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Feb. 20, 2020: Student Services

2020-02-13T17:47:31+00:00 Print Page

Feb. 20, 2020: Student Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

The division of Student Services operates on 3 Core Functions: Access, Supporting Student Success, and Engagement with a focus on equity.

The goals of student services for the 2019-2021:
Goal 1: Increase Access and Enrollment (Getting students on a Path – Entry & Onboarding)
Goal 2: Increase progression and completion (Keeping Students on a Path – Retention & Completion)
Goal 3: Design and implement a holistic Advising Model that supports students from entry to completion (Pathways Advising)
Goal 4: Professional Development

Student access, retention, and success

  • The Center (CLS & CCIE) collaborated with the Community Pantry to build a new partnership with the Emergency Feeding Program (EFP). EFP was selected by Amazon to receive organic foods and among the extensive list of partners they serve and we are the first College partner to now receive a weekly bulk donations of organic produce, dairy, meats, and breads.
  • Campus View is at the beginning stages of building a Housing & Residence Life Program. The Housing Advisory Committee convened for the first phase of developing a 3-year strategic plan to support a holistic and robust living and learning environment that centers sense of belonging, safety, student engagement and student success.
  • Friday Financial Aid workshops offered Fridays to assist students in the completion of their FAFSA/WAFSA and Highline Financial Aid forms and processes. Average attendance is 40. Evaluations are being conducted.
  • Financial Aid staff can now meet with students individually in their office for increased confidentiality and support. (Prior to May 2019, students only met with staff at the Financial Aid front counter).
  • Through cross-campus collaboration and partnership with King County Housing Authority, implementation of the WISH (While in School Housing) program started Winter quarter 2020 that will provide 40 houseless students $10,000 worth in housing vouchers. As of Feb 6, 2020, 76 students have applied for the program.
  • Mariela Barriga, Program Manager for WES has connected with a new partner for the Highline Community Pantry: Emergency Food Program. (fresh produce; raw chicken; eggs; dairy products; yogurt)
  • Over 170 students attended Pathway Advising events held on February 4th, 5th and 6th to prepare students for Spring 2020 registration. Faculty and staff advisors were available for this event which was a collaboration sponsored by the Advising Center, Running Start and Academic Affairs.
  • The Running Start advisors were invited by Math and Science faculty to collaboratively provide in class advising to students.
  • Registration for priority student groups (International Student Programs, TRIO, Veterans and VA-funded, and Worker Retraining) opened February 6th. Registration for currently enrolled students opened February 10th through the 13th based on credits earned. Transitional Education students are now assigned registration access times with currently enrolled students prior to open enrollment.
  • The Running Start Office has been engaged in providing information sessions to prospective students and parents both on campus, and in high schools with approximately 500 students and parents in attendance thus far. Running Start eligibility is expanding to allow more options for students to demonstrate readiness for college-level classes through English 101 placement options.

Student Engagement:

  • The S&A Committee Chair Grayce Ross, opened the 2020.2021 S&A budget cycle with the student led committee encouraging an approach to this year’s review framed within the context of the continued escalation of minimum wage and per diem rates, and in an environment of declining enrollment and revenue. Committee Chair Ross requested the committee analyze budget proposals for sustainability and consider key questions such as: Is an equitable and student-centered use of funds? Is this allowed as outlined within our ASHC Financial Code under fund usage? This direction is a continued follow-up to the concern expressed during the approval of the 2019.2020 S&A budget last spring by a couple of Board of Trustee members over the continued sustainability of growth within the 522-index. The Highline Student Union mortgage/bond will be satisfied within four years; eliminating the annually encumbered $300,000.00 payment currently allocated directly from S&A. Additionally, during annual training of budget managers this concern was discussed with recommendations for programs to consider partnering with other campus partners in an effort to eliminate overlapping of offerings, improve additional access for students and streamline program efficiencies to decrease operational costs.
  • CLS held welcoming events for new and continuing students at the start of winter quarter as a continuation of Thunder Week from Fall quarter.
  • CCIE celebrated a successful Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week (MLK Week). This signature programming series offers educational events, programs, and activities geared toward examining and celebrating the life, legacy and timeless radical teachings of Rev. Dr. King, Jr. This year 8 programs were sponsored by Center for Cultural & Inclusive Excellence, Center for Leadership & Service, Learning and Teaching Center, AANAPISI, Academic Affairs, Youth Re Engagement and Success Program and Central Washington University. CCIE would like to extend gratitude to the 2020 MLK Week Committee: Dr. Darryl Brice, Jodi White, Aaron Modica, Edwina Fui, Betty Vera, Geomarc Panelo, Amy Bergstrom, Paul Lupe, Syrenin Sam, Donna Enguerra Simpson, Mishel Kuch (Central Washington), Malaelupe Samifua, Rashmi Koushik and Doris Martinez (Chair)

Staff Professional Development:

  • Dean, Jennifer Scanlon and Director of Enrollment Services, Quynh Mihara attended the Admissions and Registration Council (ARC) meeting in Spokane January 22 – 24. Topics included ctcLink, and health and wellness.
  • Sarah Trimm, Program Manager for Student Success and Advising attended the Advising and Counseling (ACC) Council meeting at Lake Washington Institute of Technology January 23-24.
  • Veterans Services Specialist, Kendall Evans attended the 2020 NASPA Symposium on Military Connected Students in Seattle February 2 – 4th where the focus was on evidence-based practices to support military-connected students.

Staffing Updates:

  • Campus View Assistant Director, Donna Hakimian began her new role on January 2, 2020. She will lead the development and implementation of a holistic Residence Life Programming Model and provide supervision and leadership for the 4 Resident Assistant student leadership positions.


  • Winter sports are going well. Both Men’s and Women’s Basketball are in the playoff hunt and are performing at a high level. Men’s Wrestling has ended their regular season and are gearing up for the Regional Tournament in Coos By and the NJCAA Finals in Council Bluff Iowa. First year coach Chad Beatty has done an amazing job with the team and the future is bright for the wrestling team. February marks the yearly NWAC In Service conference held in Vancouver, WA. And Spring sports have begun preparing for the beginning of their season which kicks off in March. Go T-Birds!

Report submitted by Interim Vice President Sy Ear, Ed.D. on Feb. 13, 2020