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Feb. 11, 2021: Meeting Minutes

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Feb. 11, 2021: Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting


Virtual Zoom meeting: 8:00 a.m.


Board of Trustees: Chair Sili Savusa, Vice Chair Sharmila Swenson, Joe Bowman, Fred Mendoza, Dan Altmayer

Executive Cabinet: Josh Gerstman, Summer Korst, Emily Lardner, John Mosby, Michael Pham, Aaron Reader, Danielle Slota, Tim Wrye present.

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present.


Study Session call to order: 8:05 a.m.

Discussion Topics

Recap of the National Legislative Summit (NLS), President Mosby and VP Josh Gerstman

One more opportunity to participate with Senator Patty Murray next week, VP Gerstman

Excited about the policy and goals that we presented and the support shown by administration, Trustee Mendoza

Future NLS will offer a hybrid model to increase access.  Kudos to HC for being in front of offering tech access to our community as this was a bigger challenge for many institutions, Trustee Altmayer

Excited for First Lady Biden’s leadership, impressed by the student voices, Trustee Swenson

Intrigued that the majority of community colleges mentioned being 50%+ BIPOC students.  Appreciated the learning moment as a first time attendee, Trustee Bowman

API caucus raised issue that the Native American community should have their own caucus.  Appreciated the direct access to Senator Jayapral’s office.  Took the opportunity to lift up the work being done at HC and discussed free tuition for community college and the reauthorization of AANAPISI, Trustee Savusa

Felt that the conversation was hopeful and responses were honest.  Appreciated the opportunity to hear trustees from other institutions speak due to the virtual environment.  Appreciates hearing that future summits will offer a hybrid approach, President Mosby.

Second Quarter Financial Report, VP Michael Pham

Tuition collection target this year was reduced.  Confident we will meet the reduced target.

Continuing to monitor the budget closely. Will come back with a revised budget in April to outline changes reflecting the increased state allocation.  Do not currently expect that we will need to request access to the BoT reserves as we previously thought.  The state allocation increased this year and the previous concerns around a 15% cut from the Governor’s Office appear to be gone leaving us in a slightly better position than we initially thought.

Budget planning updates – early in the process.  The calendar has been updated moving the fee schedule to the April meeting (earlier in the year than previously done) to align with the May, fall registration, schedule.  Request for BoT support of this move.  Request to move the BoT review of the Preliminary Budget Proposal from September to July to advance preparations for the academic year.  BoT supports and appreciates moving the timeline to earlier in the year.

Tenure Recommendations, VP Emily Lardner

Executive Session

Pertaining to the performance of public employees

The Board, as and when deemed necessary, may call an Executive Session for appropriate purposes under the Open Meetings Act.

  • Trustees moved to Executive Session at 9:16 a.m.
  • Executive Session concluded at 9:56 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 9:58 a.m.


Board of Trustees General Session


Virtual Zoom meeting: 10 a.m.

General Session Minutes

Roll Call

Board of Trustees: Chair Sili Savusa, Vice Chair Sharmila Swenson, Fred Mendoza, Joe Bowman, Dan Altmayer present

Executive Cabinet: Danielle Slota, Josh Gerstman, Aaron Reader, Emily Lardner, John R. Mosby, Michael Pham, Summer Korst, Tim Wrye present

Bruce Marvin (AAG) present

General Session called to order at 10:01 a.m.

Approval of minutes

Approve minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of January 14, 2021

Trustee Mendoza moved to approve the minutes from January 14, 2021.  Trustee Altmayer seconded the motion.  Potion passed unanimously.

Opportunity for public comment

  • Student Patty Wells, originally signed up for one course during the pandemic and due to the support and dedication of the english department, she is now enrolled full-time and planning to complete a degree from Highline College.
  • Student MJ Mencia Villafranca, spoke to the burnout and grief that exists among students during the pandemic.  Spoke to a classism division that exists on campus between students, faculty, and staff. 

Standing reports

  • Associated Students of Highline College: Jarmaine Santos
    • Virtual Legislative Breakfast, March 10th at 8 a.m.
    • Budget Committee
  • Washington Public Employees Association: Tessa Bowen
    • Approaching the end of bargaining
    • Winter quarter member meeting next week followed by a Q&A forum the following week with Dr. Mosby
    • ctcLink going well
  • Highline College Education Association: James Peyton
    • Recognized students, faculty, and staff for their continued resilience in the current environment.  
    • Professional and technical program coordinators currently working on program mapping.  
    • Faculty have been active at the state level.  Nicole Hoyes Wilson continues to testify at legislative committee hearings.
    • Math faculty continue to work on co-requisite courses that combine prerequisite and college level courses.
  • Faculty Senate: Sam Alkhalili
    • Currently discussing the potential models for return to campus, budgeting, Guided Pathways, adding amendments to the Senate Constitution, officer transition training.
  • Highline College Foundation: Susan Landgraf, Secretary
    • Virtual gala underway.  Recognized the planning committee for their dedication

