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Apr. 08, 2021: Administrative Services

Home/Area Reports, Division: Administrative Services, Meeting 04-08-21/Apr. 08, 2021: Administrative Services
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Apr. 08, 2021: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Vice President for Administration

  • The REVISED 2020-21 Fiscal Year Budget is being submitted, along with this Area Report, to the Board for approval.
  • The 2021-22 Student Fee Schedule is being submitted to the Board for approval.  In addition, the Parking Fee Schedule 2021-22 is also included for approval.
  • The CARES Act expenditure report is provided for your review as well.  This report summarizes our one-year spending of the CARES Act (federal grant) in response to the COVID pandemic.
  • On March 11, 2021, I had the opportunity to co-host a Global Supply Chain Workshop (virtual) with the University of Transport (Vietnam).  Our facilitator/presenter team from Highline College included Sam Kaplan, Director of Center of Excellence on Global Trade and Logistics, Jenn Ritchey, Manager for Global Programs, and Shawna Freeman, Business Faculty/Department Coordinator.  Dr. Emily Lardner also provided an introductory greeting on behalf of Highline College.  In addition, Jake Maenpa, Vice President of Operations from Lynden Logistics was invited as an industry speaker. Facilitators and presenters from the University of Transport included their president, Dean of Logistics, a Logistics faculty, and an industry speaker from Lineage Logistics (Vietnam).  Altogether more than 200 students from both Highline College and University of Transport attended the two-hour workshop.
  • On February 17, 2021, as part of the Highline Welcomes the World Week, I presented a workshop in retelling and recounting of my personal experience as a refugee from Vietnam in 1979/1980.
  • The Budget Advisory Council has provided a set of budget planning principles as recommendations to Executive Cabinet for consideration, to begin our budget planning process for 2021-22.
  • The Policy Development Council is in the process of reviewing and updating existing college policies.
  • The rise in racially motivated violence against members of AAPI community is extremely horrifying.  As an Asian American, I am personally affected in worrying about the safety of my family, as well as acquaintances of AAPI descent.  As a senior leader of Highline College, I am at a loss for words to offer to Asian students and colleagues in these trying times.  With that said, I believe it is of importance to call out racism, white supremacy, and xenophobia as the ultimate perpetrators.  WE must take a stand against all forms of racism and discrimination.  WE must embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion.


  • Facilities has begun to prepare for the bi-annual Facilities Condition Survey conducted by the State Board to identify a capital plan and capital budget funding. 
  • B-12 renovation will begin in April 2021.  The renovation will convert the former lab building into administrative offices for the relocation of the President’s Office, Human Resources, and others from B-99.
  • Effective March 31, 2021, the College has reduced our footprint in B-99 to only the second floor.  World Relief Seattle has moved into the first floor as a new tenant of the landlord.  Highline College plans to vacate B-99 completely once our current lease expires in September, 2022.

Finance & Budget

  • Both the financial statement and accountability audits are complete with clean opinions. The State Auditors gave our Finance team high remarks on our fiscal performance as well as internal control processes.
  • We are making slow but steady progress in learning and working in the new ctcLink environment.  We are in the process of providing training to the campus for purchase requisition and travel processes.
  • It is with regret for me to announce the retirement of Edith Dillard, our principal accountant, effective March 31, 2021.  She has contributed tremendously to Highline College in the last five years in leading our risk assessment, banking conversion, and many other projects.  While Edith will be missed, we wish her the best in sunny Florida.
  • Highline College has finally received our Award Letter for the CRRSAA (federal COVID Relief Grant) on March 23, 2021.  This second federal COVID relief grant, totaling approximately $6.5M, including student aid, allows the college to continue being able to manage the uncertainty of our budget.

Public Safety and Emergency Management

  • Under the recommendation of the Transportation and Safety Fee Committee, we are moving forward to re-pave and re-stripe the South Parking Lot over summer quarter 2021. This upcoming project will enhance the safety of both drivers and pedestrians, as well as adding visual appeal to a campus entryway.  The project will be partially funded by student transportation safety fee.

Auxiliary Services

  • Bookstore is in the process of procuring a new point-of-sale system to replace the current system approaching its end-of-life. The new system will allow staff to work more efficiently and reduce expenses through a better cloud-based inventory management system. 
  • Bookstore will continue to offer free shipping of books and instructional materials for Spring Quarter 2021.  In addition, limited in-person pickup will be available to students by appointment during the first week of the quarter.

Report submitted by Vice President Michael Pham on Mar. 30, 2021.