  • February 21 – Counseling Wisdom Series: In My Feelings (partnership program with Counseling Center)

In partnership with Center for Leadership and Service (CLS), Multicultural Affairs (MCA), and faculty counselor, Nicole Hoyes-Wilson facilitated the annual Winter Leadership Retreat, February 28-March 1 for 70 participants. The overnight retreat held annually at Islandwood located in Bainbridge Island, WA, is in opportunity for student leaders across campus to explore their leadership identities through intentional team building and reflection.

On March 8, the CLS International Leadership Student Consultants hosted an International Women’s Luncheon in partnership with the Office of the President. In celebration of International Women’s Day, 31 student, staff, and faculty awardees were recognized for their outstanding leadership contributions to the Highline College community.


We are proud to recognize the achievement of TRiO students Emanuel Villafuerte, Bruk Molla, and Nawal Hersi for their summer internship appointment with the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center where they will be mentored by scientist and researchers with the Fred Hutch Cancer research group. Areas of cancer biology research include human biology, public health sciences, clinical research, and vaccine and infectious diseases. In additional Bruk Molla was awarded the University of Washington Neuroscience Fellowship and was admitted into the UW Summer Health Professional Education Program. TRiO student Rahel Ghebrihiwot was awarded the Dell scholarship of $20,000 and a Dell laptop. TRiO is committed to providing our program participants with evidence-based, high impact services, both on campus (TRiO Center resources/services) and off campus (internships/ scholarships). Each year on average, TRiO students combined earn over $250,000 worth in scholarships.

CASE Center

CASE hosted a successful Winter Quarter Job Fair on March 13, with over 300 students in attendance and 49 employers. Conjointly, they partnered with Women’s Program and the United Way Benefits Hub to host the first ever Professional Clothing Pop-Up, where students were provided professional attire, all of which were donated by Highline staff and faculty. We would like to thank our partners with the Women’s Program and the United Way Benefits Hub and all of our staff and faculty who donated clothes to this effort.

Women’s Programs

Women’s Programs along with local American Association of University Women South King County branches and Techbridge Girls sponsored a STEM event, Expanding Your Horizons (EYH), on Friday, March 22. Women’s Programs invited 7th and 8th grade girls from 13 different school districts to participate. Eleven school districts participated and sent 350 girls to attend the event.

We had 10 student presenters, two faculty presenters, one MaST staff presenter and a Foundation Board presenter as part of Expanding Your Horizons workshops. We had 20 Expanding Your Horizons presenters.

Women’s Programs participated and hosted a National Eating Disorder Association table for the college Health Fair in March.


Funding year 2019 WorkFirst Delivery Grant Agreement grant application was released this month and is due April 12. Highline College is projected to receive $839,736.00. The director will be requesting an additional $200,000 to cover WorkFirst Work Study funding.


The Counseling Center is scheduled to host the Annual Week of Wellness programing from Monday, April 15, to Thursday, April 18. The programming will include five interactive workshops designed to promote individual wellness.

Report submitted April 2, 2019, by Interim Vice President Sy Ear, Ed.D.