Action items

  • Action Item a. pertaining to tenure recommendations

Trustee Swenson moved THAT

Probation be continued for the following first-year probationers:

  • Abdulzahra, Heba – Engineering
  • Avella-Castro, Doug – Sociology
  • Cacho, Diana – Health Occupations
  • Capestany, Fred – Human Services
  • Kong, Emma – Computer Information Systems/Computer Science
  • Kwon, Patrick – Mathematics
  • Magallanes, Joshua – Counseling
  • Martin, Robin – English Language, Career & Academic Prep
  • Pizarro, John – Education
  • Steadman, Angel – English Language, Career & Academic Prep
  • Whittington, Carla – Geology

THAT Probation be continued for the following second-year probationers:

  • Hilton, Tammi – Art & Design
  • Malingson, Faye – Nursing
  • Twork, Monica – Reference Librarian

THAT Tenure be granted to the following third-year probationers:

  • Cho, Yay-Hyung – Psychology
  • Covington, Samora – Psychology
  • Dhanji, Aleya – Physics
  • Filler, Nikki – Ethnic Studies
  • Heckler, Jennifer – Honors
  • Hillman, Rhiannon – English
  • Moehlig, Aaron – Chemistry
  • Page, Shelly – Accounting
  • Taillon, Justin – Hospitality & Tourism
  • Voso, Lisa – Communication Studies
  • Wugalter, Lauren – Chemistry

Trustee Mendoza seconded the motion.  Potion passed unanimously.

Area reports

  • Administrative Services: VP Michael Pham
    • Expressed gratitude to Tim Wrye and all involved in the roll-out of ctcLink.
    • Recognized the finance team who were successful to responding to audits during the ctcLink launch.
    • Written report submitted.
  • Academic Affairs: VP Emily Lardner
    • Encouraged folks to read the academic affairs newsletter
    • Acknowledged those individuals who received tenure
    • Written report submitted.
  • Student Services: VP Aaron Reader
    • Acknowledged the Student Services SMEs for the launch of ctcLink
    • Encouraged people to read the student services blog
    • Celebrated Black History Month and the significance
    • Written report submitted.
  • Institutional Advancement: VP Josh Gerstman
    • Recognized Raechel Dawson, Kari Cantey, and Delta Dog for their dedication to ctcLink as well as all of the members on his team that were each involved.
    • Recognized Shakira Ericksen for her work with the ACCT Virtual National Legislative Summit.
    • Recognized Aleyda Cervantes and the La Conferencia committee for their work on the upcoming conference.
    • Written report submitted.

President’s remarks

  • Recognized Black History Month and noted that black history should not be recognized and celebrated only 28 days a month but rather 365 days per year
  • Noted the tremendous amount of programming at HC throughout the Black History Month
  • Celebrated a successful (virtual) Coffee with the President in early February
  • Arcturus and the OTP will be hosting a joint (virtual) coffee hour later this month
  • President’s Spotlight Series launches March 11th at 2:30 p.m.  Details to come!
  • Congratulated tenure granted faculty on their life changing moment
  • Written report submitted.

Unscheduled business

  • ctcLink: Tim Wrye

Final validation on Sunday, February 7th went extremely well

Campus went LIVE on Monday, February 8th and employees are activating their accounts in the system

  • First payroll period to be processed in ctcLink next week!
  • Directed people to read the ctcLink project blog 
  • Recognized ctcLink Project Team:

Tim Wrye, ITS Executive Director and CIO; ctcLink Project Executive Sponsor

Pat Daniels, ctcLink Project Manager and Organizational Change Manager

Shaden Attili, ctcLink Project Coordinator

Rosemary Darrough, ctcLink Business Systems Analyst

Jill Hammitt, ctcLink Business Systems Analyst

Cathy Cartwright, Administration Representative

Raegan Copeland, Academic Affairs Representative

Gretchen Erhart, Human Resources Representative

Loyal Allen Jr., Student Services Representative

Jennifer Scanlon, Student Services Representative

General Session was adjourned at 11:07 a.m.

Minutes Signed and Approved

The meeting minutes from February 11, 2021, were approved and signed into record by Chair Sili Savusa and President John R. Mosby on April 08, 2021.

Mission Statement: As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning, and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.