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April 14, 2022: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 04-14-22, President's Office/April 14, 2022: President’s Office
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April 14, 2022: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Welcome to the spring quarter! I hope everyone had a nice relaxing but short break as we shift into the final drive toward commencement. I want to highlight a new opportunity as we begin the quarter.

We have officially launched the Strategic Enrollment Management work with Campus Works which will be conducted in 3 phases:

Phase I- Enrollment assessment, data analysis, recommendations and road map for short-term enrollment impact. This discovery phase will be conducted March – April 2022. As part of this phase CampusWorks staff will hold a campus-wide virtual Student Experience workshop on April 15th, and conduct focus group sessions and interviews with key faculty, staff and student stakeholders. Deliverables for this phase include a report and presentation of findings and recommendations.  

Phase II– Strategic enrollment management plan development. This development phase will be implemented May – August 2022. CampusWorks will use the results from phase I to work with the SEM Team to deliver a comprehensive student focused strategic enrollment plan covering enrollment goals that position the college to become student-ready. The deliverable for this phase will be a final report that includes a step-by-step implementation plan and prioritized list for required process improvements.  

Phase III– Strategic enrollment management plan implementation support. This phase will run from September 2022 – June 2023. CampusWorks will provide consulting and coaching services to support the college with implementing the strategic enrollment management strategy and day-to-day operational work developed as part of phase II. 

I look forward to working with the entire campus community in creating a plan that will serve our college for years to come.  And many thanks to Gabrielle Bachmeier, Dean of Organizational Development & Extended Learning who will be serving as primary lead.

Information Technology Services

IT Services lost a key member of our team in February when Laurinda Bellinger left us to rejoin her Engineering roots in private industry.  Other ITS staff are working to fill the gap on work in process to support Guided Pathways and the Aviso Retention implementation, while her position has been redefined to focus more specifically on Information Security and Compliance in our campus operations.  Our ctcLink team continues to work to carry the college into a normalization phase as we refine our process changes and support existing and new employees in various teams across campus in getting acclimated to their ctcLink responsibilities. Pat Daniels and Tim Wrye have been heavily involved the last few months in work to form the future system governance structure for ctcLink operations as the implantation project wraps up in May as the final colleges join us live on the system, and we work to collaborate with the other colleges on prioritizing the next stage of system enhancements and improvements.

Customer Services is working hard on configuring and distributing equipment that has finally been received to support employees under our new mobile-first standards which will support employees ability to work flexibly when necessary.  We continue to welcome more students back into our computer lab facilities in spring quarter, which is exciting to see.  Customer Services and Infrastructure Services are also working with CWU staff to enact changes to some classrooms in the Higher Education Center (Bldg 29) to support the new articulated Computer Science program that will be launching in the fall, and are working with our own Ed Tech team to establish standards and equip more classrooms across campus to support HyFlex instruction.

Human Resources

We are excited to welcome Lisa Russell as our new Payroll Manager!  Lisa is learning quickly, has completed 2 payroll periods already, and is an absolute delight to work with.

Faculty Recruitment is making good progress. We have hired for 5 FTF positions to date with others in the process. This is especially impressive since Leslea Berg, HR Consultant is the only one handling all full-time recruitments. Thank you Leslea for your continued hard work and dedication! You are truly appreciated.

Sparks Hire, a new one-way video interview system for conducting first round interviews, has been implemented with good feed-back from our hiring committees.  Surveys have been sent to candidates for their feedback and information will be available soon.

Employees seeking salary review now have a form and documented process to follow. It is our intention to provide increased transparency and efficiency through the salary review process. Human Resources, in partnership with the Office of the President, hosted a Supervisors Meeting in March where this information was shared.

Report submitted April 7, 2022, by President John R. Mosby, Ph.D.