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Feb. 11, 2021: Administrative Services

Home/Area Reports, Division: Administrative Services, Meeting 02-11-21/Feb. 11, 2021: Administrative Services
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Feb. 11, 2021: Administrative Services

Area Report for Board of Trustees

Vice President for Administration

  • Given the continuing uncertainty of the state of our budget, we have begun preparing for budget planning at the college. 
  • The Budget Advisory Council held our first all-campus forum on January 26th to discuss the role of the Council in the budget planning process.  Over 200 faculty and staff attended the forum over Zoom.
  • The Fall Quarter Financial Report is being provided to the Board for your review.  
  • Despite the uncertainty of the pandemic, our Global Initiative Leadership team continues to plan for the post-pandemic future.  Our team has held a couple Zoom meetings with the University of Transport from Vietnam to develop virtual program exchanges and articulation agreements.


  • Facilities has a fully stocked inventory to meet campus’s PPE needs for the rest of winter quarter.
  • The Department continues to provide logistical support to instructional and campus operations through responding to Back to School safety programs and state regulations. 
  • Facilities continues to meet milestones with the City of Des Moines and Sound Transit with submittals and project scoping details.  
  • Facilities is working to relocate ACHIEVE/ACCESS out of Building 99 first floor, as part of our long-term plan to vacate the building.
  • Our Maintenance staff have completed bloodborne pathogen training.

Finance & Budget 

  • The state auditors have completed all on-site work on January 29th.  Final audit results are not expected for a couple more weeks.
  • Finance and Budget are both working hard preparing for CTClink Golive on February 8th and will continue to focus on the CTClink transition following the GoLive date. 
  • In an effort to keep up with professional development in the current environment, Cathy Cartwright attended virtual training sessions of National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO).
  • We are in the process of searching for a new Director of Budget & Grant Services.

Report submitted by Vice President Michael Pham on February 01, 2021.