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Apr. 09, 2020: President’s Office

Home/Area Reports, Meeting 04-09-20, President's Office/Apr. 09, 2020: President’s Office
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Apr. 09, 2020: President’s Office

Area Report for Board of Trustees

    The past month has been quite a challenging one for our college, country and world. The coronavirus has made a significant impact on Highline College resulting in changes in instructional and service delivery. As a result, my report will focus solely on the coronavirus and the steps the college is taking to ensure safety and maintaining a the Highline standard of providing instructional and service excellence to our campus community.
    I’ve been providing campus updates on a regular basis that addresses the actions our staff and faculty are taking to serve our students. From moving the majority of courses online, maintaining social distancing for those courses requiring face to face instruction and providing services online for students such as financial aid, counseling and admissions, Highline has been proactive and innovative in its efforts. Many thanks to student services, academic affairs, institutional advancement, Administrative Services and Human Resources for their collaboration and creativity in identifying student, staff and faculty needs and addressing those issues immediately.
    I want to also recognize our custodial crew for cleaning the campus and keeping the campus safe. The crew cleaned the entire campus thoroughly over spring break. Their work has not gone unnoticed and their leadership in this effort is much appreciated. Many thanks to our communication team for helping to craft campus messages and maintaining our coronavirus resources page. I encourage you to visit to page to receive campus updates and various resources for students, staff and faculty to assist and hopefully provide some comfort as we address this evolving situation.
    Instruction will begin on Monday, April 6 and the campus looks forward to resuming instruction in alternative formats and continuing to provide services to our students online. Executive Staff is currently in discussion regarding commencement options and summer quarter format. Once a decision has been made, I will promptly provide an update to the board and campus. Much of our decision making relies on Governor Inslee’s directives and our alignment with our neighboring K-12 districts. I have been in constant communication with our local superintendents to ensure transparency, effective communication and support. I’m proud of our college and confident that despite this unforeseen challenge facing our world and in particular, our higher education system, we will continue to model care and grace as we serve all the communities that represent Highline College.

Report submitted Apr. 02, 2020, by President John R. Mosby, Ph.D.