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April 14, 2022: Institutional Advancement

Home/Area Reports, Division: Institutional Advancement, Meeting 04-14-22/April 14, 2022: Institutional Advancement
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April 14, 2022: Institutional Advancement

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Throughout 2021-2022, IA has focused on the success of Highline students by focusing on supporting completion and increased learning opportunities, equity gains and fiscal effectiveness. This area report reflects on some of the activities and accomplishments in March 2022 that are aligned with these goals.

The VP-IA participates on the Strategic Enrollment Management Planning team and assisted in the kick off the engagement with CampusWorks, the outside consultant working with the college community to develop the SEMP.

The Communications team reported on the successful grant submitted by the Hospitality, Human Services and community partner with support from the grants team: “Highline College Awarded $232,500 for New Certificate to help Those Living Homeless In Hotels” –– Seattle Medium, 03/02/22

In support of Guided Pathways, Marketing and Outreach teams collaborated to produce and install new Highline College posters in high traffic areas in our local high schools. Choice Academy; Decatur High School; Highline High School; Mt. Rainier High School;  New Start High School; Puget Sound Skills Center;  Thomas Jefferson High School. The Outreach team also facilitated a series of visits to Highline, Foster and Tyee High School and is actively preparing for a visit on April 14 by the junior class from Mt. Rainier High School.

Marketing team continues to support enrollment with high school geofencing, theater ads, digital display ads (streaming, youtube and social media) and is currently preparing new adds to be displayed on KC Metro Busses and Billboards on major thoroughfares near the college.

The grants team has been facilitating a collaborative effort with Highline Public Schools, Northwest Educational Access, Becoming a Man (with Southwest Youth and Family Services) to develop and submit a $1.6 million proposal for funding from King County Promise to provide supports and intensive advising to Black and brown male scholars to transition from HPS to HC. The Grants Team also worked with colleagues to submit a grant to Lumina Foundation to compete for $1 million in support of branding and marketing to adult students.

The Highline College Foundation continues to prepare for the HC 60th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign by working on videos and marketing materials. The Foundation also awarded approximately $135,000 in emergency and tuition support to students in Winter Quarter.

Report submitted April 7, 2022, by Vice President Josh Gerstman