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Mar. 16, 2023: Meeting Minutes

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Mar. 16, 2023: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Hybrid Meeting Format: offering both in-person and virtual meeting access



Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker, Tim Wrye

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.

Study Session call to order: 9:33 a.m.

Discussion Topics

9:30 a.m. International Student Programs data sheet Q&A, Dr. Jamilyn Penn and Jesse Aspree

  • Director Aspree presented the current marketing and recruitment efforts taking place within International Student Services. 
  • Trustee Exstrom questioned statements of increased applications as it doesn’t seem to align with the data and requested that this be double checked. Questioned the reasoning given to “why” certain countries are sending more students, the statement was made that it is due to the quality of education, however, it is suspected that this would be a reason to attend for countries across the sub saharan and noted that it may be more due to alumni and community connections. 
  • Trustee Swenson asked whether we are seeing barriers for students with obtaining visas for travel and education. Jesse Aspree confirmed that the offices are reopening and the largest barrier seems to be wait times right now noting that some countries it is a 100+ day wait period. 
  • Trustee Johnson asked for data in the future comparing our enrollment numbers to surrounding colleges. Discussion about dual enrollment (Highschool diploma and Associates degree).
  • Trustee Savusa asked for more information about IESL. Jesse Aspree noted that when Kaplan moved to their main office downtown the pipeline became more challenging. Currently in the process of identifying opportunities for a new on campus program. More details to come. Requested a future report on the student activities that are being launched on campus to support our international students. 

9:45 a.m. Campus Master Plan presentation and discussion, Dr. Michael V. Pham

  • Trustee Exstrom provided feedback that there are extreme concerns about the older buildings on campus not having sprinkler systems currently in place regardless of whether or not they were available at the time the buildings were originally constructed. Trustee Exstrom also questioned the use of hybrid office spaces or shared office spaces for our faculty. VP Lardner spoke to the need for open doors for the communities that we serve while also acknowledging that there may be a need or opportunity for multiple individuals to be working from a shared space with open doors. More brainstorming is happening in the background.
  • Trustee Savusa asked about whether or not the renovations will create adequate space. VP Pham noted that is is a one to one trade trade off at this time and does not incorporate growth square footage due to our current state requirement to be funded for replacement space only.
  • Trustee Swenson asked about how Highline is leaning into the conversation around affordable housing with the light rail coming in. She also advocated for community partner support with the field funding. VP Gerstman spoke to Open Doors for Multicultural Families and the support partnership we are building with them. 

10:30 a.m. Unscheduled Business

  • ED Slota announced that an action item is coming in the April meeting for changes to the Anti-Hazing policy on campus
  • VP Pham announced that there is an action item coming in April for changes in the student fees list for the 2023-24 academic year. Trustee Exstrom voiced concerns about student fees, specifically as it relates to parking citations. VP Gerstman spoke to a partnership with https://www.foundry10.org/ as it relates to helping students with student fees.

10:45 a.m. Meeting adjournment

Study Session adjourned at 10:56 a.m.


Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 10:30 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Bowman, Trustee Exstrom, Trustee Johnson, Trustee Savusa, Trustee Swenson 

Executive Cabinet: President Mosby, Danielle Slota, Emily Lardner, Jamily Penn, Josh Gerstman, Michael Pham, Steve Sloniker, Tim Wrye 

Assistant Attorney General: Bruce Marvin present

General Session called to order: 11:06 a.m.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of Feb. 23, 2023 

Trustee Savusa motioned to approve, Trustee Exstrom seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment


Standing reports

Associated Students of Highline College, Mahad Dahir

Student Game Day event drew more than seventy students for board games in Mt. Constance. The majority of students that replied to the post-event survey noted that they want more! Currently planning for another event with the Office of the President and Dr. Mosby as last month’s Pizza with the President was well attended. Plan to use these events to encourage students to participate in ASHC (Associated Students of Highline College). Working to make students aware of the upcoming College Way project and the awareness of changes coming to parking access during construction. Twenty-eight student clubs currently with nine certified. Spring quarter looks to be an incredibly busy time as commencement will approach. Invited trustees to attend ASHC council meetings.

Washington Public Employees Association, no report this month

Highline College Education Association, Dr. James Peyton

Faculty hard at work during the quarter and are encouraged by the work being presented in the Student Success Council, specifically in regards to the website improvements and financial aid changes being shared. Legislative meetings are occurring in relation to adjunct pay and classified staff pay. Thanked administration for the collaborative approach to contract interpretation.

Faculty Senate, no report this month

Highline College Foundation, Sharon Vail

Spoke to recent survey collecting information on what faculty and staff want to see in foundation fundraising as well as how the foundation can be supporting the community. SAVE THE DATE: October 7, 2023, 5 p.m. Board has recently onboarded two new members. Focusing on learning about new programs in the coming months.

Action items


Area reports

Administrative Services: VP Dr. Michael Pham

Dr. Pham introduced the new Director of Finance, Stefan Feller. Spoke to recent campus presentation of draft master plan. Recognized concerns brought up during that meeting with the expected aging of the athletics facilities. Currently working to learn more about our options but wanted to recognize that faculty were heard. Shared that next board meeting there will be a current budget planning presentation during the study session.

Academic Affairs: VP Dr. Emily Lardner

Spoke to recent student events on campus including Pi Day. Also spoke to the deep review of learning outcomes and course changes. More can be read about this in her submitted report.

Student Services: Interim VP Dr. Jamilyn Penn

Spoke to the study session presentation of International Student Programs data and noted that working with data and evidence is something they are focused on both within Student Services and across campus. Spoke to conversations happening about what Student Services can do to specifically address retention efforts as it is a different lens than one that would be taken in other divisions. Spoke to the campus announcement from this week that outreach and recruitment is moving from the Institutional Advancement Division to the Student Services Division.

Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman

Spoke to recent professional development opportunity that Institutional Advancement had to attend the Washington Association of Foundation. Spoke to work being done to attract funding for a new athletics field. Thanked the faculty that invited him to attend some legislative meetings with elected officials in January as the opportunity for an administrator to attend with faculty was highly beneficial. Spoke to upcoming local town hall meetings and the attempt to provide Highline representation at those meetings. 



President’s remarks

Dr. Mosby congratulated UMOJA on their recent award. He also recognized Dean Jimenez for her presentation at the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions. Noted that Highline is in conversation about the efforts needed to become a Hispanic Serving Institution.

Unscheduled business


New business



General Session was adjourned: 11:57 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from March 16, 2023, were approved and signed into record by Chair Bowman and President John R. Mosby on April 13, 2023

Mission Statement: As a South King County college striving for social justice, Highline College partners with global students as they envision, plan and achieve their educational and professional goals..