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Feb. 21, 2019: Student Services

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Feb. 21, 2019: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Enrollment Services

Records staff created a new process wherein all incoming transcripts are uploaded into the online Advising Tool. Faculty and staff will be able to review a student’s unofficial transcripts to assist with advising, until an official transcript evaluation is complete. In addition, a new online method for requesting a transcript evaluation has been added to the Registration & Records website.

Advising & High School Programs

Associate Dean Jennifer Scanlon spent a week in Olympia as Highline’s representative to the Washington Executive Leadership Academy (WELA). Her schedule included attended the New Trustee Orientation, ACT Trustee Meeting and Transforming Lives Dinner, the WACTC Presidents meeting, and learning about SBCTC’s emphases and priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

The Transfer Center sponsored a Personal Statement workshop to provide students with valuable tips on how to write an effective baccalaureate application essay. Academic advisors also collaborated with Nursing faculty and Admissions staff to offer the quarterly Nursing Information Session to prospective and current students interested in pursuing a career in Nursing.

Running Start advisors visited Mount Rainer High School on the evening of January 24, where they presented to approximately 150 high school students, family members and staff. Visits to high schools and monthly campus information sessions will continue February through May in preparation for fall and summer registration.

Center for Leadership/Multicultural Affairs

On January 29, Garvaundo Hamilton joined CLS staff as the International Engagement Leadership Advisor providing direct support for extra-curricular experiences and leadership development for all international students. This newly aligned position within CLS is responsible for supporting a sense of belonging, assisting with campus navigation, and maximizing the college experience through leadership development and academic excellence for international students.

CLS hosted the first annual International Student Forum on January 30. Approximately 35 students and 12 administrators were in attendance. Students shared their experience transitioning to Highline College, asked questions, and discussed challenges and opportunities as an international student.

TRiO Student Success & Retention

TRiO alumna and previous student commencement speaker Renee Jones was recently chosen by the Council for Opportunity in Education to attend a National Policy Seminar in Washington DC, where she will speak with members of congress about the impact TRiO made in her life. As a survivor of domestic violence and formerly homeless, Renee persevered and graduated from Highline in 2012. She transferred to UW Seattle and later earned her bachelor’s and master’s degree in Social Work. Renee currently works at the King County Office of Public Defense.

Report submitted by Interim Vice President Sy Ear, Ed.D.