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Apr. 13, 2023: Meeting Minutes

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Apr. 13, 2023: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker, Tim Wrye

Assistant Attorney General: Bruce Marvin present

Study Session call to order: 9:10 a.m.

Discussion Topics

9:00 a.m. 2023-24 Budget planning and proposed 2023-24 Student Fees (action item a.), Dr. Michael Pham, Vice President Administrative Services

  • Trustee Swenson asked about the ISP tuition rates and how competitive our rate it, Dr. Pham noted that as far as he is aware all surrounding colleges are using the state tuition rate with some additional fees. Trustee Swenson encourages HC to consider how it may be more competitive with ISP in tuition if possible.
  • Dr. Mosby commented on the COLAs and the struggle being that it isn’t funded fully as well as the great difference between the faculty COLA and the staff COLA and the messaging that sends to employees on employee value and worth.
  • Trustee Exstrom expressed some confusion between the numbers presented if we are contemplating a carry forward while also pulling from a board reserve noting that the board reserve should not result in a carry forward. VP Pham noted that we would not access board reserve to create a carry forward. Where we are at right now is the capital projects that were expected to hit the budget in 2022-23 but they are starting later in the year and will not charge until FY24. Also commented on the large amount of salary vacancy we are currently sitting on. Noted that if we don’t need the board reserve we will not use it. Trustee Exstrom requested updated visuals reflecting how we are planning to meet the budget goals, the board reserve, and how it will affect a carry over balance.
  • Trustee Savusa asked for a list of vacancy freezes if there are any that will be utilized

10:00 a.m. Review of action item b., emergency rule changes to the Highline College Student Conduct Code, Issabelle Wroblewski, Student Conduct Manager

The action of the emergency rule change upholds the following policies and procedures:

  1. To update our statement of jurisdiction to include student groups
  2. Add a definition for student groups
  3. Enhance our hazing prohibited student conduct charge
  4. Add a new section about Hazing specific sanctions

10:15 a.m. Unscheduled business


Meeting adjourned at 10:17 a.m.

Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 11:00 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker, Tim Wrye

Assistant Attorney General: Bruce Marvin present

General Session called to order: 11:00 a.m.

Approval of minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of March 16, 2023

Trustee Exstrom motioned to approve, Trustee Johnson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment


Standing reports

Associated Students of Highline College – Mahad Dahir

  • Recognized Geo Panelo for his new position as Director
  • Applications for ASHC candidacy are currently open, applicants will speak publicly in May with elections announced on May 5th
  • Budget managers are currently looking at allocations for the AY24 services and activities budget
  • Reminder that the S&A budget will be presented to the trustees during the May Study Session

Washington Public Employees Association – no report this month

Highline College Education Association – Dr. Peyton

  • Earth Week next week planned by the Sustainability Taskforce with support from the Climate Justice Project
  • Unity through Diversity program coming up

Faculty Senate – Gayatri Sirohi

  • Senate faculty continue to work on the constitution for the faculty senate
  • Currently working on the first week non-attendance drop, working with Institutional Research on the “why” behind late class registration
  • Timely textbook availability, researching
  • Open education resources – reviewing accessibility, acronyms, etc. to better understand

Highline College Foundation – Sheri Keller

  • Scholarship applications for fall and spring are now open
  • The second Highline Legends newsletter was sent to retirees and separated employees with invitation for a luncheon on May 12 to include a tour of building 26
  • Native Success Summit and YELL both receiving support from the Foundation
  • Continue to welcome new board members
  • Sheri announced her retirement from the Foundation Board in June 2023

Action items

  • Action item a., student Fee Schedule for FY2023-24
    • Trustee Johnson motioned to approve, Trustee Savusa seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Action item b., emergency rule changes to the Highline College Student Conduct Code
    • Trustee Exstrom motioned to approve, Trustee Savusa seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Area reports

Administrative Services: Marco Torres Lopez for VP Dr. Michael Pham

  • Welcomed Director of Finance Stefan Feller. Submitted survey to all department managers to collect feedback on service levels
  • Academic Affairs: VP Dr. Emily Lardner
  • Recognized faculty for attending the Federal Way High School STEM Night as well as for their support today at the Highline Expo. Faculty lead and organized.

Student Services: Interim VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn

  • A announced the Interim Director of Housing, Joe Cantone (placed by COCM). We are adding a new Highline College position, Resident Director, this will be a live-in position. Currently finalizing the job description and then will begin the recruitment process.
  • Spoke to construction on campus and the impacts of it to students living in Campus View. Deliberate conversations occurring to ensure easy and safe access to campus during this time.
  • Preparing for the transition of outreach and recruitment from Institutional Advancement to Student Services.
  • Working with Krystal Welch, Umoja, ISP, and King County Promise to host identified bridge programs during the summer. Students will reside in Campus View for 4-5 days during the summer.
  • King County Promise updates will be provided to the Board of Trustees in the near future with a presentation during an upcoming study session.

Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

  • Northwest Education and Workforce Summit at the end of the month, April 27, HC Foundation is a sponsor. Opportunity to meet with employers in the community to ensure we are moving in the right direction for neighboring employers as well as an opportunity to share with our employers how they can be ready for their upcoming workforce.
  • Student Needs Survey results have been received, survey sent through Aviso, saw a drastic increase in response rate with this targeted survey.
  • Recent collaboration with ITS and Financial aid to change scholarship applications to a single sign-on that auto populates student information decreasing student barriers.



President’s remarks

Commented on the importance of the discussion behind our action items. Thanked the board for their willingness to ask questions and understand. Stressed the importance of a critical lens.

Unscheduled business


New business




General Session was adjourned: 11:56 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from April 13, 2023, were approved and signed into record by Chair Bowman and President John R. Mosby on May 11, 2023